A possible addition!

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Good luck and I hope you get her - better you than someone who doesn't understand the piggy's needs. Fingers crossed.
I have been nervous all day! Do you have any news?
I am absolutely gutted :0 I didn't get her. I rang them again at 3 and was told that she had been rehomed this morning. I am mad as they told me they would ring me if that happened and they didn't. It obviously wasn't meant to be :(. I just hope she has been rehomed with another piggie.

There is one positive though, I did not come away without a new furbaby. When we were looking at Coco yesterday there was a lovely little dwarf hamster called Duke demanding our attention. He has come home with me tonight in a Mini Duna and is absolutely beautiful. No pics as yet as he is hiding but I will post some under other pets when I can. He was apparently vicious to his previous owner which is a just rubbish. He has hissed a bit but that was because he is scared. He's only 10 weeks old bless him.

Still upset over Coco, would have loved to bring them both home.
Oh I am so sorry you didn't get her! I have had everything crossed for you all day! Delighted though thtat you could offer Duke a loving home x
Thanks Romily. He is a little cutie. The wheel that came with his cage is rubbish so will get him a silent spinner tomorrow and a ball on the way home.

Maybe we will be more lucky next time.
I used to love letting my hamsters out in their balls, they used to race at a scary speed until they hit something and them ran in the opposite direction they were very very funny!
They are hilarious, we had 5 of ours running about last night and lost track of who was who as it was all of the little dwarfs :) We just have to watch out for Lola as she bites our legs through her ball and shreds my pyjama bottoms.
I've only just found this thread- I'm sorry you didn't get her!

5 hamster balls sounds like great fun :)) although two makes a right racket :{
Believe me five make a complete din lol. At one point we have had about 7 running about but that is quite rare as most of them are lazy.
I am sorry that you didn't get your girl and have been messed around so badly. Hopefully, your little hamster will settle in well!
Thanks Wiebke, hopefully he will be ok in a few days. If he is a bit traumatised from being manhandled previously that's fine, we brought George round we can do the same with little Duke.
Ok it's happening all over again. There is a female in the adoption centre. We saw her today, she has no sign up yet and the lady could not find her paperwork but she is definitely female we checked. She looks at least a year old and is gorgeous. She said she came in yesterday so will be available first thing Monday. I have the day off so unless I am completely snowed in will be at the door when they open. Just hope the lady was right and she doesn't get rehomed tomorrow as we are in London all day and would not be able to get there. What will be will be I suppose. Fingers crossed.
Hi, good luck (fingers & paws crossed)
My local p@h said that all their new stock goes out from quarentine on a friday so everyone rushes to get new baby piggies from there and the poor rehomers don't really get a look in :(
maybe you can go to a piggie rescue and find a lovely sow there, a much better place to give your money to than PAH anyway x x
Unfortunately we don't have any rescues near us anymore as the rescue we got Johnny from has shut down. Buzz and Woody were rescued from horrible conditions in London. We don't NEED another sow but we saw her in there and knew we could offer her a nice home so if she is there in the morning we will bring her home with us.
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