31/03/2007 Live Chat Thread

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Part of Convo From Chat... (I logged out by accident so didn't get all of it...!)

cashmincal: I'm Clare?
bev8344: bye toffee
bev8344: no
Pretzel8543: Bye
Pretzel8543: ok
cashmincal: Bye Toffee
bev8344: i know i always get confoosed with the spelling!
toffee4ever: Bye
cashmincal: I know I mean do you mean me or the other Claire?
bev8344: ahh well claire.. clare same thing lol
Pretzel8543: It says
bev8344: you
cashmincal: I wasn't correcting you
bev8344: the other claire isnt here!
lionking has joined.
natnat_x: brb blow drying guinea pigs
lionking has left.
Pretzel8543: It says bev5656 doesnt exist
darkest: Who's lionking?
cashmincal: I'm getting confused now..
bev8344: i know!
Pretzel8543: What's lionking?
toffee4ever has left.
bev8344: its catching
cashmincal: I'm easily confused me...
cashmincal: **hides**
Pretzel8543: Is lionking a verb?
cashmincal: ***is even more confused***
bev8344: no a person they just left
Pretzel8543: oh lol
nikig: lol
Pretzel8543: Is it supposed tobe Lion King?
cashmincal: Huh?
Pretzel8543: lol
Pretzel8543: lionking
cashmincal: What about lionking?
darkest: Anyone got casualty on? OH has, i cant stand it!
cashmincal: Dad has....some bloke is in an arcade
Pretzel8543: Is their user name like Lion King without spaces?
mary6916: yes I have it on but not really following it
cashmincal: I can't remember a Lion King Pretzel...
daftscotslass has joined.
cashmincal: other than the one who just visited
Pretzel8543: I mean is that what their user name is bassed on?
cashmincal: Hello Lorna
Pretzel8543: Hello
cashmincal: How are you?
darkest: It's so not real though! When do half the things that happen on that, happen in real life!?
Pretzel8543: I'm land_hermie on cavy cages
daftscotslass: hiyaaa
cashmincal: I don't know Pretzel...probably the tv series
daftscotslass: I'm fine, hows you
cashmincal: Fine thanks...
Pretzel8543: I have a cold
darkest: Hiya Lorna.
cashmincal: Get welll soon Pretzel..
daftscotslass: spent the day mucking out at thistle cavies so covered in poo and hair but all good!
Pretzel8543 has left.
bev5656 has left.
darkest: Awww, i did a mamoth clean of all mine today. All smelling nice.
Pretzel806 has joined.
cashmincal: So a busy day?
Pretzel806: I joined parachat lol
daftscotslass: very, washed around 12 today
cashmincal: I'm cleaning tomorrow and got a good offer on corriander...got two bags of it for £1.99
cashmincal: 1.00 rather
Pretzel806: I got 2 abys yesterday
cashmincal: I bet the piggies appreciated that
cashmincal: That's good Pretzel - any photos?
darkest: I've been spending on Thistle Cavies website, again.
<Pretzel806> sent sound guinea-pig
Pretzel806: Not yet
daftscotslass: i spent money in person today lol
darkest: Lol, cool pretzel
cashmincal: What did you buy?
daftscotslass: got a really nice wee cosy and some nibbles
darkest: Who? I bought 3 hay racks and sponcered little Florrie.
cashmincal: what sort of nibbles?
daftscotslass: herby things, they are yummy looking
cashmincal: I love spoiling piggies (and why do I end up educating random people about piggies in shops).
cashmincal: They sound ideal....did they come from Thistles?
daftscotslass: oooh i took a lovely pic of florrie today, let me upload it
niki180 has joined.
bev8344 has left.
niki180: hi everyone
cashmincal: Hi Nika
niki180: hi
darkest: Hi.
niki180: hi
cashmincal: Hows you>
niki180: me?
niki180: i'm not bad ta, u?
cashmincal: I'm fine
Jane6547 has joined.
cashmincal: Hello Jane - how are you?
Jane6547: Hey
mary6916 has left.
cashmincal: Nice to see you here
darkest: Hi Jane
Jane6547: I'm okay..feeling ill though. You?
bev3474 has joined.
darkest: Ooh, Bevs back, again
cashmincal: wb
cashmincal: I hope you feel better soon Jane
darkest: What wb?
Jane6547: welcome back :P
bev3474: and with yet another name
Jane6547: thanks, I'm feeling okish
darkest: Ah, thanks.
bloo1 has joined.
cashmincal: welcome bloo1
bloo1: hi!
cashmincal: what's your name on the forum?
bloo1: bloo1
cashmincal: Nice to see you here
niki180 has left.
cashmincal has left.
Pretzel806: Bev, did you register your user name with parachat?
cashmincal has joined.
Jane6547: the pigs are rumbling at eachother through the bars
natnat_x: hey everyone, giving my texel fluffly a hair cut lolz its a disaster
bev3474: no i didnt
cashmincal: I've got a bit better at trimming coats due to practise I just aim to have an even cut all round..
bev3474 has left.
bev757 has joined.
cashmincal: but I used to be not so bad...those years as a wee one cutting barbie hair has came in handy
cashmincal: wb Bev
bev757: again lol
cashmincal: lol
natnat_x: fluffly isnt a long haired piggy no more!
bev757: now I'm 757
cashmincal: He probably feels better for it
cashmincal: Could be worse you could be 747 and be a plane...
bev757: LMAO
darkest: Right, i'm off for now. Gota go and annoy Vodafone until they give in and cancel my contract.
cashmincal: Bye bye darkest...
bev757: good luck!
cashmincal: I'd be off in couple of moments myself....
Jane6547: byee
Jane6547: I'm gunna go soon too
cashmincal: Might pop to the pub for a we while....
fr0ggy has joined.
cashmincal: Yep....that's me off....bye bye
bev757: hey froggy!
darkest: Thanks. It's not been easy so far and i haven't got anywhere yet! Enjoy the pub.
darkest: Hi froggy, bye froggy.
cashmincal: Hi Froggy....don't worry I'm leaving anyway it is nothing to do with you
bev757: nite claire / clare lol
cashmincal: lol
darkest has left.
cashmincal has left.
fr0ggy: hello
Jane6547: hey froggy
Pretzel806: Maybe to get the user name you want, you can register
bloo1: woops i forgot i was here!
Jane6547: I'm gunna go now..tired and feeling ill..night people.
Toffee4ever has joined.
Toffee4ever has left.
fr0ggy: night night jane
Toffee4ever has joined.
Jane6547: night xx
Jane6547 has left.
nikig has left.
nikig has joined.
nikig has left.
nikig has joined.
nikig has left.
Toffee4ever has left.
bev757: noooooo every ones going lol
fr0ggy: i'm still here
fr0ggy: whats everyone been talking about?
bev757: a whoooooole lot of things lol
bev757: and ive been being ribbed about my unsavoury experiences in the wrong chat room
fr0ggy: hahaha sounds interesting
bev757: oh it was!
bev757: it was an ahem adult chat room!
fr0ggy: How funny! Did you get chatting to some strange bods then?
bev757: strange doesnt even go half way to describing the people who tried to talk to me lol
bev757: and some of the propositions .....
natnat_x: I'm still here!
natnat_x: i just finished giving my g/pigs hairecuts
Pretzel806: Did anyone see the site Cavy Love recently?
Pretzel806: On the home page, the pigs there are mine
bev757: no ive never seen that
Pretzel806: Skunky and Pretzel
Pretzel806: http://geocities.com/gpigluv/
Pretzel806: The pigs of the month are the ones that are mine
bev757: aww theyre lovely
fr0ggy: They are gorgeous
bloo1: lol
fr0ggy: I've never tried it but I've heard it's good
bev757: meatballs yum
daftscotslass has left.
bev757: bye
fr0ggy: bye Bev I've gotta go too xx
bloo1 has left.
bev757: this has been good! we're doing it again during the week apparently
fr0ggy: cool!
bev757: nighty night everyone
fr0ggy: night night
fr0ggy has left.
bev757 has left.
The lionking thing is funny lol. I thought it was pronounced something like linking with "i" making the long sound. I also thought it was a verb. I didn't know it was a user, because I didn't see them leave or join.
More of the chat...

Pretzel806: It was housed outside
tom_cat has left.
Pretzel806: In 90 degree weather
Pretzel806: An I'm in USA
Devon599: that does sound good
Pretzel806: It also barely got water
Pretzel806: It's lucky the idiot owner asked my brother if he would like him
Pretzel806: He was so timid when I first got him
Devon599: no wonder
Pretzel806: Now he is doing so well. He is the dominant piggies
Pretzel806: *piggy
Devon599 has left.
Pretzel806: Anyone left?
Pretzel806: test
tom_cat has joined.
tom_cat: Me again
Rhona: hiah everyone....iv been bathing rats
tom_cat: Nice and clean eh
Rhona: yip all smelling lovely
cavylover has joined.
tom_cat has left.
cavylover: helloooooo
cavylover has left.
katblack77 has joined.
gaffer has joined.
gaffer has left.
Pretzel806: I think I'll go to bed
Pretzel806: I have a cold, and I'm tired.
tom_cat has joined.
Pretzel806: If I can even go to bed
Pretzel806: No bed for me
<Pretzel806> sent sound flush
Pretzel806: lol
tom_cat: no bed for me yet
<Pretzel806> sent sound electric-guitar
Pretzel806: My bed has stuff on it from cleaning
Pretzel806: Stuffed animals
Pretzel806: I have a cold, and that is why I wanted to go to bed
Pretzel806: it's only 5:20 here
<tom_cat> sent sound zip
<Pretzel806> sent sound gasp
tom_cat: Oh, were r u
<Pretzel806> sent sound explode
Pretzel806: Pennsylvania USA
tom_cat: oh
<Pretzel806> sent sound gong
Pretzel806: Where are you?
tom_cat: Coventyr
Pretzel806: Oh
tom_cat: coventry, uk
<Pretzel806> sent sound fastbusy
<Pretzel806> sent sound guinea-pig
<Pretzel806> sent sound ice
<tom_cat> sent sound rooster
<Pretzel806> sent sound jackhammer
<Pretzel806> sent sound kitten
<Pretzel806> sent sound laugh-jolly
<Pretzel806> sent sound police2
tom_cat has left.
alexr has joined.
Pretzel806: Someone subscribed to my youtube vids!
<Pretzel806> sent sound police2
katblack77: hi there
Pretzel806: hi
<Pretzel806> sent sound soda-ice
katblack77: just thought i would check in as i have two new resuce pigs. a bonded male and female and they are terrified of me.so worried
<Pretzel806> sent sound space-music
Pretzel806: Are they neutered/spayed?
katblack77: yes they both are
Pretzel806: Oh, good
alexr: hello! doh I only just read my e-mail about this so am prob a bit late - but hello anyway!
<Pretzel806> sent sound water-running
katblack77: i also have two males that got neutered on thursday.very stressed out.
<Pretzel806> sent sound flush
alexr: I think it really takes time Kat for piggies to gain your trust. You have to try a bit everyday
Pretzel806: I got 2 abys yesterday
katblack77: my worry is that they are used to being outside all the time and i have no garden
<Pretzel806> sent sound guinea-pig
Pretzel806: I wish i could sleep. I hAVE A cold. It is only 5:26 here
katblack77: how are they doing?
Pretzel806: One has an extra toe
katblack77: heehee
Pretzel806: Otherwise, they are great so far
alexr: I think guineas soon get used to their surroundings. It's probably a bit frightening to be around humans all the time but they soon learn not to hide
Pretzel806: When guiinea pigs have extra toes, the extra toe dangles
<Pretzel806> sent sound guinea-pig
alexr: Ooh that's freaky. Does it get in the way?
alexr: Haha love the piggie sound
Pretzel806: it isn't that freaky once you see it
katblack77: yes very cute
Pretzel806: So far it hasn't caused problems. I just got it yesterday, though
alexr: I don't suppose the piggie minds at all having an extra toe
katblack77: boy or girl?
Pretzel806: I'm waiting for an e-mail from soneone who knows about guinea pigs so I know whether or not I should take it to the vet to get it amputated
Pretzel806: boy
Pretzel806: All my pigs are boys
Pretzel806: You meant the pig, right?
Pretzel806: Cause I'm a girl
katblack77: i got two boys in jan and they never got on.seen one nasty fight and had to seperate them.so got them neutered there the other day in hope of getting them two females. as i hate the thought of them be
Pretzel806: My mom probably wouldn't pay for spaying, so she wouldn't get a female, because of $
katblack77: yes i meant the pigs
katblack77: thats a pity
katblack77: it's a very risky operation tho i hear
Pretzel806: Althogh I've never asked her
Pretzel806: *Although
Pretzel806: I've heard that, too
katblack77: how many do you have all together?
alexr: I have 8, all beginning with the letter B haha!
Pretzel806: I have 5 pigs
katblack77: i have four and hoping to get two more girl.just hope i can cope with six
katblack77: is 8 difficult to manage
Pretzel806: My brother is letting me sleep in his room. I might be back, but I might now
alexr: Mm 8 can be tricky. They live in three sets and are all from rescue centres. We have 3 boys and 5 girls. Each boy has lady friends but the boys are neutered
Pretzel806: * not
Pretzel806: See you
alexr: Ooh hope you get some sleep
Pretzel806: I wish I weren't so sick. Then I could hold my new abys
Pretzel806: Cute and fluffy abys
alexr: One of my pigs, Boris, has been naughty. I head noises downstairs and discovered he had jumped off the sofa where he had been fast asleep. He was busy running round the lounge haha
alexr: I love abbies - most of ours are abbies
katblack77: better go.nice chattin
katblack77 has left.
alexr: Yeah, bye bye
Pretzel806: Bye
Pretzel806: 2/5 of mine are abbies
Pretzel806: Bye
Pretzel806: They;'re baby abbies
Pretzel806: I just got them yesterday
Pretzel806: Bye
alexr: awww. We had one who was a baby. She is just about grown up now but she is such a little minx - very active!
alexr: Babies are very hard to catch - bet you are finding that!
Pretzel806: They run fast
alexr: I know and they can change direction so quickly!
Pretzel806: They can almost fit into my hand
alexr: Aw. Are they about 8 weeks old?
Pretzel806: They're a tiny bit bigger than my hand
Pretzel806: I dont know how old they are
Pretzel806: I'm going
Pretzel806: Bye
Pretzel806 has left.
alexr: Yeah bye, think i'll go too now
alexr has left.
spudnik has joined.
spudnik has left.
Rhona has left.
The chat room is now closed. Thanks to everyone that made it! :)

We will open up the chat room for a couple of hours once a week - a time and date will be added onto the announcement board in the next couple of days...
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