Advice please - Phantom pregnancy / wind!

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sending you and moo hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and little moo you be a good patient as mummy is trying to help you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending hugs, prayers and good vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Re: Advice please - Phantom pregnancy / wind! UPDATE

OK - the saga continues! Moo went back for follow up today after a week on Pro Kolin. She's less bloated looking but still uncomfortable inside and the vet said to give her a fortnight on just hay and water. Is this dangerous? No veg or dry food!

I'm cross because she's back in with other sows now and seems happier - and now I'm going to have to separate her again.

If anyone else has any experience of this, please let me know! She's eating ok now but not much hay. She's drinking. Poops seem normal.

We've been to the vets 4 times in last 3 weeks and seem no closer to knowing what the matter is!


Oh Sophie so sorry to hear there is no positive news on Moo, can't offer any helpful advice, but just wanted you to know we are thinking of you :)
all i can suggest is if your not happy perhaps get a second opinion. it can't hurt and they may pick up something the other vet missed. perhaps PM maryh or someone who would know or put you onto someone who would. sending hugs and good vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: come on moo stop worrying your mummy O0 :-* :-* :-*
I agree about getting a second opinion. One of my guinea girls became very bloated over a very short period of time and it was an ovarian cyst. She looked pregnant. Because she was nearly 6 I didn't want an operation. She was still eating and appeared happy enough so we let her carry on as long as she could. I eventually had to have her pts because she lost the use of her back legs. I personally think it is probable more than just wind. Good Luck
Thanks everyone, I will look at getting a second opinion as I'm really unhappy leaving it unresolved! Need a vet who knows more about the piggies.

Sophie could try chapelfields here that did the second opinion on jumbo they have a walk in appointment service every week day betweek 4 and 6pm they are very good not lots of guinea experience but are likely to give you a good idea, to behonest I think a trip to Canbridge to see Vedra is your best chance of a clear idea of what is wrong. Thinking of you and Missy Moo x
wondering how moo is? haven't had an update for a while, hoping all is well. sending hugs and healing vubes to you and moo. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: also hoping you find the cause of the problem soon. O0 O0 O0
Has she lost any hair over the tummy and down her sides?,this would be indicative of an ovarian cyst,which can mimic bloat and pregnancy.Any good vet should be able to palpate and feel the cyst externally,so I agree about a second opinion as well.

Ovarian cysts often respond to 1 or 2 injections of Choralon which shrinks them..If this does not work and the pig is too old for surgery,the cysts can be drained with a needle.This does not require anesthetic.
Thanks everyone for your replies. Mary - she hasn't got any signs of hair loss (in fact her coat is great!) and she generally seems ok but is still not having veg (the odd bit of carrot but anything else sets her off and she had diarhoea (sp) last time she had veg). Vets said nothing but hay for 2 weeks but I was a bit worried about that! Also they've given her Pro Kolin which is meant for cats and dogs and it's beef flavoured! Artificial flavour but even so.. not pleasant for her!

Def. think I will get another vet to look at her if no improvement. She's acting quite normally now but is still tender.


Beef flavoured...yuk! I'd get a second opinion. I'd worry about the lack of veg too they need it! :)
If you need a second opinion, the vets I go to are good, they are in bungay.
Do not give her the Pro-Kolin,it is not suitable for herbivores.Have you tried dry grass?,Spillers,Burgess and Dodson and Horrell do them.This and hay with plenty of water would be safe for a few days but they would not provide all the minerals and vitimins they need.Try one drop of Abidec per day.This is a multivitimin supplement for babies and is safe for gps.Use this untill you can re introduce veg.After 3 or 4 days try one of her faverate veggies ,just a small amount and see what happens.If she is o,k,the next day try something else .Just re introduce the veggies very slowly.
Thanks Mary and Sophie. She was on GrazeOn dried grass but I've stopped this as it seemed to be making her worse. I will try introducing it again and see what happens. I'll stop the ProKolin!

Will find out about Abidec, I have got a Vit C liquid supplement for small animals that you put in there water, is that any good?

Thank you!

Just remembered Sophie, I had a pig that had bad bloat just before xmas. We thought she had somehow got pregnant, but she wasn't. They definately look it though don't they?!
It was just after I began feeding her readigrass that she starting to get big, so we stopped feeding it to her after. Definately think it was the readigrass causing it.

Very Bloated


We gently massaged her sides and eventually she got smaller.

I *think* you can put vit c in their water as long as you supply another bottle to with fresh, clean water with nothing in it, so they have choice if they really don't want to drink the one with the vit c in. I also heard that if the vit c is left for too long in the bottle it goes funny and can make them ill? :-\

Sophie xx
Wow, she was really HUGE! Moo was kind of like a balloon, but less so now. Will offer her water with Vit C alongside normal water, thanks for that. Will keep you posted!


I don't think you can be vit c in a water bottle because you don't know how much of it is being taken. My guinea was very gassy once and I gave her a Rennie crushed in water (suggested by Peter Gurney) and massaged the stomch and the next day she was half the size :)
Thanks for asking, she is ok - had a bad time last week when I came down in the morning and found her face covered in blood and all over the sides of her cage too.. rushed to vet, by the time we got there she had cleaned herself all up and looked like nothing was wrong, heart rate ok and breathing ok! Some sort of nose bleed and they don't know why. Since then she's been ok, not bloated (but keeping her off the grass!) and she's got a new friend. Well, not quite friends yet, but I think they will grow on each other!

So far so good, no doubt we'll be back at vets next week.... ::)

My guinea has a nose bleed once. They thought she might have poked herself in the nose with a piece of hay. Fingers crossed that things carry on in the right way.

We adopted 3 guinea pigs from out local sanctuary 2 weeks ago - named Treacle, Sponge and Custard.

Sponge started to get bigger and bigger and gradually got agressive to her 2 sisters - we thought she was heavily pregnant and we all swore we could see babies moving.
We took her to the vets yesterday and the vert automatically thought she was pregnant - that is untill he started to feel her and could find no babies.
He said it could maybe be a phantom pregnancy even though he had not heard of one before in piggies. Or that maybe she was so near her due date that the uterus was too thick to feel any babies. But he is 90% sure that she isn't pregnant. The vet didn't seem to think it was wind because there was no discomfort when he was baby searching and she did not decrease in size with all the massaging.
We are to bring her back in a week if she hasn't deflated and her mood hasn't improved.

We tried to put her back in with her sisters today but she attacked Treacle and kept making this constant clicking noise.

We are not sure what to do.
All you can do is to wait unfortunately.

I have only ever had one piggy who had a phantom pregnancy (after having been told by several Vets and so-called experts that GPs do not and could not have phantom pregnancies).

Just a waiting game for you all now. Keeping fingers and paws crossed that all goes OK.
Yes, well after all that Moomin is finally back to a normal size and much happier, back to her usual self - but it took a long time and lots of worry (and a nose bleed!). Fingers crossed for yours

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