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Advice Needed Please..

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Hi everyone,
I'm here for some advice please. Any help would be appreciated.

We have two piggies.Male brothers, around 9/10 months old. We rescued them from a centre getting on three months ago.
They live in a lovely big hutch in our dinning room and come out to play in a big play pen daily. Sometimes outside, sometimes inside!

We have had no problems with them settling in. They are still not keen on being handled, though they love being tickled behind their ears!
Our ginger pig, Flash, is slightly larger and the more submissive of the two. He is easier to catch!
He's always made a funny noise...one that his brother has never made...but we just presumed that could be normal. His brother(Bozzy) wheeks with excitement but Flash doesn't as much, so they are different.
Anyway, now...I think that it is a cough that Flash has. These last few days he has been very quiet. Preferring to stay in his hideyhouse, even when it's veggie time! I've had to remove his hidey so he'll concentrate on his food! Today though he has no interest in his food at all. When I had put their breakfast in...I was tidying around and he just lay down on the hay in front of me! Didn't attempt to run at all when I stroked him which is very unusual. I let them be for a few moments and then went back to get Flash out for a closer look. This time he kept running away, which is his usual thing!
He is out now. We had a cuddle but now I have him in an open top box with a net top. Tea towels and usual bedding, food etc.
I just want to see if he will pick up. But he is very quiet still.
I have phoned the vet (we are registered there with our dog...piggies have never been to vets yet with us) but it is out of hours and they just have emergency number. I don't know if this is an emergency situation? My gut feeling is to give him lots of TLC and see how he goes on until the vets re open on Tue. If he hasn't improved then I'll make him an apt then?
His brother is in their hutch, below Flashes make shift home. He keeps standing up and looking for him, bless.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Hi Cathy,

If you can get Flash to eat something then I would see how he goes, if not then I'd take him the vet. My thinking is the body can shut down after a few hours of not eating and you could end up with a bigger problem

Hope he is ok,

Hi Cathy and welcome from us in OZ :)
Where are you? can you possibly see a vet a bit earlier?
It sounds like your little one needs to be looked at.... it could be anything, maybe teeth... not sure... i'm not a vet. Piggies hide their ailments from us sooo it's rather hard to judge sometimes :(
Stay around on here i'm sure one of the more experienced piggie owners will be on real soon with great advice.
Yes lots of TLC is great and try to encourage eating as much as possible, even if you can syringe some mushed up pellets or baby foods to help. Cutting up foods in smaller pieces too.
Best of luck :) healing wheeks from Dukey and Glynis :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis <{;0)

I'm in the England. It's Sat afternoon and a bank holiday weekend. Typical! Lolol
He's having a little munch at the moment...so that's encouraging.
I think I'll keep a close eye over night. Maybe phone emergency vet tomorrow. Awww poor little sausage.

Ps...I Joined this forum a while back, just didn't post! I didn't realise you were based in Oz! Had a fab holiday there last year. Went to visit friends who had emigrated. Wish we could!

Guessed you were in the UK, oh these hols are always inconvenient aren't the for the littlies :(
As long as Flash is eating and drinking you should be ok, but if you could get some advice it would be better love :)
Mushed up pellets even on a spoon can help O0 mixed with baby pureed apples or another fruit of his liking :)

LOL i'm in Victoria, i'm glad you enjoyed our country, yep great place to live :smitten:
Hope your friends are enjoying themselves here in OZ

crossing our paws for your little one, will check in again when i wake up tomorrow .... all the best Cathy O0

(it's just gone midnight and i've a busy day tomorrow soo best be off zzzz ;D)
You realy must start to syringe feed this pig.Gps digestive systems break down after a few hours without food.They are grazers and such need to be eating most of the time.

If you have no syringes you will have to use the end of a teaspoon handle.Crush up some of the dry mix and mix with water to a soup consistency.Liqiudize some veggies.You can use the jars of pureed baby foods.Potato and carrot is a good one.Mashed banana is also worth a try.Wholemeal bread soaked in the dry mix mash might temp him.

I think you should phone an emergency vet asap as there is something very wrong with this piggy.

I sympathise with you because my piggies seem to know when it is Bank holiday or Sunday and choose then to go sick on me.

Nearly forgot to mention.It is important to get fluid into the piggy to stop dehydration setting in.
Hi Guys,

Flash is eating now...Phew..!

I still have him seperated from his brother (who keeps squealing for him and jumping around!)

I haven't heard a cough recently either. Wee's & poos are normal...all encouraging! He is definatley perking up.
However I'm going to continue to monitor him and see if there are anymore changes.

maryh ...Thanks for your reply...I have taken aboard what you have said and that will be my next posrt of call if things change and needs be.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to help us out!

I'll be back later no doubt with an update.

aww thats great! glad to hear he is perking up. :) :smitten: :smitten: keep a good eye on him though O0
Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated!

Okay..well here's where we're up to...

Just got back from the vets again.
Flash was picking up but I wasn't happy and I knew he wasn't! So off to the vets we went in our little carry box...well, Flash was in it of course not me!
Vet gave him a good checking over...temp, weight etc. I gave graphic details of his poos and wees...tell a lot by them in any living creature.
Basically, as thought he has a respiratory infection :( Temp was up.
Vet gave him an injection of Baytril.
He's still very chesty...can hear it ruttling around but he's more interested in his food again...and the poos are looking much better!
Today's visit was check over again. Temp gone down. Weight the same...so that's good! She asked if we wanted her to give him another injection and I said yes....so poor little mite had another dose of Baytril! Awww and he squealed :'(
I know have some Baytril in liquid form to give him orally as of tomorrow. 0.8mls once a day...sweetend with fruit juice to make it taste better she said!
We have to phone in tomorrow to give them an update. Depending on how he is we may have to go back tomorrow...if not we've got to go back either Fri or Sat.
I've been back at work since Tue. Hubby works nights, so has been in bed most of the day.....so grandma has babysat the kids, the dog and the guineas!
Fun and games eh, lol!

His brother...Bozzy...Isn't showing any symptoms thank god! Seems to have gone a little stir crazy though! Bouncy around his hutch like a don't know what! Was hard to handle at play time also....maybe he's just missing his brother?
I hope I don't have problems putting them back together...?

Anyway....I'll be back soon! Gonna enjoy a nice cuppa now before I throw the kids into bed!

Take care and a big thanks again for all the good advice :-*


0.8 mls of Baytril is too strong,the dose should be half that.Also,Septrin is a better antibiotic for respitory infections than Baytril.Did the vet give you a probiotic as well?..The best one is Bio-lapis.
Hmmmm worried now because I'm about to give him his first dose.

Why would the vet prescribed 0.8ml if that is way too much?
Sorry, I don't want to seem rude but I'm in a quandry now! Do I halve it like you advice or do I go with what our vet said?

You obviously know a lot about piggies and have experience. And our vet...well is a vet! I'm not saying they are never at fault.

Okay...I'll give 0.4ml for now and check back after work.

Have a good day/goodnight

Hello again!

Flash's chest sound much better! Still a little bubbly but greatly improved!
Poo's are looking fantastic..lol...well, as good as a poo can look!
Food is going down a treat also!

Anyway, I phoned the vet as she had asked us to and gave her an update. Didn't have to go back today but going to go tomorrow.
I also asked about the 0.8ml dose that she had prescribed and she said it was fine and correct. Instead of giving two small doses he's to have one big one each morning until further notice. May change when we go to see her tomorrw, we'll see.

So that's todays update!

See you in the morrow!
Ellos again!

Been back to the vets tonight.
Flash is a lot better! Chest much clearer. I need to carry on with his medi then we go back in five days for another check. We saw the male vet today, who saw Flash the first time round.

I asked him if I should keep my two boys seperated still and he said yes. Said I will probably have to keep them like that for good now as they have been apart too long and will fight :(
I know males are known for their scrapping but as they have been together since birth I (naively!) thought that I would be able to re introduce them to each other! I did mention getting them together at play times in their big pen...and he said I could try it as they have more room to manouvre then!
Oooo I don't want them to be lonley by themselves :'( Even if they are close by each other in different houses....do you think they would be company for each other. If they can just look but not touch each other?!

Anyway....tis all looking good ;).HJope it stays this way!

Psss...Aussies....I noticed today that visa/immigration is allowing an extra 5 points for Brit who want to emigrate, if they pass a standard English test! Wooo that's good news for hubby, kids & I!


I am sorry if I have worried you.

All I can say is that I have only ever given Baytril at a dose rate of 0.4mls per day.My vet Anne,who is a gp expert recommends 0.4mls per day and this is the dose that Peter used to give his pigs.

Vets I am afraid are notorious for getting anti biotic dosages wrong for gps.

The bottom line here is that you must go by your insticnt,on the dose to give.Do you have another vet in your area that you could ask,or maybe a gp rescue.

I have just checked some of my vetinary books and they give 0.4mls as the dose rate for a gp.

Sorry again for any worry I have caused you,did not mean to do that.
Hi everyone,
Hope you and your piggies are all well?!

Awww, Mary thank you for your advice. I came here needing advice and you guys were kind enough to help and all the advice given was appreciated. All of it :)

Flash is still a little under the weather but we don't need to go back to the vets again, unless things change and or I get worried!
We were there tonight and the vet gave us some Pro biotic (Fibreplex). Flash is still on his antibiotics for another couple of days or so.
The vet did say that there seems to be a lot of respiratory infections, in small mammals, at the moment. I don't know, is it a time of year thing?
We also bought Flash a new house today! We could tell he was much better as he was trying to eat his way out of his temporary home! We bought a Nero 2 cage from Pets at Home. He seems very content in there!
I feel like poor old Bozzy (his brother) has been neglected now! Gonna have to get him a new home. At the moment he's in the original, large hutch that they both used to share. We have all tried to give Bozzy some extra attention but he's played up something rotten, lol! Could I catch him today to bring him out for some floor time?!.....Could I 'eck! Little monkey was having none of it! I gave up in the end and then he was bouncing and popping round his hutch like a don't know what! I'm sure he was laughing at me! ::)

I wonder if I will ever get them back together again? Bozzy always did try to dominate Flash...Flash is the bigger piggie to!

Anyway, gotta go!
Take care,
Aw glad things are looking up for flash :) and i hope you're able to reintroduce, it has been done before so don't be disheartened!
Love Emma x
My two boy gp's had to be split up for a couple of weeks but are happily back together now. I put them both in the run and added lots of things for them to hide in, in case they fell out. I kept a close eye on them but they got on great. Drake (who was previously very ill and still off his greens) began eating almost everything in sight.
Just wanted to tell you about my experience to give you a little encouragement :)

Good luck
Update for you....
Sat & Sun Flash was doing well....reasonably lively and eating more than he was. He even went outside to play in the pen with his brother a couple of times!...We had a divider in so they couldn't get too close to each other...They had a little chudder at each other at first then then just went about their own business :)
Anyway...today (I'm off work with my back again!Luckily) I noticed he was very withdrawn again. Didn't run away when I reached in and felt cold :( I brought him out and wrapped him up snuggly...he scared me because he seemed to just be staring at nothing! Didn't track me at all...literally had to touch his eye and he seemed to snap back into focus. His little lips were pale too.
Managed to get a bit of mushed pellets down him as he hadn't touched his veggies or dried food but I wasn't happy and I was very worried!
So...I rung the vet....took 15 minutes for the receptionist to pull the details up fgs! Anyway...told her what was what and she asked me to hold the line...when she came back she said I could call in and pick up some more antibiotics. I said "Huh! Doesn't the vet want to check him out again? I was told to report if worried, did the vet say to just get more antibiotics?" She told me she had spoken to the nurse but if I wasn't happy then maybe I should bring him in. Too right!
Off we went back to the vets..aww!
It was a locum vet She pulled Flash's details up and I gave her an update etc...I said I felt he had lost weight...he just felt so light bless him. He had and was ruttly again. Poos are good in colour and of normal consistency ...but still rather small.
She gave him another shot of antibiotics, a shot of something for his bowels and a shot of painkiller. He has oral antibiotics again, to start tomorrow and some powder feed I mix with water(smells lovely!) Oh and she said to carry on with the pro biotic....he seems to love that stuff! I questioned the biotics dose again as it was the same even though he's lost weight....and she said it was correct. Something about piggies don't absorb biotics very well, orally. Hence the 0.8mls. Ooo need to get him some veg baby food tomorrow also.
She also advised to stop using woodshavings and hay in his cage just in case this is aggravating things. I asked about his herbage and she said just to put a little in his hayrack...just enough so he can reach up for some.
His home is now kitted out with an old chopped up fleece jacket, a little towelling dress and he was snuggled inside one of my daughters outgrown, fleecy winter hats!
His cage is now on one of the sofas (It's secure don't worry!) And I have covered it with a towel.
He's had a good rest but I can hear him moving around now....munching the cauliflower I gave him earlier!

Aww I hope he can shake this off. We go back to the vets on Fri...she said if there are any problems in the meantime to bring him back and they will hospitalize him :(
Really hope the little fella pulls through.

Meanwile, his brother..Bozzy...is still playing hard to catch! My latest way to get him out is to put the cardboard carrybox in his cage...sideways on. He cautiously steps in for a nosey...I close up and bring him out! Once he's out he's fine! He sat and watched Coronation Street with me earlier! Noisy little thing he is too....makes lot's of little squeaks etc and shivers when I tickle the side of his belly! Just wish he was easier to get out! Hopefully we can get his a new cage soon....be better than the hutch to catch him!

Sorry for the long post...if I've waffled too much, lol!

Paws crossed for Flash ;)

Well done for pushing it to see the vets, ahhh mummy and daddy's always know best O0
The pain killer and fluids will make him feel sooo much better :)
Come on little Flash keep on eating little fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis ;)

We've just done the lunch time bit!
Baby food...veg....botics with fruit juice.....i didn't piddle about with the botics today...straight down the hatch! Poor little mite, lol.
He's in his house sulking now, bless him! Still onhis pro biotic which he seems to love! What's in it do you know?
Ahhh well....he should start to feel the benefits soon!

Hi Cathy, sorry in Australia we don't get probiotics >:( so we have to only give a yoghurt for a short period of time which is not ideal at all :-\ :-\
so can't help you ..... i'm sure Mary or Karen will be able to advise you, once they see this thread O0

Good news tho, awwwww poor little one, they do get sick of the syringe feeding and meds.... but once he starts to feel a bit better it will get easier.
Keep up the good work O0 O0

Come on Flash we've got our paws crossed for you little fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Basically good bacteria as I understand it and Bio Lapis has the most/most different types. Mary'll put me right but thats my Jo Public understanding of probiotics. Should be in everyones cupboard, they can be a lifesaver.
You are right Karen,that is all you can say about them.They are just an isotonic solution.It is only my personal opinion that Bio-Lapis is best.I have had very good results from it.
Glynis said:
Hi Cathy, sorry in Australia we don't get probiotics >:( so we have to only give a yoghurt for a short period of time which is not ideal at all :-\ :-\
so can't help you ..... i'm sure Mary or Karen will be able to advise you, once they see this thread O0

Good news tho, awwwww poor little one, they do get sick of the syringe feeding and meds.... but once he starts to feel a bit better it will get easier.
Keep up the good work O0 O0

Come on Flash we've got our paws crossed for you little fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Glynis - is it possible that pharmacies over there have acidophilus capsules for humans? These are also a suitable probiotic for piggers. While they're not as specific as Bio-Lapis they're certainly better than yoghurt.
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