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The little one isn't drawing blood and just wheeks loudly when he does it. Mo is still lying down at times but definitely humping more then he was.
Now I don't know if I've done the right thing- gosh I hope I have- but for tonight both boars are separate. Mo was continously humping Steve and poor old Steve was clearly getting agitated - wheeking loudly (I know this is to say he is submitting) and nipping Mo. Both boars are a bit hotter due to warm weather and I'm hoping this has just made both of them a little grumpy. Now separate both are quiet, Mo is laying next to his ice pack and Steve just in the centre of his a cage I've put together- it's a crate but will do for tonight. I appreciate many are asleep- god wish I was haha. But have i done the right thing? The humping was going on for a while and I did wait it out but it wasn't stopping and not only was Steve clearly bothered but Mo is hot and mounting/chasing Steve isn't cooling him down. I suppose I spoke too soon when I said it seemed to be going perfectly lol.
I'm out tomorrow for six hours- good old school. Should I leave them separate until I return home to reintroduce them again or just hope for the best and put them back in the morning? I'm gone from 8:30 to about 3:30 and I also go out 6:30 am to 7:45 am. I'd feel terrible if I returned home and they had fought.
I'm not sure about having to introduce them again, looks like it will just start from scratch now.

My advice is to never separate unless there is bloody, humping and nipping is 100% normal and will always happen with pairs or more.

I know it's hard as you're not used to it yet, if you can you could get someone else to watch them and you can walk away for a bit. I've had to do that during bonding myself!
When you separate them then it's back to square one when you put them back together. I always save bonding for a weekend, and start on Friday evening if I need to, so I can watch them all weekend.

If you're not sure then don't put them together until you can be there to watch them.

I wouldn't have separated, because the humping is part of the process. They need to work out who is Top Pig. It's hard to watch but you need to let them be. And as Cavy Kung-Fu mentions only separate then there is blood. It's an anxious time bonding pigs.
Oh I knew I'd done the wrong thing! Grrrrrrr. Well I'll try them again this weekend and this time I won't separate unless there is blood. I feel bad now and I hope I haven't ruined their chances. Or is it better to put them together again when I get home seeing as there wasn't any blood all weekend and just leave them to do their thing?
Have a go tonight, you never know. Don't worry about doing the wrong thing, you did what you thought best and that is the right thing.

Bonding can be really tough and it never works the same way each time.
Have a go tonight, you never know. Don't worry about doing the wrong thing, you did what you thought best and that is the right thing.

Bonding can be really tough and it never works the same way each time.

I am going to put them back together as soon as home I think. I'll put them on the grass when home. At the minute their in the coolest room next to each other. :)
I am not an expert but it may be easier if you just stuck to having them in one area until they bond properly. As every time they move to a new area they have to start their hierarchy again as it's a new territory for them. And when you put them out on the grass maybe put out something with their scents on it. So it's not a new territory. Hope that makes sense.
Awww they look perfect, mind you mo's so intimated by his size he's bound to do what he wants. He must think he's a giant. :lol!:
Glad it's a perfect bond, none of mine will bond.
Aw don't worry, I'm sure they'll be fine :)

It is definitely rough to watch the bonding, I'm always a nervous wreck. After a week or so it should settle down and you'll be able to breath again! :)
Thank you all! I read all those posts and assured myself I wouldn't be one that separated them unless there was blood and here I am! I am going to put them on the grass cos it's somewhere neither have been and will hopefully calm them down a little. And tonight I'm going to put them in a room where I won't be able to intervene at every little wheek...though of course I will check no one is being hurt. I'll keep you all updated
So been out for a good 2 hours and there was hardly any rumbling- AND NONE AT ALL WHEN I FIRST PUT STEVE IN! Now they are both back in their cage on new fleece completely calm with each other. Had a handful of lettuce etc. Mo is enjoying the luxury of a fresh frozen ice pack - Steve likes to walk on it but I don't think he fully grasps the concept.

Hope you're feeling better now :)

I was super jealous about how easy your bonding went, none of my girls snuggle up together. Even after all this time!
Humping that happened yesterday has started again but I refuse to intervene. It's the same as last time- Mo mounting Steve alot who is wheeking loudly and nipping Mo. Yet as you can see they still lie next to each other (for about 5 seconds!)

Be strong my friend! Just know that they are buddies really :)

Have you got a heavy hide with 2 small entrances that only Steve can go into? That might be an idea if he needs a break from the humping.
Be strong my friend! Just know that they are buddies really :)

Have you got a heavy hide with 2 small entrances that only Steve can go into? That might be an idea if he needs a break from the humping.

I only have the shelf that came with the cage- which Mo can get in and I tried to make a small cardboard house bit Mo is too big so he can lift it or trample it
I tried another box just now and cut small holes out of it that looked like only Steve could fit and low and behold - MO IS IN THE HOLES. HEAD OUT OF ONE AND BUM OUT THE OTHER!

I'm sorry because all I can do is laugh at that image. Really not helpful, I know. But dang, Mo :))
I'm sorry because all I can do is laugh at that image. Really not helpful, I know. But dang, Mo :))
It's fine I did too! After I recovered from shock. I don't know how he squeezed in but he did. I've left them for bed now which is nerve rattling...usually they occupy my bedroom but as the dining room is cooler (and I have less chance of getting worried over nothing) the piggies are downstairs. I'm hoping this will mean they can do their thing and be calm tomorrow but I dint know. If a fight was going to break out or the bond wasn't working would it have been made clear by now? I do felt bad Steve can't get away at the minute I will look into something only he can access. A tube sounds good. :)
It's fine I did too! After I recovered from shock. I don't know how he squeezed in but he did. I've left them for bed now which is nerve rattling...usually they occupy my bedroom but as the dining room is cooler (and I have less chance of getting worried over nothing) the piggies are downstairs. I'm hoping this will mean they can do their thing and be calm tomorrow but I dint know. If a fight was going to break out or the bond wasn't working would it have been made clear by now? I do felt bad Steve can't get away at the minute I will look into something only he can access. A tube sounds good. :)

I think a tube would be a great idea - I got my seagrass tunnels from Amazon but I can't imagine they'd be hard to find in a P@H or something like it, and you'd only need a small one for Steve, so he can fit in but Mo can't follow or flip it over because of Steve's weight inside it.
Thank you! I actually got gifted a £25 p@h voucher by someone who knew I was getting Mo a companion so I will get one of them.
Have tears running out of my eyes the image of this is hysterical! :D Probably shouldn't laugh :soz::coat:
OMG don't :lol!: I seriously thought I had made a Mo-proof box but it turned out to be a Mo play ground. Box is out now because Mo took ownership which wasn't the point and if he can fit it kinda defeats the objective lol. I'll put it back once they are past this mad mounting stage. I wish I had got a picture
Hope things stay calmed down. What size is their cage? as you may find they need more space as the little one grows. They are gorgeous boys.
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