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Advice please (piggy's hip)

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Carol C

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone
I was just looking for some advice please. I have a 3 1/2 year old boar who I have just noticed. that one of his hips sticks out, as if he has dislocated it, he has not fallen or jumped of anything. He is very well in himself. Moving around fine, does not seem to be in any pain but has a bit of a wobble when he walks Has anyone had this happen or does anyone know my this would of happened? Do piggies suffer with they hips as they get older?
Any advice would be great.
Gps can suffer from arthritis of the hips,but 3. 6 years is a bit young for this. If it were my piggy I would have an x ray done.ILt is possible that the pig has injured itself.
Thanks both. Off to vets Thursday.
Sorry double post. :embarassed:
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