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Advice For My Piggy With A Bladder Stone Please

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aww i am soooo glad you have booked an appointment, i really wish i lived nearer to these amazing sounding vets, although i must admit mine have done me proud so far. One of them even took advice from another vet over the telephone and prescribed me a separate and better pain killer should i ever need it for oscar if he goes downhill suddenly, which gives me a little peace of mind.

I really hope your boy is that weight as if he does need an op it is a sturdy weight to be! Your pigwigs are beautiful btw. Will be crossing everything that Maccy just has an infection and nothing else. Good luck and let us know xx
Sounds like you have a great vet, I would feel so much happier knowing that a vet is willing to take advice - a mark of a true professional I'd say, knowing where your knowledge gaps are and seeking to improve them. Peace of mind is so valuable and helpful, guess that's one of the key things with vets - they not just treating our pets but us too!

Thanks for the compliment, I'll pass it on! They are quite big boys, most people comment on their size and they're all hair - it just keep growing! (I do trim it). Keeping it all crossed myself for good news... xx
Update! Mac and Pick (who got a superficial eye scratch, timing!) are both doing ok...

We took both piggies to see Amir yesterday and really glad we hired the car and made the trip as we now know whats going on and he handled them both very well, the piggies were hapilly co-operative. Amir gave Maccy a very thorough inspection, we saw bits of him we had never seen before if you get my drift! Bit of a surprise! We also had an x-ray done, he does have a very small stone - but nothing like 1cm as the first vet had said, perhaps more like 1mm. I'm starting to doubt whether I heard right because that is quite a difference!. Amir thought that it was of a size that Maccy would be able to pass and there was no need to consider surgery at this stage, which was a huge relief. I'm so glad we know what's going on for him, just for information x-ray was £40 and he was just given a small whif I think.
He is still on Baytril but the dose has been doubled (2.5% Baytril, 0.48ml twice a day), we also have some Cystophan capsules (1/2 capsule on food, once a day) which we have managed to feed him by hiding it in a home grown lettuce leaf then wrapping that in another leaf, he got wise to one leaf. Amir was happy that he didn't seem to be in pain.

I'm not really sure what the best way to give the Pro-C probiotic is? I've put it in their water which has turned it a green colour and they don't seem to want to drink it, I offered him a bottle of just pure water and he was drinking out of that as I held it, so now there are two bottles in their cage because I didnt want them not to go without water but they're only drinking the water one, not the pro-C and water. Should I be hand feeding it to him with a syringe?

When we got home he was zonked, he laid down in his cage and literally fell sideways onto his side, sat back up again, nodded his head and did the same. He seemed like he might be in some discomfort last night as he went a bit quiet on my lap, normally he coos away but was silent and didn't really tug at my clothes at all. This morning he seemed a bit off his food, only eating the very middle of cucumber segments and not that interested in his dried food and he was half facing the corner of his cage. He's improved this evening though and been playing with his straw tube thing and headed over to the dried food bowl, he's never gone off hay so thats always on the go.

I've just read the post on recovery food and am now wondering whether I should be doing that?
I'm glad you got a second opinion and some clarity in terms of treatment! Do you have a scale to weigh him at home? I would weigh him daily and syringe-feed him a bit if he is losing. The increased antibiotics may help over the next day or so. Sundae always perks up within about 24-48 hours of the correct antibiotic dose when she has a UTI/irritation from the stone.
I do! It's an older style one so not as accurate as the electronic ones but the size is perfect for them they nestle in it nicely. Like your Sundae, 48 hours later and Maccy is back to his old self today, running out from under his shelf when he vaguely gets a whif of a vegetable and we're both improving on getting the medicine in!

I syringe fed him some of the pro-C last night to make sure he had some so I think that's the way forward with that one. I'm leaving it a few hours after the antibiotics as has been suggested, but one other thing, I'm not sure if I need to leave a gap between antibiotics and cystophan?

Maccy having his weigh in today!
Mac weighin.webp

And Pickle too...
picklenose weighin.webp
Glad it went well with Amir, he does have a lovely manner with pigs.

I think you can give the Cystophan at the same time as the antibiotics.

Brilliant that he is feeling brighter today.
Truly stunning pigs! I love their gorgeous hairstyles!
Thanks Freela, their hair is getting really long now! I often cut it around their bum to keep them clean and tend to leave the sides - lately I keep thinking I need to trim them a bit though I think they'll end up like Rapunzel!

Helen, Amir was so lovely with the pigs, telling them 'good boy'. They were quite happy with him and his calm, steady manner. It put me at ease! :)
Thanks Freela, their hair is getting really long now! I often cut it around their bum to keep them clean and tend to leave the sides - lately I keep thinking I need to trim them a bit though I think they'll end up like Rapunzel!

Helen, Amir was so lovely with the pigs, telling them 'good boy'. They were quite happy with him and his calm, steady manner. It put me at ease! :)

I love pigs with long hair... Linney has some sheltie in her background, but doesn't grow long all over. She does have quite longish fur around her face and behind her ears, and she will grow a 'skirt' in the back if we let it grow. We have to trim it once it hits floor level, though, or else she pees on it and it gets quite disheveled! It's quite cute up until that point, however, so we just keep it short enough that it doesn't trail on the ground behind her!
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