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Amber Has A Tumour

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 23, 2011
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So Amber has been falling over onto her bum recently, like really unstable on her feet. One night I was doing the hay and she fell completely onto her back some how and couldn't get up?! Anyway, I took her to the Vets today's and they did a conscious xray. He said before the results came back that he suspected she might have a tumour at the back somewhere.

Anyway the xray came through and she had a huge lump pressing into her spine, which is why she sometimes falls over. Hes given her a steroid to see if it will decrease in size but he says that he doesn't think she has more than a few months. He said obviously he can't be 100% sure but the size of the tumour that's what he estimates. He also said he's willing to operate when it's time, but if he operated now and she died under GA he could never forgive himself when she could have had a happy few more months. So when the time comes when she's either gunna have to be put down or risk the operation, I think I will try with the operation.

I don't really know how to feel... I'm upset because obviously she has months not years, but yet I'm glad that I know, these next few months I can make the most of them! And give her ALL the treats she wants.

Aw I'm sorry to hear this :( but I guess at least you know what you're dealing with and you can cherish the time you have left together.

Sending both and and Amber massive hugs xx
Aw I'm sorry to hear this :( but I guess at least you know what you're dealing with and you can cherish the time you have left together.

Sending both and and Amber massive hugs xx

Yeah exactly, I think that's why I'm not like.. In bits, because I have time to.. Adjust and like you said I can cherish that time together.

Thank you xx
Amberoooo :(

Like you said, you know you can make her last few months amazing. Lots of love and her favourite yummys! I'm so sorry Cat :( x x x x

Fingers crossed the steroids make a difference even if only slightly, x
I'm so sorry Cat, I know how worried you were. At least you know what you are dealing with and you may find the steroids help keep it at bay for a while. In the meantime, as long as she seems bright in herself and is eating and drinking I would take each day as it comes and let her be your guide.
Amberoooo :(

Like you said, you know you can make her last few months amazing. Lots of love and her favourite yummys! I'm so sorry Cat :( x x x x

Fingers crossed the steroids make a difference even if only slightly, x

Thank you Amie, she will be getting all the noms and treats she can manage! (Without getting bloated..) Every sunny day she'll be out on that lawn.

I'm so sorry Cat, I know how worried you were. At least you know what you are dealing with and you may find the steroids help keep it at bay for a while. In the meantime, as long as she seems bright in herself and is eating and drinking I would take each day as it comes and let her be your guide.

Thank you Helen, I'm relieved that I know what's going on, but sad that.. There's nothing we can do really. I hope the steroid do, the vet said that steroid work completely different for every pig, so I guess its just a matter of time. Like you said she's my guide, I'll give her whatever she needs and try and make the last part of her life comfortable and happy.
Thank you for your help from before too.
The diagnosis always comes as a bad shock though! HUGS!

I am very sorry, but at least you have got a fair bit of time that you can make special for her. It is going to be a very bittersweet time, but in some ways it has its own advantages comapred to losing a piggy suddenly and unprepared. It allows you to do and say everything you need to, but it also means that your grieving process is starting now, so while you still have the full pain when you finally say godbye, you won't have all the feeling of guilt and shock to deal with and it is going to be easier to let her go.

You have got the right attitude. All the best!
Hey Cat. Sorry to hear this :( Poor Amber.

It is a horrible situation but you know what you are facing and can make the time you have with her extra special at the moment. Just take each day as it comes - we did this when we found Treacy had Lymphoma and spolit her as much as we could. Hoping the Steroid will reduce the tumour for her. Treacles first steroid shot was a success but I know each piggy is different.

Sending your beautiful girl lots of love and you a huge hug x
The diagnosis always comes as a bad shock though! HUGS!

I am very sorry, but at least you have got a fair bit of time that you can make special for her. It is going to be a very bittersweet time, but in some ways it has its own advantages comapred to losing a piggy suddenly and unprepared. It allows you to do and say everything you need to, but it also means that your grieving process is starting now, so while you still have the full pain when you finally say godbye, you won't have all the feeling of guilt and shock to deal with and it is going to be easier to let her go.

You have got the right attitude. All the best!

Thank you Wiebke, I agree, in some ways it's better that I know what's happening, when Trixie passed I was so unprepared and shocked, I did feel guilty for months after knowing if I could have done more. I'm glad I know that this time is precious but your right, the grieving process has started and although I'll cherish the time I have left with her I feel that I'll get emotional each time.

Hey Cat. Sorry to hear this :( Poor Amber.

It is a horrible situation but you know what you are facing and can make the time you have with her extra special at the moment. Just take each day as it comes - we did this when we found Treacy had Lymphoma and spolit her as much as we could. Hoping the Steroid will reduce the tumour for her. Treacles first steroid shot was a success but I know each piggy is different.

Sending your beautiful girl lots of love and you a huge hug x

Thank you Lee, OH is taking me to pets at home to get the finest hay and top quality hay cookies for her!
I really am hoping the steroid does have some effect. With Treacle did it just stump the growth or did it shrink it?
Thank you Wiebke, I agree, in some ways it's better that I know what's happening, when Trixie passed I was so unprepared and shocked, I did feel guilty for months after knowing if I could have done more. I'm glad I know that this time is precious but your right, the grieving process has started and although I'll cherish the time I have left with her I feel that I'll get emotional each time.

Thank you Lee, OH is taking me to pets at home to get the finest hay and top quality hay cookies for her!
I really am hoping the steroid does have some effect. With Treacle did it just stump the growth or did it shrink it?

It shrunk Treacys lumps a little especially the ones on her 'legs' Steroid will probably make her hungry too, so expect lots of nomming.

I am hoping that it helps. As Wiebke said, you will start the grieving process now.... it is really odd, you grieve even though they are still here. Remember we are all here for you if you want to talk.
It shrunk Treacys lumps a little especially the ones on her 'legs' Steroid will probably make her hungry too, so expect lots of nomming.

I am hoping that it helps. As Wiebke said, you will start the grieving process now.... it is really odd, you grieve even though they are still here. Remember we are all here for you if you want to talk.

That's good, he told me to ring back next week and tell him how shes doing, I'm guessing it will become obvious if its making a difference or not. Got to stay positive anyway!

Yeah.. I feel really odd, just went to put hay in some fresh nice hay, shes sitting ontop of her cosey just eating at the moment! Anyway IIi looked at her and felt sad.. Even though, she's still here, I just felt really sad. Gosh, its gunna be an emotional rollercoaster I can tell. Thank you :) I know this place is the best place to come if I'm feeling crappy, brace yourself for lots of photos too!

I'll keep everything crossed for you A&T, we've got an ill mouse and guinea at the moment.

Thank you so much :), fingers crossed your mouse and piggie feel better soon! It's so horrible when they're poorly and there's nothing you can do :(
It will be obvious.

I know... I felt the same, Treacle was acting all normal but we knew that she was poorly. The upside was she had no pain so could enjoy the time she had left. Rollercoaster it certainly is, just keep her at the forefront opf your mind and you will make the right decisions for her as you love her. Looking forward to lots of photos :) Give her a cuddle for me and keep your chin up dude
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I'm so sorry to hear about Amber. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is knowing she has a caring owner who will make sure she gets the best quality of life .
Huge hugs for you and Amber! What a shock! I really hope that the steroid helps her and you have some very enjoyable times together
I'm so sorry to hear about Amber. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is knowing she has a caring owner who will make sure she gets the best quality of life .

Thank you, I will do everything it takes to give her the best quality of life. I've just given her a nice big bowl of fresh grass.

Huge hugs for you and Amber! What a shock! I really hope that the steroid helps her and you have some very enjoyable times together

It was a huge shock, she's so healthy.. Well.. Visibly, apart from her falling over she seems normal and healthy, she's so bright and still wheeks for food and all that normal stuff! So it is a huge shock to think that from this point it will start going down bill. Thank you Kelly, I really do hope that it helps too!
Amber sounds like a real trooper. So sorry Cat, I know how much she means to you. Just try to enjoy the time you have left (easier said than done, I know) and get loads of pics with her in her prime xx
Amber sounds like a real trooper. So sorry Cat, I know how much she means to you. Just try to enjoy the time you have left (easier said than done, I know) and get loads of pics with her in her prime xx

Thank you, She is really special to me, after Trixie we formed such a close bond, its just... Different the bond you form from someone of something passing its like mutual ground and we had each other to get through it.
I was just saying I think I'm going to make a collage of photos of her and Trixie :)!
Oh no that's a shock to hear. As others have said, it is good to know what she is dealing with, and what to expect, but such sad news for you still.
I hope the tumour shrinks.... fingers crossed for a better outcome than it seems right now x
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How is Amberoo getting on?

I think she's doing okay, plodding around, I think actually... She might have popcorned earlier... Which she hasn't done for awhile, and she didn't fall on her back legs. Might all be in my head but I think her head tilt has gone too or atleast improved... But I don't know, maybe I'm being to optimistic!
But as far as I can tell, she's still her happy cheeky self! :) which makes me happy!
Good stuff, hope the shot is helping x
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I've just caught up with this thread. I'm so sorry to read what you have been going through with Amber :( but also happy that she seems better on herself recently :) keep being optimistic Cat and plenty of cuddles as well :)
All paws crossed here Cat xx
I've just caught up with this thread. I'm so sorry to read what you have been going through with Amber :( but also happy that she seems better on herself recently :) keep being optimistic Cat and plenty of cuddles as well :)
All paws crossed here Cat xx

Yeah trying to stay positive about it all, Just wanna make the most of this time with her! Had a lovely cuddle yessterday with her which is nice and given her the chin and crest strokes every time I go past the cage :). Thanks Tim! xx
Really sorry to read your news.

I've just been through similar with one of mine, although the tumours were in a different place. It was a hard time, but he let me know when he was hurting and I'm glad I knew it was coming and did spoil him during the time he had.

I hope the steroids are hoping.
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Sorry to hear your news, my Angel had a mammary tumour, with medication, she got another 6 months before it became too much for her and she was helped over the bridge. :(
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