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Average vet nail cutting cost ?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon.
Hello, i've got some foster piggies at the minuet and due to mis treatment there nails are in pretty bad shape, curled under among other things so getting them cut, just want to know how much you get charged for this so i can gain an average so i know (:

My vet charges nearly £10 each! no extra frills included
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My vet charges about £6.50 per pig. However, they get a health check in with that as well and depending how many nails are cut, I very rarely get charged the full £26 (four pigs)
My daughter holds a piggy - I snip the nails - £3.95 claw clipper on ebay - as all my pigs nails grow at a rate of knotts - have also been known to sneakily snip their nails when they are on my lap showing a chicken leg and watching the telly:))
I would cut my pigs nails, but they are still very skittish, and i did try but one snip and they freaked out, so i stopped as i just didn't feel comfortable enough,

They're nails are really bad though, very dirty after months of living in there own muck, they also need a general vet check due to an eye problem on one of them,
Expensive vet trip ahead me thinks.
We charge £9.50 and we're expensive. The vet I take my dog to charges £7.50.

Make sure you ask for a nurse appointment rather than a vet!
My vet charged me £13 for the 2 girls and she also has a quick check of them and they also get weighed so she can keep check aswell. I always take mine to the same vet, she's lovely and it helps them to get to know each other aswell.
Maybe there is another member of TGPF that can help you trim your piggies nails?

I trim all mine by myself, they all have different handling needs, but i manage.
I'd cut my other boys, Bentley, Chester and Marmite, as i've had them longer, but i need to get Eddie and Ollie checked anyways, there seems to be some like dried poo or something on there nail that i can't get off, not sure if theres some sort of infection on the nail, thanks for all the replies though (:
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