Salt n Peppers mum
Adult Guinea Pig
Please can I remind everyone not to reply to spam messages. It's bad enough having to remove all the original messages without having to remove comments too. Thank you!

Please can I remind everyone not to reply to spam messages. It's bad enough having to remove all the original messages without having to remove comments too. Thank you!
I wonder why there's so much coming through recently. I do report them, but wonder if it makes more work for the Mods if they get, say, 23 reports of the same spam?
oops sorry:red a new user to the forum-just spotted this thread, after replying to a spam on the rainbow bridge section-was so annoyed. didnt find the report this section bit. will report now though. sorry
I just came online for the first time today - 124 new messages, and nearly all of them spam. I don't know what can be done about this, if anything, but it seems to be totally out of control now, and a new person joining who wants urgent information simply won't be able to find their way through it all.
Is there some kind of filtering device that can be put on? (I don't know much about computers)
Fingers crossed, I hope so. But if you look at who is online at any one time, you'll see there are simply loads of "members" who aren't real members. Strange names, people who have been able to become members who I suspect aren't real people, and I'm just waiting for them to start up.