
  1. cookie_ladyfriend

    About to start antibiotics -- looking for advice (and emotional support) please

    Poor Pepper has a bunch of symptoms. She's 5, and I got her from Petco in New York City in 2020. (We are still in the US, but now in Wisconsin) I suspect a dental issue primarily, and an inner-ear infection secondarily. Symptoms: - head tilt to her left - frequent chewing. vets have said she...
  2. EdvnFvrm

    Guinea Pig Breathing (URI?)

    Hi everyone! I am posting because I heard my newest piggie, Café, sneeze today. She’s been with us for a week now. She is from PetSmart, however she seemed to be under great care as the small pet specialist was extremely knowledgeable and showed great care for all the animals as I watched her...
  3. AppleandTwig

    Guinea Pig Wheezing

    Hi, One of my Guinea pigs, Apple has been wheezing since August. About Apple, he’s 4 male, I’ve had him so he was 10 weeks old, he’s never made sound unless he screams in fear when my Dad (who’s since stopped) grabs him. We’ve brought him to the vet and they’ve administered medication...
  4. patnporridge


    guinea pig wheezing? Hi, I heard my sweet baby boy Porridge making this kind of wheezing sound earlier, he sneezed at the end but keeps doing it on and off. Obviously concerned he has some kind of respiratory thing going on - assuming a vet visit is probably the way to go but wondering if...
  5. Emilia_G

    Guinea pig hooting issue. Advice needed .

    Hello everyone! I’m a new guinea pig mom, got my two female piggies from my local pet store almost two weeks ago (Bean is 8 months old and Killie is 2 months old). The first two-three days everything was normal. After that, I noticed that Bean started making a hooting sound when she naps, kinda...
  6. Patchthehamster

    Guinea pig snoring?

    I’m hoping you may be able to give me some advice. A couple of weeks ago I heard what sounded like a wheezing sound coming from my guinea pig while he was sleeping. I managed to catch it on video and took him to my local vets (Dragon Vets, Tewkesbury). They gave him a once over, checked his...
  7. philippa063

    Wheezing / hooting noise followed by hiccough

    Hello all :) One of my female piggies, Ginny, has been hooting / wheezing loudly - especially at night but also in the daytime - but not showing any other signs of illness at all. She always hiccoughs at the end and the hooting then stops. This has been happening, on and off, for about 3...
  8. L

    My baby boar is sneezing a lot and has a light sound when he breathes...

    Hi! I just got a baby boar yesterday, and he is adapting well to his environment and he already likes his cage mate. I do have some concerns. There is a bit of light noise when he breathes. I’m not sure if it is from my other pig’s fur or if it is because of something else. Has anyone had this...
  9. J

    Loosing weight, chocking and wheezing

    Good morning, Please if someone could give some advise that would be great. Our guinea pig is 11 weeks old and had him 3 weeks. Ever since having him he sounds like he's gagging / choking both when eating food and not eating food, sometimes his body rocks back and forth until he's stopped...
  10. Jasminrose

    Random wheezing but not sure why

    I’ve had my guineapig for about a year and got her from a previous owner which told us she is about 1 year old. She has been living with her other companion outside up until today as yesterday I noticed she sounded like she was wheezing a bit and thought it may have be a cold like thing where it...
  11. Y

    Boyfriend allergic to GPs (difficulty breathing)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. The past few weeks my boyfriend has been suffering with wheezing/difficulty breathing whenever I clean out the guinea pigs. He found out a while ago that he’s allergic so he avoids handling them or being near them for too long, but only recently have these...
  12. O

    Urgent help + advice needed! Guinea pig wheezing after surgery

    My 2 year old boy was neutered this afternoon. When we got back (about 6:30), I syringe fed him some critical care to make sure his gut was moving and then left him to recover for 2 hours. He seemed ok and was eating a bit of hay and sleeping mostly. However, when I got him out to do another...
  13. xmegj_96x

    Help with Zithromax dosing and URI

    Hi, firstly I'd just like to say that i've been using this forum for help for many years but have only just made an account to make my first thread as usually I am able to find the info I need from others but I am now in a bit of a tricky situation and I'm not sure where else might be able to...
  14. P


    Everyone, my guinea pig Popcorn (female, 4.5 years old), is suffering from a URI. She's currently lethargic, is sneezing more than usual, sometimes makes a crackling sound, and is breathing quite loudly every once in a while. She still has some energy, as she has ran a tiny bit (but fast). She...
  15. F

    Chirping/Wheezing + weight loss

    Hi, I’ve got a two (almost 3) year old female guinea pig called Poppy, who’s had a tough couple of weeks. Started with removing an inch long piece of hay/grass from her eye which resulted in a eye ulcer, but the emergency out of hour vets sorted that with pain relief and eye drops and her eye is...
  16. S

    Random scream of pain when held near the chest?

    Sorry for the long read :( My girl Coco is just over a year old now, and has never been a fan of claw trims (or being held/pet in general as she wasn't originally raised with a lot of human contact), but when I took her to do just that today she made this absolutely heartwrenching screaming...
  17. S

    What could be wrong with my Guinea Pig / What are signs of sawdust allergy?

    Hello, Ok so, um, where do I start? My guinea has been squeaking weirdly, like a wheek, but with a wheezy side. She keeps sneezing, but I haven’t noticed her nose running, or anything coming from her eyes, and I’ve checked her cage and there’s no diarrhoea from what I can see. It’s quite...
  18. Cookie18

    Is My Piggie Okay?

    Over these past few days, I've noticed Cookie, my guinea pig, had become lazier or lethargic. I currently have her on my stomach and every now and then I can hear her wheezing and she's just laying on me when she would usually walk around as if to get comfy, she has also been grinding her teeth...
  19. Ellsie1

    Watery nose, wheezing and skinny

    This is my first time posting, I’m extremely concerned over my 4 year old piggie Stan. This morning I woke up to him wheezing extremely loud, I looked over and it was if he was sneezing, lots of fluid came out, he has made snot bubbles and his nose is so red and sore from it, almost as if he...
  20. jazzahontas

    New Guinea Pig Owner, Concerned About Piggy.

    Hello, i recently became a guinea pig owner, ive never had one before but my daughter has been asking for one, and was so excited to get one but we have all fallen in love with our new guinea pig she is so sweet! we are even thinking of getting another! unfortunatley we adopted flower from...