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Anyone who has used Baytril

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Did it give your piggies diarhea? My lenny, well, I thought he was getting better from his upper respiratory infection, but today he has had diarhea very bad and it was everywhere....even on my other ones feet! My chester (the well one) hasn't had any problems. I got him from PetSmart where the vets examine them before selling. The white one that is sick, I got him from this small local shop that just opened a few weeks ago. I think I bought him sick. He has had a rough first 2 weeks here at home. I have them seperated now because I don't want my healthy one to get sick. I called the Vet again and she wanted me to take him off the Baytril to see if it clears up. :-\
None of my piggys have ever had baytril however, it did cause my rabbit to have a bit of a tummy upset when he was prescribed it a while ago. I guess, like us, all piggys are different and some will not react well to medication.

Did you vet prescirbe any probotics as well as the baytril?

Welcome to the forum by the way :)
It does tend to happen. Thats why its important to give probiotics when they are on a course of antibiotics. A few of mine have taken baytril and have been fine as long as they have had probiotics. My rabbit was even on baytril for over 6 months and as long as I made sure he had probiotics he tolerated it ok. Has the diarrhea stopped now?
Thanks to both, but what is probiotics? The vet here never said anything like using something else as well :-\ Now I will feel like its my fault....I had to bathe my other one to get the poop off of him from the other one pooping in their snuggle spot. They are seperated right now and yes he still has diarhea as of now.
It is not your fault - the vet, ideally, would have given you some when you were given the baytril. I never realised when I had baytril for my rabbit and it wasn't until I went back to the vet and I got him some probotics that it cleared up.

Piggys and rabbits have sensitive stomachs - antibiotics upset their natural gut flora (the bacteria that live their naturally) which is why antibiotics can cause problems. Probotics help to correct the balance. I would speak to your vet again.
Rabbits and guinea pigs rely, to a large part, on the normal bacteria in their digestive system for the digestion of their food. Antibiotics kill of this bacteria which can cause them to have diarrhea. Probiotics top up the good bacteria in their gut and stop this happening.

You should be able to get probiotics from your vet. I used to buy it in sachets (Bio Lapis) but now have a big tub of it (Avipro Plus). The vet I used to go to never gave probiotics when antibiotics were prescribed and I had to ask for some. I have since found a much better vet. I think you can also buy probiotics from Pets at Home. Just keep an eye on Lenny as piggies can very quickly become dehydrated with diarrhea. Is he still eating and drinking?
Are probotics something that you can only get from the vet? Is it a pill?
Its a powder....u can either mix it with water and syringe it in or sprinkle it on their food. I have seen tubs of it in Pets at Home and your vet should have some in stock too. Its not your fault, your vet really should have suggested you give it, but like I said mine never did! Some vets seem much more clued up on rabbits and piggies than others! I am so glad I have found a good one at last! They seem few and far between unfortunately!
Thanks for that info. I just called Lenny's vet back to see if I can get some for him. I feel sorry for the poor fellow. I want him to be happy and run around like my Chester does.

I was also wondering why both of my piggies ears stick up! They look more like rats, LOL. Everyone's piggies I have seen don't do that...maybe it takes time. :-\
guinea_girl said:
I was also wondering why both of my piggies ears stick up! They look more like rats, LOL. Everyone's piggies I have seen don't do that...maybe it takes time. :-\

They sound really sweet! :D My piggy Demon has ears that stick up! I used to think she looked more like a little rat too! LOL
Thanks! I will let you know in a bit as soon as the vet calls me if I can get that stuff from them! I had to go way up the highway to take him to the vet because there were no vets here (and there are many vets) who would see guinea pigs. I had never had to take one to the vet before. I know I will never buy another from a shop like the one I did. I like Petsmart because they have vets look over them before even putting them out there. Chester is healthy as can be and very playful. Lenny is more of a sweet type. He is very friendly, likes to be held, etc., but spends lots of time in the corner or by himself in the hiding spot. It breaks my heart. I think Chester will get big! They were the same size when I bought them 2 days apart and Chester is already a little bigger than Lenny. They are sweet though! I love them! :smitten:
It appeared to be one pill cut up into fourths. He got an injection the day I was there with him, then I was supposed to start the pills the next morning. I was told one-quarter of the pill once daily. 1 pill lasts 4 days. He had a total of 2 pills, which was cut into 8. All of them are supposed to be once a day.
Thanks for all your help! ;)

Still waiting on that call. I am hoping she will call soon! I want Lenny to be better! :'(
Hi and Welcome :)

I too have only ever had Baytril in liquid form. As we don't have probiotics in powder form here in OZ i gave our boys yoghurt, but it has to be natural no flavourings and the most natural brand you can find. We have a drink here for people with tummy problems and it's called Yakult it is also wonderful i've not used it but i know of a girl who has and she's our vets assistant.

Good luck, poor little Lenny we hope you get better quickly. :-*
Yogurt? Havent tried that. I remember the vet mentioning to give the pill with applesauce or something that he likes, will applesauce help? I have some of that here, but I don't have any yogurt.
No the yoghurt is to balance the acidity of the baytril which mucks up the balance in their tummies.
To give him the baytril i would grind it up and put it with the applesauce, but then he needs a little yoghurt syringed in to help.
I do hope this makes sense good luck :-*
I've only had Baytil as a liquid, but have also had some brilliant antibios that were tablets I had to dissolve in ribena - wish i could remember what they were, worked a treat.

Yoghurt can be used as a probiotic, though Angel-Doctor would always spit it out :) Usually over me ::)

I do hope Lenny feels better soon.
Great! If they can't get me that powder stuff tomorrow, I will get him some yogurt. Any special brand or kind, etc.? I know that "natural" was mentioned earlier, but I am not a yogurt fan, so I don't know which is what... ;D
Gosh i don't remember which one i bought. Look at the labels, have patience, and make sure it's not too high in sugars. I didn't use anything flavoured either remember that to. Perhaps if you've got a health store near you they might help you.
Thanks Will Do! I will let you guys know what happens tomorrow!

This place is really great and helpful! You may even be saving my Lenny's Life! Thanks! ;)
:'( I just got through checking on Lenny again and I had both of them in my arms and Lenny's belly is VERY bloated. It is sticking out and hard while Chesters is soft like normal. I hope nothing happens to him before I can get him that stuff. He is such a sweet piggie. :'(
Sweety you need to get to the vets asap. I don't want to make you worry but i would be very concerned. Please let us know what happens.
Good luck little Lenny :smitten:
If he is bloated now then he will really need a vet asap.

Please do not give pigs yoghurt. They are herbivores and their digestive systems aren't built to cope with the complex sugars in cows' milk. See http://www.guinealynx.com/nutrition.html for more information on why not to feed dairy. Here you can get acidophilus cultures in pharmacies and health food shops for human beings so perhaps try looking for those instead.
Hi yes i understand what you're saying but here in OZ we can get the acidophilus cultured yoghurt and it's fabulous and recommended but only for a short time of course.
Luckily guinea girl seems to have solved the problem with some help from Kimmie and myself but we've advised her to still get little Lenny looked at by the vets.
You guys have so many more products for the guineas there in the UK, it's not fair that we don't, we are slowly getting the Oxbow products thank goodness and starting to get more timothy hay etc... It's taken years of pushing from what i've heard from our vets O0
my vets now prescribe fiberplex probiotic carrot flavour paste with any baytril given to mine, and it worked wonderfully its in a tube and you squirt a dose in their mouth, I also have avirpro probiotic powder, and noticed while in pets at home yesterday they do indeed sell probiotic powder, but it sounds more serious now and def needs a vets opinion a swollen tummy can kill, good luck let us know whats the verdict
Hi again all! I just got up and looked at Lenny after he woke me up pushing his timothy hay all around and he appears much better this morning. Its not all the way gone, but I am going to get that powder today. After some quick advice and reading some on the guinealynx site, I gave him a tiny bit of simethicone drops and he appears to be doing much better. His belly is still a little swollen, but I didn't find a large amount of diarhea in the cage. The vet never called me back yesterday :-\ so I was a little ticked on that, but I should hear from them today since it s morning. I will let you all know what happens. :)
Baytril is too wide spectrum for respitory problems,Septrim is much better.Baytril and Sptrim are better given in the liquid form because it is easier to get the dose right.The dose rate for both antibiotics is 04 ml,but it is better to give 0.2ml twice a day.Probiotics should always be given with any antibiotic,and Bio-Lapis is very good.If you cannot get this you can give half a ml of plain bio yoghurt per day.As the diarrheoa is profuse,stop the antibiotic anyway,and make sure he eats plenty of hay and dry grass.Cut back on the green veggies un til the diarrheoa eases,then slowly reintroduce the greens.Give him rehydration therapy,this is very important with any diarrheoa,even if it is slight.Make the rehydration satchet up as per instructions,and give little and often through the day.Is the respiritory infection clearing?.As soon as the diarrheoa eases put him back with his mate,.Piggies get very stressed when seperated and this can impede recovery. Mary
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