I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.
One thing I haven't seen people mention yet, is when they do an open spay (or anything involving opening the abdomen), the vet needs to flush the area with fluid (may be saline, I'm not sure). This means that afterwards the pig can leak quite a lot of fluid from their abdomen as the liquid drains out (I got very surprised when I picked up my girl and she gushed warm, bloody liquid all over my hand). This could explain her wetness... but if she's not keen to move and is still a bit weak, she may have the classic wet bum.
With regards to the blood, it could be that her wound has opened up a tiny bit (or had some trauma from you putting her down if she's a wriggler) and that's caused the blood. It's not time to worry, have a chat with your vet and see what they think.
I know it's a very stressful time, caring for a pig after a major operation (see my post history for both Tablet and Tub's stories), but it's better for Honey if you can make sure she's warm, comfy, and fed -- and not stress too much. Massive massive hugs for you.
EDIT: I know you're probably already doing this, but make sure you syringe her some water alongside the syringe feed. in my experience, pigs look SO much better when they are hydrated. I recommend giving her an oral rehydration solution, such as Dioralyte, instead of water -- just mix it up as you would for a child and give her about 2ml of water for every 5ml syringe food.