
  1. Paigeroonie

    Help With Possible Uri?

    Hi there! I'm new to the forum, and relatively new to guinea pig ownership. I rescued a male called Bilbo about a month ago, and he's been great up until this morning I noticed some slight wheezing. When I got home from work, the wheezing was a lot worse (sounds a little bit phlegmmy?) Hes...
  2. C

    Guinea Pig Wheezing, Won't Eat Or Come Out Of Hiding.

    I have two Guinea pigs, both males and three years old. Alvin occasionally makes this wheezing noise, usually late at night when everyone is trying to sleep. Sometimes he stops when I put food in his dish. For the past few days, he hasn't been very active and he won't come out of his hiding hut...
  3. Megannah

    Crusty Fur Above Nose

    My piggie Marshall has got a bit of crusty fur above his nose and seems to be sneezing a lot, when I listen to his breathing he does seem a bit wheezy, should I be worried and take him to a vet ? Or is it fine ? I'm quite new to this as I've only had my two boys a year today and they have never...
  4. Treaclelove

    Blocked Nose

    I have two boars around a year old that are currently living outside. This evening I went out to clean them out and say goodnight to them but as soon as I lifted the lid off the hutch I heard one of them making a strange noise. At first I just thought that he was squeaking but after listening I...
  5. Beans&Toast

    Uri For Toast

    I can't actually believe this is happening, but Toast seems to have another URI. Last night I noticed a wheezing sound when she breaths. Sounds a bit like crackling/rumbling, still fine in herself though. I've had her at the vets at least twice a week for the past few weeks with other issues...
  6. Palila

    Strange Sound While Breathing

    My two girls have been making a strange noise almost everyday for 5 months now, it starts like wheezing, or like hooting, and then it sounds like in the video below. I took them twice to the vet, and she doesn't find anything wrong with them, but i don't think it's normal at all. I can't even...
  7. Lottie999

    Male Guinea Pig Wheezing After Antibiotics

    Hi there everyone, My 5 year old male guinea pig Maple recently started showing URI symptoms (crusty nose/eyes, wheezing, sneezing etc). I took him straight to the vet who prescribed him with a week course of antibiotics and some decongestant, (no probiotics, but luckily researched this and...
  8. Beans&Toast

    Terrified Toast Has An Uri

    Long post but please stick with me. I've spent the last few hours searching through health threads on here and Guinea Lynx and I've got a horrible sinking feeling Toast has a URI. For some time, every now and again Toast would make this strange sound, which after researching and listening to...
  9. BrieBB

    How Often Is Too Much Sneezing?

    1 week ago I got 2 guinea pigs Skunk and Calico. Both she's and Calico is sneezing a lot lately. I looked it up and saw that it could be the timothy hay that I am using but Calico is sneezing when I hold her and when she is away from the hay. For around 10-30 minutes she is okay then she starts...
  10. amzybabes

    Strange Noise - Possibly Wheezing?

    My guinea pig has suddenly (today) started making a strange noise that I haven't heard before. It's somewhere between a wheezing/rattling/grinding noise. I went to give her some fresh hay this morning. She appeared to be eating something and I heard a noise that sounded like she was crunching...
  11. WinnieandBear

    Phantom Wheezy Chest?

    My 1 year old sow has had recurrent wheezing when she breathes and it can be quite loud, sounds chesty. Have taken her to the vets numerous times and she has been treated for a uri but it seems to come on in the evening every now and again. I will sometimes hear her cough and when I pick her up...