A day at a time now Miss Crunchie

Those photos of Crunchie are just beautiful. She is such a character. I’m holding both of you in my thoughts.
An update on my girl. She's had another fluid flare in her lungs so diuretics have had to be upped yet again... not good considering how quickly this is advancing however each time we increase her dose she rallies round within 24 hours and becomes so full of life.. So I can't really ask for any better than that. Her weight is a tiny 4g less than her normal weight for the past 4 years, and has actually climbed higher the past few days. The vet suspects she twisted her bad arthritic knee and it's now awfully stiff. She's back on her cbd oil and increased Metacam. She is definitely more sprightly on her legs and is just so well in herself at the minute.. I can't help but smile every time I look at her. Considering the horrible few months we've had, these past few weeks have been a breath of fresh air. Speaking of which.. today queen crunchie had her grass straight from the garden instead of indoors. We have some mats for the ground for her rickety legs as I don't think she'd manage the uneven slabs this year. She had a ball and was knackered afterwards :luv:








An update on my girl. She's had another fluid flare in her lungs so diuretics have had to be upped yet again... not good considering how quickly this is advancing however each time we increase her dose she rallies round within 24 hours and becomes so full of life.. So I can't really ask for any better than that. Her weight is a tiny 4g less than her normal weight for the past 4 years, and has actually climbed higher the past few days. The vet suspects she twisted her bad arthritic knee and it's now awfully stiff. She's back on her cbd oil and increased Metacam. She is definitely more sprightly on her legs and is just so well in herself at the minute.. I can't help but smile every time I look at her. Considering the horrible few months we've had, these past few weeks have been a breath of fresh air. Speaking of which.. today queen crunchie had her grass straight from the garden instead of indoors. We have some mats for the ground for her rickety legs as I don't think she'd manage the uneven slabs this year. She had a ball and was knackered afterwards :luv:

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Shes a jaw dropper . Perfect example of why i love aby's 👍.
Such a gorgeous ginger sweetie!

I'm so glad you're enjoying the grass Crunchie.

I've had several older arthritic piggies on metacam long term and it really helped to extend their good quality life. You add so much knowledge to the forum with your determination to try everything that could possibly work.

I'm so glad Crunchie is doing well!. She certainly looks as if she's enjoying life😊
During the week my old girl Crunchie had bloods done for suspected kidney disease. As they took the blood, they found clear fluid in her chest. I was advised this could be from advanced kidney failure, or possibly heart disease. I was devastated, and at nearly 8 years old I should be prepared for this- but I wasn't. Crunchie came home and perked up fairly quickly after a long sleep. She's eating well and very bright eyed, however we are needing alot of care and are not drinking on our own.

Wednesday I got a call with blood results- crunchies kidney levels where normal. I was so happy I cried, aware we where likely dealing with heart disease now but with normal kidneys- we could manage her heart hopefully.

Crunchies breathing became heavier after her anaesthetic, and I spoke to the vet today about possibly trailing diuretics. It was then I got the news.

Crunchies vet wasn't happy- she was certain this was kidney disease. Her fluctuations in appetite, weight and incredibly dilute urine. She contacted the specialists at London vet school, who advised her They are seeing this often now. Piggies with all the symptoms of kidney failure, and a decline that matches the condition but with normal blood results. On post mortem, all these pigs are found to have horrendous kidneys.

Given this discovery, and crunchies condition- my vet is convinced this is what is wrong. To be celebrating the lesser of 2 evils on Wednesday, to breaking my heart once more today has been one of the worst days yet.

Crunchie is now on palliative care. Her pain meds, supplements and laser therapy to keep her arthritis at bay and keep her comfortable- we won't be scrimping on Metacam despite how bad it is for kidneys, as this is about quality of life and not quantity. If she needs diuretics for her chest , she will have them. Shortening her time left for comfortable days feels like the right thing to do. We will continue to have her watery feeds 4-5 times a day to keep her hydrated. I have decided not to pursue subcut fluid therapy when the time comes- crunchie hates injections, and the day she can't remain feeling well with non invasive treatments will be the day we say goodbye.

Heartbroken, shocked and generally just in disbelief.

This thread will be for Crunchie, to fill with photos of her beautiful face and cheeky antics. I've been here before, with my darling Fudge and her "A picture a day" thread. I often go back and read through- I love that it's there, full of her bright big eyes and pretty smile. It's only right that my Crunchie has one too.

For now, our weight is stable. We enjoyed our oxbow tablet as usual and are just about to have our last veg of the day.

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Sadly kidneys are the organ that often goes wrong in old age. It is not any easier when you get the bad news for older piggies... :(

I have had to pts two older piggies because of mis-shapen kidneys and am bracing myself to do the same with my Heulwen, who is coming up to 8 years but is likely not going to see her birthday, so I feel for you! Like Crunchie, she currently still has got too much quality and zest for life, but the day that is the day can be any time now. :(

Sadly kidneys are the organ that often goes wrong in old age. It is not any easier when you get the bad news for older piggies... :(

I have had to pts two older piggies because of mis-shapen kidneys and am bracing myself to do the same with my Heulwen, who is coming up to 8 years but is likely not going to see her birthday, so I feel for you! Like Crunchie, she currently still has got too much quality and zest for life, but the day that is the day can be any time now. :(
Thank you. I'm sorry to hear about your little one, crunchie is 8 on sunday and she definately shows her age. Its so difficult isnt it. She has actually gained good non fluid weight with no supportive feeding now and is doing everything she should- I never expected to see her like this again. Fully aware she will decline eventually and I'll have to make the call.. iv only ever had one piggy pass on me, poor mallow that contracted meningitis and died 12 hours after first sign of illness despite 3 vet trips in that time. Every other pig I have made the call myself, as I'll never let them suffer. I can't ask for her to be any more well than she is currently and for that I am so thankful x
Lovely love!y Crunchie.

It is so uplifting and heart warming to read about the loving care that you give to her (and to all your guinea pigs). The photos are just delightful.
I love it when mum gets home because she brings us fresh cut long grass from the fields. Mum says we go through so much now that we need to keep the piggy garden grass for outside time or there will be none left! Mum digs it all out and replaces it each spring as it doesn't do well over the winter and we can't add fertilisers to it because it's for our tummys ! I had a veryyy long 3 hour nap after all my grass!




Today miss crunchie had her recheck early (last minute appointment for her cagemate dolly!). Crunchies knee is less swollen with the extra Metacam and cbd oil however is now a bit clicky... this will be irreversible osteoarthritis. She still has a bit of an abnormal gait and likely always will now however it is not holding her back... she's so full of life, active, cheeky as hell and a chunky 916g with no assisted feeding. Her vet said she looks amazing and her coat is in such fantastic condition that you can tell she very well indeed.. kidney disease, lung disease, cataracts, arthritis and bouts of IC and my little queen could not be doing any better! Today was the first day in months we left the vets without another appointment booked for a week's time ! Crunchie has a special birthday on Sunday.. I never thought we would be here :wub: :wub:

Oh Crunchie, what a beautiful girl you are. Glad to hear that you are doing so well. 💕
Mum's been busy with our temporary guest so I didn't get a cuddle in bed last night! But I got to chill on the sofa with mum this afternoon and had a good old stretch and a nap! Mum says I'm the most beautiful piggy in all the land :wub:




Hello gorgeous girl. There is nothing better than a good nap. 💕