Any assistance much appreciated.

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Hello all,

I adopted 2 lovely Guinea's back in March'ish when they were about 8 weeks old. They are brothers, Gizzy & Mo...................we decided on this because they kept making sounds like a cute. They are very fond of each other and have always been very vocal and highly active. They live inside at the moment and usually become most vocal during a crucial moment in that film you have always wanted to see. But, I love them dearly. My problem is that they have gone very quiet. My daughter went away for a week with school and they didn't squeak for their breakfast as usual. I put this down to their missing her. She has been back for over a week now and there is no change. They are lethargic, quiet, Mo..............the hiper one just sits there and lets me pick him up, no running away, no jumping about the cage. He keeps laying down on is side and even does this when he is having a cuddle........he just lays there. He used to try to escape and even managed this once and I spent ages trying to get him from under the sofa. Gizzy seems to only eat if Mo has something in his mouth, he takes it from his mouth. They aren't eating much at all. I take them out of the cage and feed them carrots, curly Kale cabbage and some little treats, just so I know they have eaten but their normal food isn't touched. Even the water is left. They could clear a bottle between them easily in a day. I took them to the vet and she gave them an antibiotic injection and some antibiotic medicine that we have to give them twice a day. We have been doing this but they don't seem to be getting better very quickly. Gizzy has been making more noise but that is only if we take Mo from the cage first..................have been doing this just to hear him squeak. Does anyone have any more ideas I can try to help them? I really couldn't bare to lose them. Thank you. x
I'm afraid I can't really help you much, but if I was you, I'd take them back to the vet and tell them you're not happy or take them to another vet for a second opinion if only to put your mind at rest. My girls fall out with me when we go away for a couple of days, but they're back to their normal behaviour in a matter of days. They're behaviour doesn't sound normal to me. Good luck and keep us posted on them x
Hiya and welcome to the forum! :) Does sound very odd behaviour, at first I was thinking perhaps they are just used to you and are becoming tame I've two who are quieter than my other 8 but they still eat well.

As Claire says go back to the vet or to another practise for a second opinion. Are the boys related do you know? Perhaps for some unknown reason it is depression but as they are not eating its something that needs investigating further.

Good luck!

Unfortunately it does sound like you need to get them checked by a vet, even if just for your own peace of mind.
If they were eating and drinking before but aren't now, then you can't ignore that as they could dehydrate very quickly.

I also wonder how big was the bottle that they were drinking all in one day? If it was a large bottle for 2 piggies, that could be something you mention to the vet.

See what other members think and keep us posted!
Thanks for all the response. They are brothers. Personalities have totally reversed. Gizzy was the boss and always ate first etc but he seems to be watching what Mo does and only eats if he does. They are eating all the fresh veg and fruit I give them. Just wish they would be their loud selfs. Guess I'll be back to the vet tomorrow. They have an exotic pet specialist in on a Friday so it may be worth a shot. x
only thing I can think of is to check their teeth, but hopefully the vet did this?

they can grow too long! and this will prevent them from eating and eventually starve ( they can be cut if your not confident the vet will do this) other wise wooden chew toys or fruit branches will keep them in check

hope you get to the bottom of it soon

The teeth is a strong possibility if they aren't eating much then they won't wear down. Are they eating hay at all? You can supplement feeding by syringe or use the back of a teaspoon handle. You can give mashed up pellets or critical care which is a product given to ill furrys.

Good luck at the vets. :)
One of my thoughts too. I have a wooden chew ball but I don't think the vet checked their teeth. Pretty sure she did not. I suppose if they are eating their greens.............maybe because they are soft. Don' know. They only seem to eat them because I have taken them out of the cage and sat with the bottom half of their carry case that I take them to the vet in. Been feeding them by hand, which is working with Mo in between him laying his head on my arm. Gizzy is a different matter. He doesn't seem to like being held unless Mo is with him. Wish they could talk. x
If the vet checked teeth properly he would of used an apparatus to open the mouth not sure what it is called but it opens the mouth fully! :)
you can also look at them yourself,

I think its the bottom ones which can cause the problems, best to look at another fit and health one first to give you an idea of what is 'normal'

welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: even if it is teeth doesn't anyone think it is strange it is affecting both piggies? i mean if i have a sore tooth if OH had teeth just cause i have a sore tooth doesn't mean he would too. would defiantly take them to the vet and have them checked out. doesn't sound hormonal either as they would be coming to that age. hoping gizmo and mo get better soon and me and OH love the movies gremlins too O0 sending hugs and healing vibes your way :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: keep us posted. O0 try and syringe some boiled water that has cooled down into them to prevent them getting dehydrated. are their poops normal? hopefully someone will come on who can help you more than me O0
Could it be that they are trying to establish a pecking order, Mo could be trying to be dominant and Gizzy sulking. Do they still wheek when you bring the veg? Are they popcorning at all? I would def get them back to the vet but they could just be going through a teenage stage.
It is easy for you to have the look at he front teeth (incisors) and it would be obvious if there was a problem but the back molars need to be checked by a competant guinea vet as these can wear unevenly and overgrow causing pain. Is there any wetness under their chins? dribbling can be associated with problems with teeth.

What seems strange is that it is both of them, which is too much of a coincidence perhaps for teeth problems (get them checked anyway though). Sounds more like an infection either fungal (systemic) or bacterial. What antibiotics were they given? baytril or septrin are the norm for guineas and did your vet not say what he/she thought it was?

Watch your pigs for signs of squeaking whilst weeing and check for blood, check their poops-are they normal? is their breathing normal, i.e any wheezing?

Think about what they are eating, have you given too much of a particular veg? cabbages and other brassicas can cause bloat if fed in large quantities. Do their bellies seem swollen at the sides and feel hard? what dry food are they on? gerty for eg can be a contributing factor in diabetes.

All these thing and more your vet should have looked them in again and ask him to check for these things :)

Otherwise, perhaps they have been stressed by a change in routine etc...but I doubt it

Thanks for so much information. I took them back to the vet today, was a different one with much more experience. She checked all their teeth, Gizzy's teeth we slightly crooked but she said it didn't look like a problem yet, although we are going to keep an eye on them. He also had a slight crackle on his chest when she listened to that. They both had a jab of vitamins and she has given them some more anitbiotics plus a pain killer just in case they have any joint pain. Also, a wet food that I can syringe into them. Mo liked this at once and ate it straight from the bowl which I thought was great. Gizzy was a little more reluctant but I am holding out hope as it was Mo who was the worse of the two in the beginning. I have just been watching the (paranoid parent) and they seem a little livelier than before so thats good.

The vet was very good and gave them a very thorough going over. She couldn't see anything major which could be affecting them, nothing serious.....................maybe the meds have been working. Veg I have been giving them is Kale, brocolli and the odd carrot. Sometimes I'll give them a slice of apple and dandelion. I guess time will tell. She did say that they weren't dehydrated at all, bit of a surprise as they haven't been drinking very much. Been putting vits in their water too.

Hopefully they'll still love me after all this. :D

That's brilliant news that they are a little better. I would try different veggies like green pepper, celery, cucumber is always a fav, spinach, herbs the list is endless look at the Food section here for more ideas. :)

Hope they continue to get well. x

I'll try different veggies...............been buying more for them than I have for me. Mo's coat feels all silky again but Gizzy is still feeling a little course. It's funny but his eyes look all heavy, like he has a we would. I'll keep doing what I am doing and am going down now to put some cucumber in, very good way of getting water into them. Thanks for that.

Will keep you posted and when they are jumping about and squeaking on top form I'll get a nice pic of them together and put it on here.

Take care.

Off to nurse. x
Excellent can't wait to see them! I'm off to feed my lot now as well before the rain starts again! :D x
What vitimins are you giving them?.Vitimin C would be a good idea while they are poorly,but they do not need anything else.Supplements,meds etc should not be put in the drinking water as this could alter the taste and put the gps off drinking.Meds in water are dangerous because you have no idea how much the gp has had or at what time(this is especially important for anti biotics) Always put meds/supplements straight into the mouth with a syringe.That way you know exactly how much and when.

As another member has suggested,it is important to give a large variety of veggies.
Have read about your probs but one thing that came to mind is that your vet gave your piggys antibiotics. This has surpised me because I have read that it is counterproductive to piggies.

I`m not an expert but I`d always go to a rodentologist vet. Second best is to go to an exotic specialist vet. Going to any old vet is not such a good idea and I would NOT take my piggys to a cat and dog and horse specialist - which most vets are.

I know that trying to find what is best is difficult. I hope all goes well with your piggys.

Anders :)
How else can one cure a bacterial infection if not with antibiotics? even rodentologists use them!

If you research, there are vets who are brilliant with guineas, one may have to travel a bit but they are out there. My vet was Peter Gurneys vet and he thought the world of her and she is fantastic!
Andersons,where did you read that anti biotics are counterproductive to gps?,this is rubbish.I know of a lot of gps that would have died if they had not been given these drugs.

It is tru that some anti biotics are toxic to gps,for example, penicillin,streptomycin and similar drus should not be given to gps.Possibly this is what you have read?

Baytril,Septrin and cephalexin,given in the right dose are very safe.

There are a few gp specialist vets around now as Lavenderjade has pointed out.Hopefully more vets in the future will take an interest in them.

I go to the same vet as Lavenderjade and agree that she is brilliant.
They went to see a specialist on Friday who gave them a thorough examination. She gave them a vit jab and some more antibiotics which we have given with a syringe. They have lots of veg. We have also been giving them the little sachets of wet food, via syringe. Mo has improved no end and is looking very well now. Gizzy was looking a lot worse than Mo and when we got up to check on him this morning he had passed away. :'(. Now we have little Mo on his own and my daughter and I are still in shock from it all. We did everything the vet said and what you guys had been saying and the poor little thing still died. We are so upset by it all. xxxxxx Thanks to everyone for all their advice.
I'm so sorry that you lost him. But you really tried absolutely everything you could, you really did. Give lots of love to Mo as I know you will. My Eric was so lonely after he lost his mate. We eventually found him another housemate and he is really happy. Not to think of just now as it is painful I know, but perhaps you could think about that in a while. xx
I'm so sorry hun. I didn't like to say but perhaps this is genetic as they have both been affected. Mo may have had a simple virus that was treatable.

Thinking of you. It's hard not knowing went wrong, lots of us have been there. x
So sorry that you lost him :( Run free little one. Thinking of you and your daughter. You did everything you could for him though, and you did everything the vet recommended...big hugs.
am so sorry for your lost of gizzy :'( :'( :'( run free and popcorn in paradise sweet darling 0:) 0:) 0:) sending you hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and know gizzy knew he was loved and he loved you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Just wanted to say thank you to all of your for sending nice thoughts. :smitten: As you can imagine, Mo looks quite lost. Had him laying on my chest this evening, didn't want to put him back. He is looking quite good now, hope it stays that way. Didn't ever imagine I would be so saddened by the passing of a pet. Seems our 7 year old Dwarf rabbit is going to out live us all. But onward and upward. Going to focus on Mo and maybe soon we'll get him a friend. Maybe you can advise me on the best way to go about that when we do. Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts and all the advice along the way. It helped a lot. Take care and best wishes.

M & L
xxxxx :)
I am very sorry you lost him, you did absolutely all you could :( It is great that Mo is doing well though...shows what a good piggy mum you are :smitten:
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