right then peeps...
who is actually going? so far if i remember correctly there's me,
@Betsy @Merab's Slave @Tim @Gem789 possibly
any idea if you're able to make it yet
@teddymouse &
@TaraS-D ? anyone else able to make it or who fancies coming... the more the merrier

Jacky can work out how big a table to blag at the pub then
also who needs meeting at the station - tim &piggyowner so far, is that right?
Merabs slave & gem789 you're both coming together aren't you?
I'm pants at baking but i do have a tombola/gift/prize

.. oh & my guinea pig mascot - I'm not clever enough to knit or crochet, so he's a shop bought chap - i know the motto is adopt don't shop... but i guess its ok on this occasion
not long to go now...
