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Yes I suffer from social phobia/anxiety. I won't leave the house at all if its just me. I need someone at all times.
My piggies help a lot as I know I have to go shopping at least once a week to get their vegetables. My mother takes me though as I said I can't leave the house alone.
Alas, it can do... I'm on citalopram and microgynon (the pill) and it totally shows!
But don't let that put you off- if you're not coping and are anxious then it's better to be a bit heavy and happy than slimmer but depressed.
@theoretikos does citalopram make people gain weight? I was going to ask for it when I see my GP but am nervous of taking anything that makes me gain weight :(

I think increased appetite/decreased appetite is a "side effect" of every antidepressant as well as being seen as a symptom of depression so basically it can be a side effect of citalopram. I would say speak to your GP and also mention your concerns. If citalopram isn't working for you or makes you gain weight then speak to your GP again and try a different one. What works for one person won't work for everyone so its worth being open with your GP
I to suffer from anxiety and depression and self harming and have done for 12 years. I have days sometimes weeks when I can't leave the house,my piggies have helped so much. I have to go out to the shed to see them each day,I have to go out to buy their food etc. I have tried councilling but it hasn't worked for me personally I talk to my pigs I can tell them everything I have bottled up and I find it helps me to get it all off my chest. It very hard to explain to people how you feel when you don't understand yourself sometimes. I haven't self harmed since I have had piggies they calm me,I sit in my shed and just relax listening to all their noises. They are the best medicine.x

This is a self-help resource site that is usually advised to patients awaiting therapy to use in the mean time, It offers CBT techniques and relaxation techniques. I'm not sure how helpful you'l find it, but it's always there to try in the meantime if you fancied.

Fluoxitine can be really effective & great at stopping the intrusive thoughts that kick anxiety attacks off in the first place, so i'm glad you've been prescibed it. The effectiveness of the SSRI can really depend on the causative factors contributing to your anxiety. Most SSRI's can cause weight gain/loss. but it's unusual for the change to be dramatic, but it certainly can be for some people. Generally weight fluctuations are caused by a change in mood (eg, the anti-depressant is taing effect and you eat more because you feel better or eat less because you have stopped comfort eating)
& it might be that you need something like lorazepam, clonazepam or diazepam (benzodiazepines) too. These can be wonderful for times when you can predict you will feel anxious (eg, going out shopping, out for dinner, etc) and are great for GAD if you take them as prescribed. Clonazepam is absolutely brilliant for panic disorder. Benzos are not prescibed lightly due to the addictive nature of the drugs and will probably come later if needed, and i hope they are not.
I really hope you recover quickly and I know how hellish it can become.
I've had CBT and counciling for severe anxiety so I understand. The counciling really helped and it's definitely worth looking into. I have OCD but not in wanting everything clean like most people think, it's about me having obsessive thoughts about terrible things I have no control over, like dying for example.

For me now it's about learning what is most likely to trigger me, and the steps I take in order for me not to get so far into a downward spiral I can't get out. My pets certainly help :) I also keep a journal which is great for getting my crazy out of my head and onto paper.

You are not alone :)
I also feel like this at times. Often at nights when I am alone I think about terrible things usually people close to me getting hurt/dying and it makes me so upset. I don't even know why I start thinking about it! It just comes into my head. I am the same when my piggies are unwell, I become such an anxious mess and can't seem to control my feelings. It's horrible, I find myself wanting to cry a lot! But then most days, I am totally fine :/
I have now been diagnosed with panic disorder/anxiety and am taking citalopram, propanalol and have some diazepam for traumatic situations. I am hoping to be feeling better soon.....
I have now been diagnosed with panic disorder/anxiety and am taking citalopram, propanalol and have some diazepam for traumatic situations. I am hoping to be feeling better soon.....
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