8 years old and 14 stone

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Aug 30, 2006
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I was watching the news this morning and seen a young boy that had been taken into care, I think it might be due to his weight. Looking at him I thought he was about 14 but have since found out the poor kid is only 8 years old! Can't belive that this child has got to this weight unless there is some thing medical wrong with him. He cant even walk the 5 miles to school, the papers are saying wether this is child abuse, what do you think.
I dont feel its "abuse" maybe killing with kindness, but not abuse. This country is getting it all wrong...... Can't feed your child what you like anymore, can't smack them, won't be able to smoke where you want anymore, I think the government should concentrate on the more prominent issues - like gun crime etc ( as they are trying bless them 98) after all I'm sure most people would rather have a fat child than one carrying a gun ?
I guess you can feed your kid what you want just dont make them fat by feeding them too much but i agree its not abuse from my point of veiw.
I thin you should be allowed to smack your kids just dont BELT them and BEAT them! lol a small smack on the hand wont do any harm.
and as for smoking in public places i think its wrong... i hate it when my mum smokes in the same room as me i couldnt imagine what a room full of smokers would be doing to me...

And i agree with the 'id rather have a fat kid than a id with a gun!' Guns are stupid in my oppinion lol

sorry for blabbing on! Ill go now :)
I agree with your comments re crime & Guns etc - after all I do live in Nottingham & we have had alot of gun probs recently.  
One thing that I cant stand is smoking around a child though - I have been known to get out of my car & bang on the window of a car which had 2 toddlers & a baby & 2 adults chuffing away on the old cancer sticks.  The idiots had their windows shut too.  I have seen the effects of smoking on children caused by passive smoking - I think it best that they are left to make the desicion to kill themselves & take up smoking if they want to.  
Smacking is a hard one,  my daughter gets a smacked bum about 4x a year, bearing in mind she's only 4 its prob only happened about 8 times.  Each time has been a calculated & pre-meditated action on my behalf for really seriious matters.  eg she had been told about the hot cooker & not to touch, when I ruptured after being in hospital last year I was bleeding severly & she was trying to get into the oven.  Any onlookers would have been horrified - me naked waist down standing in pools of blood smacking my child whilst on the phone to the hospital!  The nurse did say that she would have done the same thing with her own child.

The over feeding thing I think is a particular form of abuse.  I know what its like to want to give your child what they want - its the most natural thing in the world & it feels nice to make them happy.   But 14 st on an 8 year old is freakin obscene.  I hate to see a skinny kid - but the health & psycological implication on this poor boy will be a life sentance.  The parents should be held responsible for his health - but the punishment, I haven't a clue?
Agree with you, Hils.

I blame the parents. You can't indulge a kid to that extent. If there is somehting physically wrong with the child (prader-willi syndrome kind of thing) the kid should have been under the paediatricians etc for years.

Poor .
I saw that this morning,he was on a trampoline..( says nothing there)
I'm sorry but I blame the parents for feeding him loads of crap and not giving him healthy stuff,Ive seen so many progs showing them giving the kids piles of chips and god knows what on plates...it disgusts me
I agree with you Hils, and btw my 4 year old had a smacked bum for EXACTLY the same reason as your 4 year old. I'd much rather have to do that though than worry about the consequences of a burn. He hasn't touched it since anyway so it worked. I don't like these parents who are always raising their hands to their kids though - especially when they get a swipe round the head.

I also feel really strongly about smoking round kids - no-one smokes around ours, my in-laws think i'm a bit 98), but they all go into their kitchen while we're there if they want to smoke which is good of them. I've also caused some offence when i've refused to have lifts with any of them and driven myself because they smoke in their cars - it's such a confined space and I just won't risk my son's health like that.

It does make you wonder what the mother of that little boy feeds him for his meals - I bet it's egg and chips or other meals like that. My son is a perfect weight for his age/height, he still has treats etc.., what kid doesn't, but he knows he only has a certain amount a day; they're not just there for him to take whenever he likes. With proper meals etc there's no need for any mother to turn her child into a walking health time bomb. Like sehnsucht I place a hell of a lot of blame on his parents.
I think, as well as what they eat for meals, it is the size of the meals. The food seems to be completely carb- based - and it's three packs of biscuits in a sitting, three plates of chips for a snack etc

I only ate meat yesterday ;D Weight is falling off ;D
You're probably right Lucinda, maybe some food education for the parents would be a better idea - IF they would listen to it that is!
My opinion, it IS abuse. If someone were to underfeed a child, there for makeing it ill it would be abuse. If someone overfeeds a child with the same outcome, it is abuse. The child will have a shortened lifespan, cant do things 'normal' kids do. Gets bullied. I'm in no way condoning bullying, but it the typical fat kid seniaro.(sp) I was overweight at school, and got picked on because of that. These parents need to take some responsibility and stop their kid eating crisps every 20 minutes of the day!
If you see a fat animal who do you blame? Same thing in my opinion.
darkest.dreaming said:
If you see a fat animal who do you blame? Same thing in my opinion.

Too true, the only people who have any control are the parents
I myself think its very cruel to let your child get as bad as this. The poor child cant do any sports or fit in with every day life. If you had a dog that was like that than the RSPCA would take the dog of you. The child hasnt got like this over night, and I think The Sun has a lot to answer to as the poor child is pictured with no top so that we can see more clearly what the child looks like. I am not very good with words so I hope you get my dift!
There is a program on itv1 at 8pm tonight about this child. Cant understand that hes 5 foot tall! Thats as tall as me! Is it normall for an 8 year old to be that tall, there even might be some thing wrong with him as I am sure that height isnt right!
I have 3 girls 8,11 and nearly 13 and my 13 year old is as tall as me but her friends are all bigger then her.
Is it fair to humiliate this kid any more by having a"freak show" programme about him? :(
Lucinda said:
Is it fair to humiliate this kid any more by having a"freak show" programme about him? :(

Thanks Lusinda, thats how I wanted to put it about the papers
Lucinda said:
Is it fair to humiliate this kid any more by having a"freak show" programme about him? :(

Exactly, I don't like it :-\ Yeah, he is a lot overweight and loads of people have different opinions about the situation, but is it really fair with this story in all newspaper and on the tv? Poor kid.
bobbysgirl said:
darkest.dreaming said:
If you see a fat animal who do you blame? Same thing in my opinion.

Too true, the only people who have any control are the parents

This is so true. We teach the kids at school about healthy eating several times a year. We have healthy school dinners and have done for 2 years now (long before Jamie and his TV show!). The infants get free fruit 3 times a week. Yet in the area I work in some children come in with a snack of fizzy juice, chocolate, crisps AND a sweet for their 15 minute break from home. Sadly we can only suggest to parents what to feed but not ban them bringing junk in.
I personally think that it's indirect abuse.

I doubt that the parents/carers have any malicious intent, I'm sure they're not fattening him up to stick him in the oven.

However, the fact that they have not woken up and taken responsibility for the amount of danger their son is in with his state of health is abuse in itself. If they're not helping, they're an extremely big part of the problem.
I think before it got this far it was killing with kindness but alerted to it they should have made a hugh effort in changing his food intake completly if the parents ignored this then it is abuse all 5 of my kids have been normal size and weight but they do play football etc, carrie anne was underweight but she had an immunity problem and caught everything going as well as brittle asthma she was like a little pixie so tiny and dainty with no bum ( she'll kill me for saying that) now shes 11 she fillling out and her clothes are almost her right age, but this poor lad deserves some privacy now its been brought to the media and let social services take control of his meals because mums not going to learn and its him who suffers from the bullying not her , as for smacking yep I agree if in a dire situation, then a tap or smack on leg is fine, smoking a big NO NO :tickedoff:
Stupid stupid parents! After everything thats been in the news and on the TV about the dangers of eating cr*p and the long-term health effects, there is no excuse for this!
Some poor kids don't stand a chance. And some people don't deserve them.
And I feel really sorry for the poor little boy, don't agree they should make him the subject of a TV program. I'm going to watch it though, see what the parents are like.

Funny how the government don't have a problem with smoking round kids (asthma, stunted growth etc - disgraceful.), but want to prevent parents from smacking them! The country is run by morons!
I've got it on. That gran(i presume) seems like a stupid t****r. Walking out the room in a strop because the doctor person said they were killing him!
His mum sleeps in the same room and gran gets him ready for school!?
P.s, i've just seen this on the trailer so may have missed something.
I will repost after the programme. O0
darkest.dreaming said:
I've got it on. That gran(i presume) seems like a stupid t****r. Walking out the room in a strop because the doctor person said they were killing him!
His mum sleeps in the same room and gran gets him ready for school!?
P.s, i've just seen this on the trailer so may have missed something.
I will repost after the programme. O0

Yeah his mum was asleep in the same room but the gran got him up and got him ready before school.
Jane said:
Yeah his mum was asleep in the same room but the gran got him up and got him ready before school.

I knew before who was to blame, after watching 2 mins of this programme i'm even more certain! ::) :o
i don't feel it is right to take this lad away from his parents, yes he made need help and guidance but not stressing out. with help I'm sure the parents could help this lad but believe me there isn't always the help out there.

i won't judge situations that i don't know the ins and outs of. i have an autistic child and on the outside everyone would say he seems fine but try living with an autistic child and you see the real problems and people are so quick to judge without knowing the facts.

i felt like i was going mad at one stage in life and if it wasn't for the autistic support group i think i would have :(

it's not right that he's over weight but remove him from his parents....i don't think so,.

my lad lives on junk food :( and maybe that makes me a bad mother but the truth of it is he has an eating disorder that is getting worse. I'm just glad that he eats no matter what it is.

it would be so easy to judge me because of what he eats but the problem runs deep. my lad is 13 and 5ft 8 and weighs 11 stone and is skinny but he believes he is fat :'( can u imagine how i feel trying to convince him he's not.

not having a personal go at anyone but thing aren't aways what they seem.

when the healthy eating came in at school and all vending machines were to be removed it meant my lad was left with nothing to eat :-\ no body worried about the kids with special needs. sorry but i get angry cause i have watched my lad suffer beause kids don't always get the help that is needed. I was told if my lad was a trouble make then the education dept would give him the help needed.

is it right that he doesn't go to the toilet while at school, i don't think so especially when he's already had one kidney operation.
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