A mousey problem

No mouse again this morning. This could be because the mouse trap was halfway across the back garden this morning. I think the local fox had something to do with it. It didn't smell of mouse though as I thoroughly cleaned it and sprayed it with F10 before putting it outside. Maybe foxy wanted
the peanut butter bait?
I cleaned out the mousetrap again this morning. There were definitely mouse poops in it but no mouse! The mouse trap was halfway across the garden again. I think Mr Fox is smelling mouse, dragging mouse trap across garden, releasing mouse, eating mouse and leaving mouse trap. I'm not happy about Mr Fox eating mouse when I have caught mouse in mouse trap as then the mouse doesn't stand a chance. I'll relocate mouse trap under a bush in about a week or so after Mr Fox has lost interest. Once a fox knows of an easy source of food they keep coming back.