A Picture A Day..

Hi all, sorry that i have abandoned this thread the past few weeks. We've had a death in the family and things have been very tough.

Fudge has continued to do well and is beating the odds. She is bright, active, hungry and hasnt had any "gurgly/coughing" episodes for a number of weeks now- even with missing some doses completely due to me being at the hospital for 10 hours some days. My friend has been great and let herself into the house a few times to take care of the girls and the dog. I look at Fudge everyday and still see hope.. Joy.. Even when everything else seems so dark. She is my little miracle and is keeping me going.



"I'm just back from the vets. My breathing has been a bit off since i missed a few doses of my meds lately as mum has a lot going on. I got an injection of the same meds and then to get them every 4 hours tonight then back to normal tomorrow. More frusemide means more veg/dioralyte so i dont mind so much! Mum says il Be having very small veggie meals though!"

"The extra meds didnt really work and I'm still finding it a bit of an effort to breathe. I am still bright and eating all my dinner so mum says she'll give me more time to become stable again, she said she hopes it doesnt take too long as shes worried about me."

" I'm feeling lots better today and i can breathe easier- yayy! I got to play on the floor with my sisters for a little while as we havent in a long time- mum threw our rug out as it was old and the floor is too slippy. But we used a sheet and puppy pads under it instead- just as well as i wee'd lots! I am happy today- night night all !"



"I gave mum a fright tonight as i had blood on my nose.. She thought it was coming from my chest and panicked but its not- i have a paper cut like scratch under my nose! I told mum it was Crunchie and Mallow so i could get extra cuddles!"

(I wouldnt keep my head still, its the other nostril!" )


Fudge, do you still have your old house? What happened to your nice new Christmas one?

She'll play in it, but for sleeping she requires a cat mat with plastic igloo on top.. Then sleeps side ways all cramped in a ball instead of long ways! May need to invest in a circular hidey..
"Mum was true to her word.. And bought me a round hidey. I sleep on my side with my leg out, but lay sideways in a long thin hidey.. So my head is always getting squished! But my new round hidey is HUGE!"


"Mum put it on my self heating mat (i love them so much i have 3,1 for everyday before washing day!) but it just wasnt the same. I cant get comfy unless I'm squished! I just stood outside the house looking tired for ages until mum gave me my pink house back!"