2 boar guinea pigs hate each other


New Born Pup
Jul 22, 2019
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Hello! I own two male guinea pigs. They were bonded and perfectly fine until about a month ago when they kept fighting each other. Luckily I separated them in time before they could draw any blood but they had their teeth out and kept jumping on each other. At one point they looked like a big ball just fighting for 10 seconds before I separated them. I've tried bonding them once or twice after the event but it just hasn't worked out. I want to keep trying because I truly don't want to give up on them. I don't want to leave them forever separated either, because they've looked a little lonely recently. I also dont have enough money to afford another two piggies for each of them. Does anyone have any tips? :(( thank you in advance.

(the photo is a pic of my piggies before they started hating each other skjd the white one is waffles, age undetermined- the brown one is caramel - 6 1/2 months old20190330_103601.webp
Welcome to the forum
Your boys are absolutely gorgeous, I have two boys two Bill and Ted
Maybe keep them next to each other so they can see and communicate, not sure what else you can do if you can’t neuter and get them a wife each or boar dating x Boys can be so naughty, I’ve had a couple of moments with Bill and Ted, had to overnight separate on those instances, it’s a difficult one
Hello! I own two male guinea pigs. They were bonded and perfectly fine until about a month ago when they kept fighting each other. Luckily I separated them in time before they could draw any blood but they had their teeth out and kept jumping on each other. At one point they looked like a big ball just fighting for 10 seconds before I separated them. I've tried bonding them once or twice after the event but it just hasn't worked out. I want to keep trying because I truly don't want to give up on them. I don't want to leave them forever separated either, because they've looked a little lonely recently. I also dont have enough money to afford another two piggies for each of them. Does anyone have any tips? :(( thank you in advance.

(the photo is a pic of my piggies before they started hating each other skjd the white one is waffles, age undetermined- the brown one is caramel - 6 1/2 months oldView attachment 118505

Hi and welcome

Unfortunately the teenage months with their intense hormone spikes are the real test whether boars are character compatible or not. the weeks around 6 months of age are the time when testosterone literally courses through their veins and are the typical time for fall-outs.
Sadly when buying same aged pet shop babies, looking for which two are hanging out together and are likely best friends is not usually what future owners or staff are thinking off. Same aged boars are at an even greater risk of fall-outs because they hit the big hormones and crisis periods always together. And no, you do not have to wait until there bites if it is obvious that your two don't want to be with each other anymore!

Please take the time to carefully read these guides below. They will take you through what happens during the teenage months as well as discuss all possible options with their respective pros and cons after a fall-out, which largely depend on what space you have, your access to a good rescue that offers dating or a good neutering vet (note that neutering doesn't calm down guinea pig boars; it only takes away the ability to make babies) to help you make an informed decision that fits best with your own individual situation.
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thank you! I do have them next to each other so they can see each other an communicate but they tend to purr and be annoyed at each other, one of them (caramel) sometimes even puffs up his fur just my seeing waffles :<
Welcome to the forum
Your boys are absolutely gorgeous, I have two boys two Bill and Ted
Maybe keep them next to each other so they can see and communicate, not sure what else you can do if you can’t neuter and get them a wife each or boar dating x Boys can be so naughty, I’ve had a couple of moments with Bill and Ted, had to overnight separate on those instances, it’s a difficult one
Hi and welcome

Unfortunately the teenage months with their intense hormone spikes are the real test whether boars are character compatible or not. the weeks around 6 months of age are the time when testosterone literally courses through their veins and are the typical time for fall-outs.
Sadly when buying same aged pet shop babies, looking for which two are hanging out together and are likely best friends is not usually what future owners or staff are thinking off. Same aged boars are at an even greater risk of fall-outs because they hit the big hormones and crisis periods always together. And no, you do not have to wait until there bites if it is obvious that your two don't want to be with each other anymore!

Please take the time to carefully read these guides below. They will take you through what happens during the teenage months as well as discuss all possible options with their respective pros and cons after a fall-out, which largely depend on what space you have, your access to a good rescue that offers dating or a good neutering vet (note that neutering doesn't calm down guinea pig boars; it only takes away the ability to make babies) to help you make an informed decision that fits best with your own individual situation.
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Thank you for the information. My situation is quite tough especially since I'm a bit low on money at the moment, but this helped.
Thank you for the information. My situation is quite tough especially since I'm a bit low on money at the moment, but this helped.

Glad that you have found it useful!
I have tried to provide as wide a range of options to allow finding a practical solution even when money and space are tight and to help our members to make the best of what they have got access to depending on where they are. ;)