Bald Spot.

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I am hoping someone can help me with this question... I noticed that Chewy(He's a Himy) had a very slight bald spot on his back, he is eating, pooping and drinking, and has only lost .3 ounces. So there isnt that much difference in his weight.. Any ideas on what the bald spot may be or indicate? It kinda looks like he has chewed at his hair... I appreciate any and all advice. :D
awwwwww Chewy :(
could it be mites love ? can you see if he has scaly skin or anything else in his fur ? If it's mites you'll need to start him on a treatment plan.
Healing wheeks for the cute little one :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Could be fungal or mites. You might want to take him to the vet to get their opinion, although many vets can't tell the difference between fungal & mites! Vet might want to treat for both. I've got a pig who I'm treating for both at the mo. She has ivomec injections for mites, although it's better to have it applied topically, and she has a lotion from gorgeous guineas for fungal :)
There are no scaly patches or anything like that... It's just bald... Weird I know, but he loves to be different my little cuddler man..
If the bald patch gets bigger, probably mites. Mine just got over them.
I would treat piggie for mites and lice first with ivomec, drop on is better than injecting as that can stress piggies out, if in 2 weeks time the hair hasnt started growing back, your little piggie will have to see the vet incase it is something more serious. Hope piggie gets better love sue
Hi One of mine had a bald spot, I gave him a bath in GG shampoo and put the Neem gel on every other day from GG and it has gone and fur has grown back

Julie O0 O0
yes gg sell some great products dont they. I have a box full of different shampoos and conditioners and oils etc, well worth looking if people havnt before. sue
Sue, that is a good idea to have a little stock of different bits...might have to have a little spend up

Good thinking batman

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