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Back to the vets!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I'm taking Cuzzy back the vets tomorrow, I'm really not happy with him. He has Eccles now a bigger cage and is still unhappy. I noticed a few wisps of hair falling out too, which could be normal but then could be stress with him. He is walking a little funny as well, I am wondering if he has injured his back legs in some way? When he was in his cage he could have done that by jumping of his igloo.

Or maybe all this is just physcological? He is eating leafy greens and green pepper, will munch on hay and museli but he just looks hutched up. If he was seriously ill he wouldn't eat so I'm thinking either he has injured his back leg(s) or is still depressed!

My appointment is at 3:50 tomorrow so will keep you all posted. Any ideas on what could be wrong with him?

Or Louise poor little Cuzzy still not well. Not had mine long as you know so no expert but i have read when they are off the back legs it can be they are low in Vitamin C. Thats how Murphy got when he was ill, i had to give him Vit C supplement in a syringe. As quick as he went down he came back up once i gave him Vit C now he is hypo and causing chaos everywhere chewing etc if he was a human he would be getting an ASBO lol. Wouldnt swop him for the world though. :smitten: :smitten:

Sending lots of love to you and Cuzzy :smitten:
Sounds like he could be dehydrated, get as many fluids into him as you can! I hope the vets can give you some answers hun. Good luck! :smitten: O0
Thanks! I'll syringe him some water. It could be Vit C too as he hasn't been taking it in veg.

Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Okies, having read loads on Scurvy in the past couple of hours I'm thinking he has that, he has all the symptoms of it. With him not eating with the URI and ear infection his levels obviously went down.

He munches on Museli a little with Eccles but shall I give him some pellets as well to see if he will eat them? I don't have vit c drops or tablets in right now or I could try him with vit c food. If this is the case and I strongly believe it is because he is eating somewhat and foraging then should he be given an injection of Vit C or giving it orally? I have read that giving it orally obsorbs better.


My vet told me to get some vit c drops and syringe feed it. I know that they can have an injection so i suggested this to the vet and he said to syringe feed him. He loved it couldnt get enough of the stuff. :)
Great, thanks Lindsay and Mary. My other pigs haven't got this as they have been eating everything but Cuzzy has select fed for 2 weeks and has been off the pellets!

I'll stop at boots and get some vit drops it won't hurt to give it even if that isn't the problem. I'm no vet but can't see it being anything else. Poor little thing, he is very unsteady on his feet, almost hoping!
Aww sounds like Murphy got back to normal very quickly. You'll have to post some pics up when you can! So I take it he is staying with you now? So much for fostering! <ggg> :D
Get back to normal soon Cuzzy and eat your greens O0 :smitten: :smitten:
Aw get well soon Cuzzy, Ralfie loved Orange flavoured suplements from asda :) half a 60mg tablet into the back of the mouth and they chew themselves, dont mind them :)
awwww Cuzzy :'( :'( :'(
Sending heaps of cyber piggie brrrrrrrr's from Duke and lots and lots of kisses from me to help him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
Aww sounds like Murphy got back to normal very quickly. You'll have to post some pics up when you can! So I take it he is staying with you now? So much for fostering! <ggg> :D

Yeah lol he is staying got so close to him with having to hand feed him and nurse him back to full health. He is still living inside with us he is so tame wouldnt be fair on him to move again to someone who possible would spoil him like we do!. Could not bare anyone to take him. His op is Monday then he is getting his girlfriend that he has already chosen off the internet. Grahams little Cloe she is his internet bride to be in a few weeks time!:smitten: :smitten:
Sadly Cuzzy has done his final run to the bridge. I found him this morning in all his hay. :'(
louise,I'm so sorry....I don't know what to say :'( No-one could have cared for a piggy better than you did or loved him as much.
Take care hun and big big huggles and kisses to you and all your family
sammy xx

Sweet Dreams Cuzzy 0:)
Oh no Louise I am so so sorry I know how much you cared for that little piggy, I cannot believe how quickly these things can happen. Just dont know what to say other than that you will be in my thoughts all day you must be devasted .....
I am so sorry Louis, Take care of yourself hun, Big hugs sent your way
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Hugs to you !

RIP cuzzy you will be missed :'(
OMG I am in shock, I am so sorry Louise, I know how much Cuzzy meant to you.

Sweet dreams darling boy, your mummy loved you so much 0:) :'( :'(
Thanks all,

Sorry I couldn't say much this morning I was trying to shelter Emily from looking in the pen, she doesn't know as yet what has happened.

Last night I fed Cuzzy some critical care he woofed it down and had some lettuce and pellets, I gave him some carrot strips but he didn't want them.

Woke at 6:45 to find him huddled in a hay box I had made for him and Eccles to play in and he was going to the bridge then. His breathing was heavy and his paws where running, he was very calm and peaceful. Peter put him in a travel box and put him in the piggy room and we checked on him now and again. He was still running when we went to take Emily to school at 8:25. The funny thing was before that Sunshine and Twinkle were tweeting like birds when Cuzzy was in the Piggy room, it is like they knew. I know tweeting is very rare and we don't know why they do it but maybe they sensed something was very wrong with Cuzzy.

When we came home at 9:05 Peter checked Cuzzy while I rung the vet to cancel today's appointment and Cuzzy had passed over to the bridge, he was still warm but was in a forever, peaceful sleep. I asked the receptionist if they could cremate him and she said they could. So we gave Cuzzy a last stroke and took him up to the vets.

I spoke to Nick (Cuzzy's vet) and told him my concerns about Vitamin C, I told him his diet over the past two weeks and he said it sounded like he had something else wrong with him, perhaps a condition he was born with. In other words he believed Cuzzy was eating enough Vitamin C.

My first thought this morning was could I have done more? I just thought he was depressed which is why I got Eccles. I thought he was recovering slowly. The vet couldn't really find much wrong with him when he went the first time with him except for a high temperature and although he did have an ear infection perhaps he did have some condition that we didn't know about.

So now I have Eccles and my mum who was devestated over Cuzzy (she doesn't like animals, which goes to show the impact he had on us all) and I will ring the vets where I got Eccles from and see if they still have his brother. I hope so would be nice to pair them up. Mum said don't get another, but none of this is Eccles fault and I don't want him being lonely.

I'm feeling ok, now and again something will set me off like seeing his cuddle cup that I just washed or his bowl with cc in that I gave last night. I'll be alright, I've been through this with Monty and Joey my budgie but you know I think Cuzzy is at peace now and for that I'm thankful.

Thanks for all your lovely messages and support.

Poor little Cuzzy I'm stunned into silence cant believe it. Thoughts are with you all Louise. Hope little Eccles can be paired up with his Brother.

Love Lindsay x
Thanks Lindsay,

Just fed the rest of the herd and they are all munching, even Eccles who looks a little lost in a 3x3 C&C bless him. Fleur was nice to me this morning, normally she teeth chatters at me for daring to feed the boys first but she was so calm, I sense they know something has gone on.

Well get nowhere mopping about I guess, got to do housework and change the cages. Will put Eccles in a Nero 3 he is so diddy he will be fine in that with a baby cage mate the same size.

Mum said but if you get another it will die one day...she is a headcase my ma! Of course, all of them will but doesn't mean to say because of lost one the little one has to suffer.

Thanks for thinking of us lot. :)
Lots of love to you all and little Emily, she will be very sad but children are amazingly resiliant :smitten: :smitten:
Yep Fiona they are more so then us. I'm going to let some balloons go in the garden later with her, I think that will give her some closure seeing as we didn't have a burial.
I am so sorry to hear about Cuzzy. :'( :'( :'(
Everyone was rooting for him, I hope the kids are ok, when you tell them. A pet death is hard.
((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))) to you all.
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
Thanks all,

Sorry I couldn't say much this morning I was trying to shelter Emily from looking in the pen, she doesn't know as yet what has happened.

Last night I fed Cuzzy some critical care he woofed it down and had some lettuce and pellets, I gave him some carrot strips but he didn't want them.

Woke at 6:45 to find him huddled in a hay box I had made for him and Eccles to play in and he was going to the bridge then. His breathing was heavy and his paws where running, he was very calm and peaceful. Peter put him in a travel box and put him in the piggy room and we checked on him now and again. He was still running when we went to take Emily to school at 8:25. The funny thing was before that Sunshine and Twinkle were tweeting like birds when Cuzzy was in the Piggy room, it is like they knew. I know tweeting is very rare and we don't know why they do it but maybe they sensed something was very wrong with Cuzzy.

When we came home at 9:05 Peter checked Cuzzy while I rung the vet to cancel today's appointment and Cuzzy had passed over to the bridge, he was still warm but was in a forever, peaceful sleep. I asked the receptionist if they could cremate him and she said they could. So we gave Cuzzy a last stroke and took him up to the vets.

I spoke to Nick (Cuzzy's vet) and told him my concerns about Vitamin C, I told him his diet over the past two weeks and he said it sounded like he had something else wrong with him, perhaps a condition he was born with. In other words he believed Cuzzy was eating enough Vitamin C.

My first thought this morning was could I have done more? I just thought he was depressed which is why I got Eccles. I thought he was recovering slowly. The vet couldn't really find much wrong with him when he went the first time with him except for a high temperature and although he did have an ear infection perhaps he did have some condition that we didn't know about.

So now I have Eccles and my mum who was devestated over Cuzzy (she doesn't like animals, which goes to show the impact he had on us all) and I will ring the vets where I got Eccles from and see if they still have his brother. I hope so would be nice to pair them up. Mum said don't get another, but none of this is Eccles fault and I don't want him being lonely.

I'm feeling ok, now and again something will set me off like seeing his cuddle cup that I just washed or his bowl with cc in that I gave last night. I'll be alright, I've been through this with Monty and Joey my budgie but you know I think Cuzzy is at peace now and for that I'm thankful.

Thanks for all your lovely messages and support.


Oh Louise I am so sorry for your loss :'( R.I.P. Cuzzy 0:) At lease he is no longer in pain or suffering.

I think the others were singing him a farewell song - they do sense when one of their own is going on the journey and you are privileged to hear it, as you say it is rare.

It would be grand if you could get Eccles' brother for him - like you say it was not his fault. Good luck love :smitten:
Thanks Ann and BlackJack. :)

I like the idea of a farewell song, goes to show Mr Twinkle isn't all bad just a devil in sheeps clothing! Bless him!

I've just posted about getting a pal for Eccles, was in two minds, emotionally I'm not ready at all for another pig. It seems wrong to just replace Cuzzy but for Eccles' welfare I'll probably be getting him brother after school time if he is still available. :)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :'( :'( ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) Thinking of you hunny, hope you are feeling a bit better...

You did everything you could have done, now just concentrate on your other piggers, you all need eachother, they've lost a friend too :(

Its always hard when a piggy passes, but think of all the lovely times, and cute things he used to do...

RIP Cuzzy, say hello to our Harry :smitten: :smitten: 0:)
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