animal testing

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Okay, I don't know where to start. I've been reading pro testing websites this morning trying to figure these people out. It says "...scientists and their lab technicians care deeply about the welfare of the animals they work with and are often animal lovers themselves." Anyway, I don't know much about it yet so I'm not going to make any coments. but to be honest, the "but it saves humans' lifes!" arguement means nothing to me. Have you ever been in a lab where they've done testing? What was it like?
I have seen some reports on it.

Have to say the "they care for the animals" is true to some extent. The people dealing with the animals fed them properly, cleaned them out regularly, and had a nice cage setup. I think this is what they are referring to. That, apart from the testing part of it, the people do their best to give the animals a nice life. :-\

Still awful though.
Everyone on this forum knows my stance on this subject so I wont treat you all to my strong views again ;)
I havent heard them yet - would you mind repeating your views, or linking me to a thread where you posted on the subject? :)

(you arent one of the "lets dig your grandma up, youre an animal tester" people, are you? :o)
No lovey I'm not an animal rights activist

I dont condone violent acts at all - for anything - and certainly not towards people that do not embrace my opinions, for that's all that they are.

I totally believe that in the world that we live in today, there is absolutely NO NEED for animal testing of ANY kind.
Its completely unnecessary. Not to mention outdated, barbaric, and extremely upsetting to think about.

Animals are not the same as people. Why use them to give an indication of how something may or may not react with a person with a completly different genetic and physiological make up.

Maybe years ago there may have been a need for MEDICAL purposes ONLY. But science has advanced enough now to stop.
If people can grow skin and human organs, they can blimmin well test on those instead.
I had to do a debate in school like 4 years ago about animal testing, and I had to be for it (I don't condone animal testing, the teacher picked my opnion) anyway we were in groups of four and we had to work in pairs, and me and partner worked realy hard and researched loads of different things about animal testing, and we actually 'won' the debate in class, but after all i read, i am surprised it can still be done, as animals have completey different atonmys to humans anyway, the closest anotmy to a humans is a monkey, but seen as the test on rats and mice etc, they have no valid test results at the end of it, as their bio makeup is completely different to humans, so will have completely different effects. ( i did biology for a level and this was a section)
totally agree with you and I will be nieve and ignore it as much as possible if I thought too much in depth I'd end up a wreck, my mum wrote a letter to my school in the 70s yes I am old that I was not to be included in any animals live or dead tests in science no cutting frogs up or cutting into live hens eggs etc and I would do the same foir my kids if that happened , when i lived in Essex a place where they test on animals was built which I could see from my bedroom window I use to stand and look and cry my eyes out knowing what was going on, I had to move from there as it was making me depressed, yes I take medications but as mucha s I agree with testing I also think it should be tested on humans, funny how it was all in the papers when it went wrong on poeple but not the animals,
that comment is just as sick as testing on animals.

hey, this guy is in here for car theft / tax meddling / etc., lets test some medications on him that could kill or disable him.

"oh no, of course we would only test it on the REAL baddies, like pedophiles or murderers or rapists."

how would you then feel if it kills one of them and it is later found that the person was actually innocent...?

I think you should rethink your statement.

Just in my humble opinion.
But of course medication does have to be tested somewhere? now i'm not saying it should be tested on anyone, or any animals, but it does in the end have to be tested.
Abnoba, It was a statement, not an opinion.

It was an off the cuff remark and certainly not something that I would realistically support.

As I said, I do not condone violence of any kind, despite the growing problem in this country of people showing no respect for human life.

I'm made the assumption here that most regulars to this forum know what kind of person I am after all this time, but clearly it has backfired on me. I will amend the post as it seems to be upsetting you and I'm not out to upset anyone
I must admit that this is one of those debates that goes round and round in my head. It's not nice to use animals to test cosmetic things but I believe it's necessary to test medically on animals. In my opinion people should not campaign to stop medical animal testing unless they are willing to take the place of the animals being tested on. As someone has already said, medications do need testing before they can be put to public use.
There was an article in the news recently about nurofen for kids and how it hasn't been tested on children, just animals. Parents were in uproar that a product like this would be available on the public market but when asked if they would let their children be used as test subjects, they weren't very keen. It's the same with the government an voting. If people don't vote they don't have the right to complain how the government run the country. Sorry that's a bit of a tangent but it's the same kind of argument.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and in my honest opinion shouldn't be slated for it.... We all know what a nice loving person Billies mum is and I certainly didn't take offense to her statement - she was commenting, which is what a forum is for and tbh she's defiantly not the only person in the world who has thought of that and will never be the last.....

It really was just a thought. Probably insensitive but I thought Id throw it out there.

Reference the posts about new medicine needing to be tested on something ..... cant advanced technology or genetics help?
How many more medicines do we actually need?
unfortunately some viruses and bugs develop imunnity to some medicines, just like out white blood cells fight diseases we may have already had, like chicken pox. However this carrys a completely different debate as one day they will probably be a strain of bactera which is immune to all medication, new and old. hence why new medications are comiing out all the time.
I think most of you know my views - as a vegan I'm aware of what goes on and just cant agree with testing on animals. I buy 100% cruelty free products cosmetics and toilitries. I support groups like Dr Hadwen who fund ethical and alternative testing to that done on animals.

I have seen so much footage/undercover filming of what tests go on they are cruel and barbaric, very upsetting, gets me so angry.

Will find the link to Dr Hadwen later its a great charity with a good fundraising shop :)
alisont♥ said:
I support groups like Dr Hadwen who fund ethical and alternative testing to that done on animals.

I was always interested in this, what are the alternative testing methods actually?

So often you read on products (eg ASDA) "we fund research into alternatives" but what are these alternatives?

This is a serious question, I havent a clue really, what they can do apart from testing it on humans, or animals ?
I am completely lost when it comes to animal testing, as humans i thought out genes and skins where different to animals, even with re-guards to the terrible illnesses like cancer and things, why do this to animals when its a humans that are suffering, :-\

I wasn't aware that guinea pig DNA was anything like ours, i know my teeth don't grow continuesly, Its only daughter that eats poo in our family!! but i always thought she was different ;D
piggybaker said:
I am completely lost when it comes to animal testing, as humans i thought out genes and skins where different to animals, even with re-guards to the terrible illnesses like cancer and things, why do this to animals when its a humans that are suffering, :-\

I wasn't aware that guinea pig DNA was anything like ours, i know my teeth don't grow continuesly, Its only daughter that eats poo in our family!! but i always thought she was different ;D

well animals do have a different genetic makeupto humans which is why testing on animals is wrong as humans could have different effects to animals, so testing on animals is sometime pointless.
I don't condone any type of animal testing at all i jsut don't see wh animals need to suffer for humans :( Coming from a family who's dad is pretty head strong on thinking animal testing is neccasary, a mam who says she thinks it's disgusting and wrong yet still uses her face cream tested on the bunnies and a sister who needs many medications most likely tested on aniamls you can imagine the almighty wars that come along when trying to state an opinion. :o
I think this subject is such a black hole,,,,,

it certainly makes you look in your make up bag :(

sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo retail therapy here i come!! ::) is the body shop no animal testing or is it natural produce, its been a LONG time since i have put make up on, eeeerrrrr Xmas ;D
my dad had a valve replacement and was offered a pigs or a metal one he of course chose the metel one even though its noisy, I take synthetic thyroxine for under active thyroid it did use to be animals and my make up is not tested on animals, full stop. what makes us humans more superior then animals I truly believe animals have a better place in life then we do,
ALL products have something that's been tested on animals in the past in them. Even Body Shop Products, so you can't actually be 100% animal testing free if you wash, wear make up, take medic in.. live, basically. But they've banned animal testing for cosmetics since 1998, which is brilliant. I'm sure it'll be totally banned. They even need special permission to legally test on animals now, and only get granted in special circumstances. Plus it costs loads. Theres even meat being developed now in test tubes, so a animal won't have to die for people to be able to have a kebab. :)
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