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Amber Has A Tumour

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you both make lots of lovely memories together before her time. In my thoughts xx
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Thanks everyone for your kind words, I really appreciate it :)

Sorry to hear your news, my Angel had a mammary tumour, with medication, she got another 6 months before it became too much for her and she was helped over the bridge. :(

Oh really? That's interesting, thanks boss, I've been trying to find out what the average is in terms of prolonging it. I know its different for every pig but yeah, I hope its more like 6 months and not just a couple anyway! Did she have regular steroid injections not just one?
How is Amberoo doing and could we have a photo to :drool: over please?
Thanks everyone for your kind words, I really appreciate it :)

Oh really? That's interesting, thanks boss, I've been trying to find out what the average is in terms of prolonging it. I know its different for every pig but yeah, I hope its more like 6 months and not just a couple anyway! Did she have regular steroid injections not just one?
She was just on Metacam to ease the pain, she was still a feisty madam right up to the end.
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How is Amberoo doing and could we have a photo to :drool: over please?

Amberoo is doing okay I think! Had a few off balance stumbles but she's still doing fine, actually had a little run about today. She's been sleeping more but to be honest I think that might be the weather, all the animals in my house hold have just spent most there time sleeping last couple of days.

Might have put these ones up on the forum somehwere already, there fairly recent but I'll get some new ones tomorrow :)! But for now you can drool over these :D
20150909_135628.webp 20150710_184719.webp
I'm sorry for her diagnosis- she is certainly a beautiful piggie! I'm sure the diagnosis is really hard to hear, but at least you know what you're dealing with and can make every day the best day possible for her. ((HUGS)) to you and Amber!
Awww Amberoo, I love your chooken legs and your Ginger flash. Glad to hear you are doing well x
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