a sigh of relief for Rutto (just venting)

Oh poor Pepper, that must have been horrible for both of you! So glad he's alright now and munching all on his own!

Thank you all, Rutto is doing great today, he's eating like a small horse making up for these last few days, and he is back to exploring and doing piggy things. His poops are almost normal sized and most importantly he isn't crying or squeaking when going potty.
After tomorrow I'll have a few days off work so I can be home all day and spoil him rotten ❤️
Little update: he's doing really well so far, putting on weight, going around the living room, and enjoying his clean cage. He got a few extra blueberries to try and lower his Ph, since he doesn't like the Sherwood tablets. Geezer loved them and they seemed to be working well for him, but alas. Will do a dip test perhaps after he's done with the antibiotics cos I don't know if that could interfere with the result.
I'm starting to think their diet might be too dry after all, we did have a quiet-ish summer when they were getting grass every day but as soon as that stopped the stones returned with a vengeance. It's too late for Geezer, but I still have some hope for Rutto.
...He is definitely lively. He's just had zoomies. I suppose he doesn't know it's forbidden so soon after surgery! 😂I just hope he doesn't rip his stitches.
Just went with hubs on a short treat&toys trip, his and Surma's birthday is coming soon so I got them a hay cottage, hay/carrot bridge, a bag of marigold and a lovely hay and flowers birthday cake that arrived yesterday in the mail.
Spoiled, you say? ...Hmmm, my mother used to refer to Geezer as "the Shah of Persia", so maybe a little?
I tried to bond Rutto and Baldrick today but it didn't work out. I gave up after 8 hours, Baldrick had a couple of bites (more scratches really, but enough to break skin, he doesn't have fur to protect him) and Rutto lost a tuft of hair. They kept it civil enough but every time they got too close Rutto would lunge at him, they'd teeth chatter, so on and so forth. In the beginning Baldrick humped him way too much for his taste and ignored his complaints, so Rutto got annoyed and kept lunging at him and showing teeth, Baldrick is one third of his size so he got scared, and his attempts at making peace weren't accepted. Alas.
I tried to bond Rutto and Baldrick today but it didn't work out. I gave up after 8 hours, Baldrick had a couple of bites (more scratches really, but enough to break skin, he doesn't have fur to protect him) and Rutto lost a tuft of hair. They kept it civil enough but every time they got too close Rutto would lunge at him, they'd teeth chatter, so on and so forth. In the beginning Baldrick humped him way too much for his taste and ignored his complaints, so Rutto got annoyed and kept lunging at him and showing teeth, Baldrick is one third of his size so he got scared, and his attempts at making peace weren't accepted. Alas.
At least you tried. Sorry it didn’t work out
Thank you, I was almost sure they would get well along as they are always so affectionate through the bars, I have seen them grooming each other and give friendly nose bumps as much as the grid allows them. Baldrick went in like a tornado and Rutto is so reserved, I can see why he was overwhelmed. I suppose the lack of adult examples for both of them plays a part, watching them it looked like they weren't able to communicate their intentions clearly, Baldrick was barely a teenager when I had to separate him from Surma. Rutto has been with Geezer though, who was properly socialized by a senior piggy, and never had trouble accepting him even when he got a bit too physical, and Geezer was a lot smaller than him too.
I'm so sorry about it not working out because they both seem to want a friend to explore with, but I can't get any more piggies unless I change my job completely, as it physically drains me so much.
I have a pair of boars who fell out after 2.5 years together. They are lovely company through the bars, even giving each other face washes. I've tried to bond them again twice ending within seconds as they start going for each other. It's such a shame but through the bars is how it has to be for them too. Neither of them will bond with any other boar I have tried them with (there have been quite a few!).
Piggy logic is odd sometimes isn't it? I do feel bad for both of them cos they, especially Baldrick, seem to miss having a live-in friend, but I can't introduce sows in the same room for fear of upsetting Eppu and Surma (who are the troublemakers but are surprisingly fine together) and because I don't think I could take the amount of work two more piggies would bring at the moment. I'd love to have a big herd like some of you have, but I know I couldn't take it, at least as long as I have to work full time in a physically demanding job.
I suspect your boys are happier through the bars friends rather than live in. I'm sure my two singles are far happier, it takes the stress out of life if you know 'he' can't get you. They are such funny little characters.

For years I had 3 pairs of boars until suddenly due to fall outs and losses I ended up with one pair and 4 singles. I lost 1 of the singles last year and 1 early this year and absolutely swore that was it I would not take in any more. That lasted until this week, there's a 5 month old who needed a new home in quarantine in my bedroom. I don't think he's ever had such a big cage, (only 3x2 C&C at the moment), I have bare floor boards and the frequent zoomies sound like thunder downstairs! I will try to bond him with one of my singles but knowing them I have a feeling he will be another through the bars boar until I can match him it a new friend. I'm retired so I have the time for them, it's the money that sometimes becomes a worry, vets bills are so expensive.
They are good friends through the bars, yes. But they seem lonely during floor time when they have nobody to explore with, or to play ball.
Also the vet bills, yes, after all of last year with Geezer and recently Rutto money is really tight right now.
It's funny how the two that seemed the most difficult to bond have found a friend in each other.
So happy to hear about your little guy, he will have a great life with you and his new friends! I am so tempted, but must stay realistic for now. Rutto isn't out of danger yet, even if right now he's doing well, but since his stones reformed so quickly last time I'm focusing on keeping him happy for as long as he has, in case they come back and he starts deteriorating like Geezer.