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bald in the middle of belly?


New Born Pup
Jan 18, 2025
Reaction score
Hi I was just wondering if guinea pigs are supposed to have a bald line in the middle of their belly? The picture is of my 2 year old sow. Could it be related to fungal infection?
Also her nipples look very flattened, they are sort of stuck to her skin? The picture doesn’t really show it well but they’ve been quite crusty.
Thanks :)


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Hey, has she always been like that, if she is an Abby it could be natural, no sign of cuts or redness on the skin/dandruff?

Cursty nipples could be a sign of ovarian cysts but not always, a quick vet check up maybe? ovarian cysts can lead to balding usually on the flanks
Hey, has she always been like that, if she is an Abby it could be natural, no sign of cuts or redness on the skin/dandruff?

Cursty nipples could be a sign of ovarian cysts but not always, a quick vet check up maybe? ovarian cysts can lead to balding usually on the flanks
I'm not sure if she’s always been like it, most likely? but yeah she is an Abyssinian. I am keeping an eye on her to check out for other symptoms in case of ovarian cysts, but luckily no hair loss on her flanks.
thanks for your help :)