Junior Guinea Pig
I'm going to have to bath my 2 piggies they smell to high heaven as ones a male & the other is a female & they keep weeing at each other. I only let them get together under my supervision ( can't let my son watch over them as he wants them to have babies so he leaves them to their own devices ) I don't want Coco to get pregnant. She's very good at warning him off by spraying in his face but now he seems to be retaliating by peeing at her. Any good advice on how to bath them without stressing them out too much will be much appreciated. The sooner Smudge is 6 months old the better cos that's when the vet said that she would castrate him & he can then be reunited with his sister.
I'm going to have to bath my 2 piggies they smell to high heaven as ones a male & the other is a female & they keep weeing at each other. I only let them get together under my supervision ( can't let my son watch over them as he wants them to have babies so he leaves them to their own devices ) I don't want Coco to get pregnant. She's very good at warning him off by spraying in his face but now he seems to be retaliating by peeing at her. Any good advice on how to bath them without stressing them out too much will be much appreciated. The sooner Smudge is 6 months old the better cos that's when the vet said that she would castrate him & he can then be reunited with his sister.