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advice for syringe feeding

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, Nibbles has a back teeth problem & I've been told to crush up some dried food & syringe feed him
till I take him to CCT tomorrow. I've cut the end off a 1ml syringe & mixed the food with water & he
likes it, in fact he's loving it, I think he's really hungry. But he's quite a small guinea I dont want to give
too much & hurt his tummy, should I keep giving it till he refuses it, or should I pace it out? I've blended
some lightly cooked veg as well for later. He's got it all round his chin, its like feeding a baby!
i had a rabbit i had to syringe feed after she had had a tooth operation i liquidised pellets and vegetables and offered her some every couple of hours during the day it was a messy job but she took the food ok have not syringe feed a piggy though and they are smaller if you phoned your vet they might be able to advise hope your piggy gets his teeth sorted soon
i syringe fed zoe until she pushed the syringe away with her nose. perhaps give him some syringe food and cuddle then perhaps some more and play time etc. i did zoe 4-6 times a day. i put the pellets through a food processor then in pre boiled water and added 2-3 teaspoons of baby food puree -sweetcorn flavour. i would also syringe some pre boiled water with vitamin C supplement in it. good luck with it, perhaps give less and often until tommorrow. sending nibbles hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
They need a LOT more than people think. If a piggy isn't eating at all they need 6g of Critical Care per 100g of body weight in 24 hours and that's before you add the water to the mix.
Yes I would keep giving until he has had enough. As DSL said they do need a lot more food than people think (think of all the hay they will normally go through in a day for example). The only other thing I would add is make sure you feed him little and often (rather than lots once or twice in the day). if you think about it when they are eating they are constantly grazing and they need constant food to keep their system moving.

Good luck at the CCT today!
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