5-10 Of Your Favourite Things!

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  1. Cats...
  2. tea...
  3. cats...
  4. tea...
No I joke.. seriously though....
  1. cats
  2. tea
  3. fresh pj's
  4. minecraft
  5. gigs
  6. summer/bbq/lazing around in the sun/holidays
  7. my bed...... mmmm bed :love:
  8. the sound of rain when I'm snuggled in bed
  9. socks.... yes socks... I love socks okay.
  10. biscuits.
Also hot baths with a glass of white wine spritzer ;)

I tried to be lady like and do this once....I got in nice bubble bath with a big bottle of Lambrini (classy, i know ;)) and the heat made me so thirsty i drank it too fast and when i got out the bath I was HAMMERED and went to bed and didnt even remember having a bath. good times....haha
5) When I save every single Mudokon on Abes Oddysee

Is this even possible? :eek:

Mine are:
1. Tea (the Elixir of Life and Answer to World Problems)
2. Guinea pigs
3. The smell of fuel, particularly diesel
4. Not having to get up for work
5. My dressing gown, which pretty much goes on as soon as I come through the door
6. Food
7. Brightly coloured and generally impractical shoes
8. Saturdays/Sundays at my local rescue - a while day of piggy snuggles!
9. Being somewhere hot and sunny
10. The very very rare times that my bank account is in the black by the end of the month...
Is this even possible? :eek:

Mine are:
1. Tea (the Elixir of Life and Answer to World Problems)
2. Guinea pigs
3. The smell of fuel, particularly diesel
4. Not having to get up for work
5. My dressing gown, which pretty much goes on as soon as I come through the door
6. Food
7. Brightly coloured and generally impractical shoes
8. Saturdays/Sundays at my local rescue - a while day of piggy snuggles!
9. Being somewhere hot and sunny
10. The very very rare times that my bank account is in the black by the end of the month...

Yes, i can proudly confirm it is. ALTHOUGH, i was actually ragin when i finally done it because you get the same ending as you do if you save anywhere over 50! I felt like someone should have been handing me a trophy through the screen. I was even more ragin with that than I was with the ending of mario. Coulda slaughtered the wee Italian stallion! lol
I tried to be lady like and do this once....I got in nice bubble bath with a big bottle of Lambrini (classy, i know ;)) and the heat made me so thirsty i drank it too fast and when i got out the bath I was HAMMERED and went to bed and didnt even remember having a bath. good times....haha

Hahahahahahahahahahaah that gave me a right giggle!

I always end up dropping my wine in the actual bath because my hands are slippery/wet. Luxury wine bath!
  1. Crisps
  2. Piggies
  3. I pad
  4. Dogs
  5. White chocolate
  6. Cadburys caramel bar
  7. Browsing in pet shops
  8. Hot weather
  9. Horses or horse riding or show jumping
  10. A good book
1) the walking dead. +zombies.
2) tattoos! And piercings.
3) obviously animals. (More specifically guinea pigs, cats and rabbits!)
4) roasted parsnips:drool:
5) long walks during the summer with my boyfriend.
6) music. Gigs included!
7) Jeremy Kyle!
8) youtube. I have a huge obsession with watching other people's lives:doh:
9) late night phonecalls!
10) and the forum, of course!:luv:
my bed & fresh bedding
not having to set my alarm
animals & nature!
being outside on sunny days/nice evenings
watching the sun go down
the sea
In no particular order
1- my hubby and daughter
2- my dogs
3- my guinea pigs
4- my mum and dad
5- tattooes and piercings
6- going for walks
7- looking at pets in the pet shops
8- listening to music
9- chocolate
10- my pjs

I can't believe there's others on Here who played abes oddyse, I loved the game but never got very far lol. Also pandemonium! Oh and rocks and gems, and the haunted maze, with what I called the poo monsters! The good old ps1!
- Guinea pigs
- Tea
- Spring/Autumn
- Long country walks
- My dog
- Family
- Art
- Pretty much anything sci-fi
- Unhealthy obsession with choker necklaces right now
- The smell of fresh hay

Guineas and hamster - esp popcorning guineas
Dinners with Family and friends
That first glass of wine on a Friday evening!
Long runs or cycle rides in the countryside
Jet skiing on the south coast
Homemade curry
Newly cleaned fish tanks (weird I know but they look soo good when clean and sparkly!)
Fresh cut grass
1. Guinea pigs
2. Cuddling my piggies
3. Dogs/horses
4. Sitting out in garden with my piggies
5. Reading
6. The Supervet 0n TV (the man is a God!)
7. Colouring
8.Hot summers
9. Hot buttered rolls and cuppa on Sunday morning
10. Not having to go to work!
Piggies go without saying but other than that...
Guitars, amps! I can't get enough of these!
A nice pint of beer;-)
My family.
Kiwi fruits or grapes.
The first cup of coffee on a morning.
Formula 1
Guinea Pigs
My family and good friends
Cheeses (so can't live without cheese of almost any sort)
Clean sheets on the bed
The sound of children laughing
Time alone with a good book
Tea. Best drink ever!
Aah I haven't done this list yet either.

Helping at animal rescues
Days out
The Natural History Museum in London
Giant beanbags

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