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Abscess under my piggies neck

Please contact your vet.

The antibiotics may be upsetting his digestion. Antibiotics kill the good gut bacteria as well as the bad abscess bacteria.
Please make sure you have urgently stepped in syringe feeding either mushed pellets or a proper recovery feed. It’s essential you replace any loss if hay intake to keep his gut functioning properly.
Make sure you have also switched from weekly weight checks to daily weight checks. He needs to be weighed each morning so you know he is getting enough fibre (syringe feeding and any independent hay intake) in the previous to keep his weight stable each day. You are aiming for at least 60ml of syringe feed per day but the amount you feed depends on what the weight checks tell you - any loss of weight on a morning means he didn’t eat enough the day before so you increase it for the current day.

I would also recommend a probiotic is given to help settle his gut.

Yes I've been syringe feeding him every day before work and after.today he showed more interest in his food and hay also has started drinking his water again his poops are still soft and sticky but not nearly as bad as the previous night
Huge update. Meatloaf has had xrays done his abscess is caused by tooth issues he's going into surgery today and staying overnight at the vet fingers crossed he makes it through. thank you everyone for the wonderful comments and information I am very happy to have found a community that shares the same love as me for these wonderful baby's.
Meatloaf has made it through surgery. They didnt have to remove any teeth but the abscess itself was very very bad. Turns out that the abscess started creating pockets around around the nerves they had to remove some muscle tissue to get to the pockets. Ahe was in surgery for 2 hours which is extremely long for a guinea pig but his vitals were amazing throughout the entire surgery. Where not entirely out of the woods yet he has a long road to recovery.