Evening everyone....
Sadly, Flash passed away this evening :'(
He was doing so well! He had really perked up. Chest was a lot clearer and he was eating better..I was just supplimenting with the build up feed.
We are booked in at the vets tomorrow evening...I'll have to phone them in the morning.
He was quieter yesterday but still better than in the past.
Today, the same.
He came out of his house today and sat by his dish just staring at me. I got him out and he spent the afternoon snuggled up on my chest. I put him back in his hidey then as I had to take DD to her drama class.
When we returned I looked in at him straigh away and he was sat on a blanket in the middle of his cage....he never did that, he was a shy thing that hid away!
So...out he came again....I had some water and supplement feed to give him. I swaddled him as I always did to feed/medicate..and held him like a baby. I knew then something was wrong. He felt cold and his lips were pale and I could see his top teeth. He refused the food and went to sit up...so I put him on the cushion, on my lap on all fours. Then he tried to crawl off...wason the sofa at the side of my leg..just lay there. Of course I picked him up but again he wriggled....I just knew he wanted to be alone
I said to my DS that he was dying...and I put him back in his cage. He then crawled to the side and lay down. His head on the plastic ridge. I had to move him. I put him on his soft blankets and covered his little body. Dimmed the lights for him.
He started chain stoking then. I knew this was it. Four he did. Then nothing. Waited....just incase of another gasp..nothing. I felt and DS did for pulse/heartbeat...he was gone though.
I covered the little mite over and went to break the news to my DD....(the piggies are hers) Bless her...It's her first experience of a death. Both DS & DD are understandably upset. She ran downstairs and picked him up, saying "no he's moving! Look!" Awww she's eight. DS is 12.
DS is asleep now. DD is downstairs with me. She's writing a card to put in his box
Before she came down I cleaned Flash's cage...laid fresh blankets. Wrapped him in a blanket and put him in a little box.
He's back in his cage, like that, now. Blanket over the cage to keep him warm :'(...One last night.
We are going to bury him, in the garden, in the morning.
Got to go now.
Thanks everyone