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Am I being unkind?


Forum Donator 2024/25
Jun 7, 2017
Reaction score
Solihull, West Midlands
This is a hard post to write ... Squeaks is suddenly but clearly declining, I don't want him to suffer but he doesn't seem ready to go ...

The oral thrush that so nearly killed him Wet chin is cleared up, I noticed yesterday that the bubbly breathing that came with it has stopped too. But this week the arthritis in his back legs has got worse very rapidly, first I could see he was walking awkwardly, then he often seemed to be not able to use his left rear leg properly, and then he was either standing still or dragging his back legs. As of today, he doesn't seem to be moving at all except to turn himself around on the spot or to reach out for food.
I am starting to think about his quality of life and if pts is appropriate. However, Squeaks himself is not making it an easy decision. I put him in a soft but supportive fleecy cuddle cup earlier, and he seems comfortable and calm in there. He's breathing steadily, moving occasionally, and most of all, he wants to eat and reaches out when I put my hand in with food.

When I lost Winifred in February, it was quite clear she had had enough, as she stopped eating and refused all attempts to feed her. Squeaks isn't like that at all. I was thinking that he didn't have quality of life and I should be looking at pts, but if he's comfortable (with the help of his pain meds) and keen to eat etc, am I still being unkind to him not going for pts? I'd obviously rather he pass peacefully at home than have the stress and unpleasantness of a vet visit.
This is a hard post to write ... Squeaks is suddenly but clearly declining, I don't want him to suffer but he doesn't seem ready to go ...

The oral thrush that so nearly killed him Wet chin is cleared up, I noticed yesterday that the bubbly breathing that came with it has stopped too. But this week the arthritis in his back legs has got worse very rapidly, first I could see he was walking awkwardly, then he often seemed to be not able to use his left rear leg properly, and then he was either standing still or dragging his back legs. As of today, he doesn't seem to be moving at all except to turn himself around on the spot or to reach out for food.
I am starting to think about his quality of life and if pts is appropriate. However, Squeaks himself is not making it an easy decision. I put him in a soft but supportive fleecy cuddle cup earlier, and he seems comfortable and calm in there. He's breathing steadily, moving occasionally, and most of all, he wants to eat and reaches out when I put my hand in with food.

When I lost Winifred in February, it was quite clear she had had enough, as she stopped eating and refused all attempts to feed her. Squeaks isn't like that at all. I was thinking that he didn't have quality of life and I should be looking at pts, but if he's comfortable (with the help of his pain meds) and keen to eat etc, am I still being unkind to him not going for pts? I'd obviously rather he pass peacefully at home than have the stress and unpleasantness of a vet visit.

I'm sorry you are in this difficult position. You know him better than anyone and if you feel the time isn't right just yet then that is the right answer. You could always see if your vet will do a consult over the phone, especially if you have been in recently with him. What pain relief is he on at the moment? Is he on the highest possible dose? A higher dose, if applicable, or switching to a stronger pain relief like tramadol might bring him comfort for a while longer yet. I know the plan with my late Bumble and her arthritis in the spine was to use a strong dose of metacam and switch to tramadol if she started struggling again but didn't seem ready to go

I am very sorry. Piggies never make it easy on us, do they? :(

I agree with @Lady Kelly .

Speak to your vet and see whether gabapentin or tramadol can bring more relief in addition to the metacam. As it is in the way of terminal care, you and your vet can max it out.

Piggies that have lost their mobility do not necessarily lose their zest of life as long as the pain is not so great as to dampen their appetite.
Looking After Guinea Pigs With Limited or No Mobility
I'm sorry you are in this difficult position. You know him better than anyone and if you feel the time isn't right just yet then that is the right answer. You could always see if your vet will do a consult over the phone, especially if you have been in recently with him. What pain relief is he on at the moment? Is he on the highest possible dose? A higher dose, if applicable, or switching to a stronger pain relief like tramadol might bring him comfort for a while longer yet. I know the plan with my late Bumble and her arthritis in the spine was to use a strong dose of metacam and switch to tramadol if she started struggling again but didn't seem ready to go
Thank you 😊

He is on a maximum dose of Metacam twice a day, and gabapentin 3 times a day. I've just started to increase the gabapentin to the top of the range prescribed by Kim Maddock (perhaps that's why he seems more comfortable this evening). Hopefully that will keep him comfortable for a while. He has an appointment at the Cat and Rabbit next Thursday, if he makes it that far. I rather suspect that he won't, I'm 'hoping' that he will toddle off to the Bridge of his own accord before then. I guess I could phone Kim and see what she thinks too.

I am very sorry. Piggies never make it easy on us, do they? :(

I agree with @Lady Kelly .

Speak to your vet and see whether gabapentin or tramadol can bring more relief in addition to the metacam. As it is in the way of terminal care, you and your vet can max it out.

Piggies that have lost their mobility do not necessarily lose their zest of life as long as the pain is not so great as to dampen their appetite.
Looking After Guinea Pigs With Limited or No Mobility
Thank you @Wiebke .
You are not being unkind. You know Squeaks the best and you will make the right decision if that time arrives. I hope the stronger meds make him comfortable. Take care ❤️
Thank you 😊

He is on a maximum dose of Metacam twice a day, and gabapentin 3 times a day. I've just started to increase the gabapentin to the top of the range prescribed by Kim Maddock (perhaps that's why he seems more comfortable this evening). Hopefully that will keep him comfortable for a while. He has an appointment at the Cat and Rabbit next Thursday, if he makes it that far. I rather suspect that he won't, I'm 'hoping' that he will toddle off to the Bridge of his own accord before then. I guess I could phone Kim and see what she thinks too.
I hope he makes that choice, it’s hard when every day you feel like you are plotting their end…
I am sorry you are in this position.
It’s such a horrible place to be, it’s the same position I was in a couple months ago.
You have to ask yourself if you took the medication and support feeding away, how would he cope? It’s certainly not cruel to not be ready to let go, and lovely squeaks sure isn’t making it easy by still wanting to eat etc.

I will say, I feel there is sometimes pressure to hold onto the last second where a piggy is about to pass away on their own, and that this is the correct way to go about it.
I have to disagree with this, I had a piggy who was on a lot medication for a month for gut stasis, he finally went under GA with no improvement and we found all his molars were going the wrong way. He recovered well but three weeks later, while on painkiller, he started to lose weight again and show signs of digestive upset. I made the decision to put him down even though he wanted to eat and move around, but I knew that his teeth were starting to grow incorrectly and not digest food at all, and I didn’t want him to have to ‘survive’ through that again.
His age, 5 years old, and the inaccessibility to conscious dentals also played a part in my decision.

Sorry I rambled a bit, but my thoughts are with you and squeaks in this time. Definitely speak to the vet about QOL and perhaps go from there x
So sorry little Squeaks has gone down hill recently, it’s sad to see so sending big hugs :hug: I hope the increased dose keeps him comfortable for a little while longer. Don’t feel bad, it’s a truly hard and difficult decision we all have to make at some time or another and at the end of the day all you want is for him not to suffer. You will know when he has had enough and it will be the “right and kind” action x x
Sending you and Squeaks loads of hugs. It’s never easy and despite having had to make the decision many times, I actually find it gets harder each time, so I fully understand your dilemma. You know him best. Trust your heart. Hugs x
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.

It pains me to write this, but I think the time has come for me to decide for Squeaks and to help him on his way. His little body is holding on, but today he has been sleeping just about all the time except when he wakes up for food or medicine. I spoke to Kim this evening, she says their survival instinct is so strong they will want to eat even if everything else is failing. In her view, being unable to do what prey animals do - ie move to get away from predators - means they can suffer even if they are not in pain.
His breathing I think seems steady but probably shallow - I suppose why he doesn't have any energy, maybe it shows his heart is failing? I don't want to have to end his life, but I hate to see how emaciated and weak he has become. I'm probably over-anthropomorphising, but having had him since he was six weeks old, I remember how he ran rings round and round Zebedee and the cage, squeaking at the top of his voice, and the contrast couldn't be starker. 😢

Kim says I am doing all that is possible to keep him comfortable - maximum pain relief and heatpads for his achy bones. I said to her, if Squeaks is still with us in the morning, I will phone my local vet for a pts appointment. Somehow I will drive myself there and back if necessary 😢😢
I am so very sorry that you are in this sad situation with Squeaks. Our Ginger Pig was exactly the same, he had severe arthritis and could no longer walk but still wanted to eat. In the end we made the difficult decision to help him across the rainbow bridge. He could no longer do normal piggy things and I knew that his quality of life was not what I would want for myself.

You know Squeaks best and will make the right choice for him, as it will be made with love.

Holding you and Squeaks in my heart.xx
I’m so sorry.

I lost my rainbow rabbit Patch last year in similar circumstances. He had spinal arthritis, blind in one eye and almost blind in the other. His immune system was also failing (he kept getting mites). But, he kept eating as normal the whole way though, kept being his usual happy self, moving about as much as he could (stiffly despite being on good pain meds), wanting attention as always. I had to let him go and one of the (many) considerations in the decision was because of his prey animal instincts being so strong but him no longer having the ability to act on them.

Sending you hugs
Squeaks is gone 😪😪😪

Not long since I think, I briefly checked on them at 8am and his ear twitched, but he was curled up where I left him last night. I had a feeling he might go of his own accord overnight as he wasn't interested in food after he had his night time pain meds - all he would eat was his blueberry, which was always his favourite food.

I'm so sad that he didn't have longer with Tigery, and that getting older for him came with so much discomfort from the arthritis. But he is at peace now, running with Zebedee, Rosemary and Winifred.

Farewell, brave boy, you will be loved and remembered for ever xx

Oh I'm so sorry 😢 He passed peacefully at home which is sometimes all we can ask for.
He certainly will know how much he is loved and will be watching over you.
You are a fantastic guinea pig owner.
RIP Squeaks, over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈❤️
So sorry to hear that Squeaks has toddled off to the Rainbow Bridge. He did it on his own terms, at home surrounded by love which is better than a stressful one way vet trip. He is now out of pain and in his prime once more and has met up with his friends again. Sleep well squeaks and have fun over the Rainbow.

Have a hug @Qualcast&Flymo :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I’m so sorry Squeaks has left for the bridge. One last blueberry and slipped away peacefully. A good way to go. Enjoy running rings around Zebedee again. Take care ❤️
Oh I'm so sorry 😢 He passed peacefully at home which is sometimes all we can ask for.
He certainly will know how much he is loved and will be watching over you.
You are a fantastic guinea pig owner.
RIP Squeaks, over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈❤️

So sorry to hear that Squeaks has toddled off to the Rainbow Bridge. He did it on his own terms, at home surrounded by love which is better than a stressful one way vet trip. He is now out of pain and in his prime once more and has met up with his friends again. Sleep well squeaks and have fun over the Rainbow.

Have a hug @Qualcast&Flymo :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you, yes it's the hardest thing but all we can ask is a peaceful passing, at home with his loved ones. After his medicines and blueberry late last night I stroked him for a while, rubbed his cheeks and ears, and told him I loved him and didn't want to lose him, but if he was ready to go he shouldn't hold on just for me. Tigery wasn't far away and I like to think the last thing he remembers this morning was my voice soothing him and the scent of Tigery nearby, and that his ear flicker was an acknowledgement and his last goodbye.

Thank you Squeaks for making that decision for yourself and sparing me an agonising trip to the vet 😘
So very sorry for your loss.
You gave Squeaks a wonderful home and a good end.
Dying peacefully at home is a lovely way to go.
Holding you in my heart ♥️