A Picture A Day..

"I had more dressing gown cuddles tonight infront of the tv- the pink one this time as crunchie peed on the blue one last night! Everytime mum tried to take a photo of me sleeping, id sit up and pose for the camera!"




"I'm going to see the lovely vet tomorrow and mum is worried. My hair on my sides is becoming very thin, and tonight is looks very sparse. Mum thinks theres something hormonal going on and this would be bad as, because of my poorly heart, i cant have surgery. Mum asks for good luck vibes that my tummy gets the all clear tomorrow. Night night everyone xx"

Oh Fudge, I hope everything goes ok. Tell mummy that if an op is needed, though it is not ideal, it is possible. Fuzzy is a heart pig and was spayed by Simon. Injections may be a better option though. Fuzzy does not need regular diuretics though.
Oh Fudge, I hope everything goes ok. Tell mummy that if an op is needed, though it is not ideal, it is possible. Fuzzy is a heart pig and was spayed by Simon. Injections may be a better option though. Fuzzy does not need regular diuretics though.

Cant see our regular vet till monday so iv decided to hold off as she is excellent and knows fudges case well. Fudge is still maintaining her usual weight of 1020-1050g, is bright and eating well- and pooing for britain. She is a little gassy today but that isnt uncommon for her these past few months- some zantac and minimum dose metocloprimide usually sorts it out in one dose. If it turns out to be cysts (it is perfectly symetrical and looks highly like hormonal hair loss) then i think HCG injections will be the best course of action. I just pray there is no tumours as she is a very old girl. I'll be devastated for her to come this far with a terminal diagnosis with a very poor prognosis and end up with something else nasty :-( i will
Need to enquire about the effect the injections have on kidney function though as she is already a miracle to still be functioning- her kidneys are bound to be extremely comprimised by now at the very least although she doesnt seem it clinically!
Good luck for you at the vet's Fudge! Keep smiling pretty girl :love:
Fudge had good and bad news at the vet today. Good news, no ovarian cysts or tumours- hairloss is either an imbalance or age/health related. Also, her heart hasnt enlarged any further since her last xray 6 months ago. Bad news, theres still a little fluid in the lungs despite max dose of one diuretic and double dose of another- things are advancing. Also awaiting the results of a test that shows if protein in urine is bladder or kidney related. Kidney related means kidneys are struggling, and ideally fudge will need less diuretics- due to the already present fluid, although little, this wont be possible. It will be a waiting game until her kidneys stop working. Praying that isnt the case. For now we are eating, drinking and happy. And we had a well deserved hay tray nap after the vets !

Fudge had good and bad news at the vet today. Good news, no ovarian cysts or tumours- hairloss is either an imbalance or age/health related. Also, her heart hasnt enlarged any further since her last xray 6 months ago. Bad news, theres still a little fluid in the lungs despite max dose of one diuretic and double dose of another- things are advancing. Also awaiting the results of a test that shows if protein in urine is bladder or kidney related. Kidney related means kidneys are struggling, and ideally fudge will need less diuretics- due to the already present fluid, although little, this wont be possible. It will be a waiting game until her kidneys stop working. Praying that isnt the case. For now we are eating, drinking and happy. And we had a well deserved hay tray nap after the vets !

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You look very comfy Fudge - and that's the most important thing :hug: