Animal Rights!

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kay8469 said:
Always buy free range eggs and meat from my local butcher who uses buys locally reared meat (quite often his own stock). Have been on his farm (and many of the local farms - so know most), and am happy with the care, etc.. Against cosmetic testing absolutely and only buy certified products for me, my son, house, etc. etc. and from companies with ethical morals. I do (since I've had my son, as it does change your perspective on life a bit), have differing views on medical testing, as there are many, many people living full, active lives that would not have done so without animal testing. HOWEVER, I do feel that where an alternative form of testing exists, then it should be used.

Horses naturally race, so in itself, I am not against it, and, sometimes showing a whip can make the difference to encourage a horse to stretch enough to win. But, I do think that sometimes the qhip is overused, and if the whip was banned, all jockeys would have to rely on their abilities and not an artificial aid.

I used to have retired greyhounds as pets and know how many are injured and abandonded at the end of their careers and think more should be done to stop this. I don't think that racing par say should be banned, just policed better!

I don't agree with whipping or hitting animals atall to encourage them to do something! Not even it it's "just a bit"
Billies Mum said:
Hate animal testing and refuse even to support cancer research as animals are involved

I didnt knnow that...

I'm a picky eater and unfortunatly my fave food is chicken breast! :-\
I dont eat any other animals though NO fish, cow, turkey, pig etc. :(
But i am against everything else that involves cruelty to animals!
I support the RSPCA (and other places that are against animal cruelty) fully... I want to work there when i finish school so i can try and help lots and lots of poor neglected animals :(
baby-wilson said:
I'm a picky eater and unfortunatly my fave food is chicken breast! :-\
I dont eat any other animals though NO fish, cow, turkey, pig etc. :(
But i am against everything else that involves cruelty to animals!

Don't worry, no-one is going to think that you are pro-animal cruelty just because you're not veggie - my whole family eat meat, and like you chicken is a favourite with my son :)

We just try our best to buy meat etc that is free range etc.. Maybe if people stopped buying the really cheap stuff and thought about why it was so cheap things might change. Realistically I don't think that will happen though because a lot of people have got limited incomes, large families to feed etc and you just have to buy what you can afford. :-\
katiep said:
Stupid woman. But I do feel sorry for her ...

I did mean to put in my last post that I felt a bit sorry for the Mother as it must have been awful to see that happen to your child, but like you said who in their right mind would do it in the first place? ?
oh come on child/tiger what to think about here the mother should have got killed as well as far as I'm concerend, and as far as the bear killing the man GO BEAR see how they damn well like it, humans ahev exploited animals for years and I'd love them to fight back
I absolutly hate horse jumping its barbaric every year horses die at the Grand national I refuse to have it on my tv and go mad at anyone betting, withthe like so how about a bet on how many horse die today becasue of it, Greyhounds is similar but thats more about the way they are kept bred and left after their careers are over,
I am the little girl who was banned form watching Lassie films I cried as the film started , same with flipper and skippy ( showing my age here) flipper was a dolphin in Australia and skippy was a kangaroo in Australia as well, free willy has me in floods of tears and anything to do with Whaling and seal hunting I could honestly say I would do the same back, I was invited to join Green peace years ago, but my kids were babies ,
I refuse to go to circuses with any animals, the only zoo been to recently was Sandown zoo to see the talk about Tiger conservation of which they are famous for plus here on the Island we all tend to know all about the tigers , we are lucky living here becasue we have lots of farms and organic shops for fresh home grown food dairy products etc (although I'm a vegetarian) personally I think animals are the better species anyway do they start wars or preach about religeon etc sorry if I got carried away but I am an animal person not particulary a people person lol with the excpetion of all on this forum ;D
Darky said:
katiep said:
Whats up with PETA? I have only heard about them having a go at celebs for wearing fur..

The founder is a self-confessed "media slut."

Because they are a charity, their spending and such is viewable to the public - it was shown that they spend less than 1% on helping animals.

They give large sums of money to ALF and ELF (terrorist "animal rights" groups), they give money to a convicted arosonist..

In 1999, I think it was, they killed like over a thousand cats and dogs.

They believe that pets should be abolished.

Recently they gave out leaflets to children whose Fathers are fishermen - they read something along the lines of, "Don't let your Father near your cats and dogs, they could be next."

Hmm. Interesting.
Billies Mum said:
Darky said:
katiep said:
Whats up with PETA? I have only heard about them having a go at celebs for wearing fur..

The founder is a self-confessed "media slut."

Because they are a charity, their spending and such is viewable to the public - it was shown that they spend less than 1% on helping animals.

They give large sums of money to ALF and ELF (terrorist "animal rights" groups), they give money to a convicted arosonist..

In 1999, I think it was, they killed like over a thousand cats and dogs.

They believe that pets should be abolished.

Recently they gave out leaflets to children whose Fathers are fishermen - they read something along the lines of, "Don't let your Father near your cats and dogs, they could be next."

Hmm. Interesting.

:o That's shocking, I didn't know that about PETA :-\ Although I loathe cruelty in all forms, I loathe the animal terrorists just as much, I can't understand how just 1% can be spent on actually helping animals what a bunch of hypocrites if true :-\ Do you think the celebrities who endorse this 'charity' are aware?
No offence to Darky intended, but I think I'm going to look into it a bit more before I make my mind up.
One of my mates has a brother in law who works for Huntingdon Life Sciences in cambridge. Before my pals sister can put her kids in the car she has to check underneath the car with a special mirror on a pole for bombs - much as I dislike animal testing, that is just wrong. These people are just thugs and using the animals rights card as a reason to commit terrorism. Don't agree with anything liek that, you can't justify blowing people up to help animals.
OMG! thats horrible! those poor animals... and those 'scientists' dont evn give a damm!
This world can be so cruel!

:'( :'(
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