
  1. Cherrychops100

    Specialist Abscess on face - HELP

    Hi there, my guinea pig had a large lump on her face so we took her to the vet. She examined her and said that she had 2 abscesses, so cut them open to drain the puss and bacteria. She's on antibiotics and we're draining it with hibiscrub to try and squeeze everything out. However there is a...
  2. S

    Tumor?Not sure

    My guinea pig Charlie has been fine ever since that tooth problem, but as I was petting him, i felt a small lump on his right shoulder in his flab area.Does anyone know if this is an early stage of cancer? I feel like I’m overreacting a bit, but it’s not on the left side of his body either.I...
  3. D

    Guinea pig savvy vet in LEEDS?

    I’m a little worried about my young boar, as he has been intermittently squeaking whilst pooping (only when he bends over to eat it), and I am wanting to get him checked out as I have read that this could be a sign of bladder issues. Has anyone got any recommendations for a good vet in Leeds...
  4. G

    Vet! One or both?

    Hi! I have two piggies (Patches and Carmal). My parents recently allowed me to bring them to the vet because of their persistent soft poops. However, they are worried about money. The last time I took Patches to the vet it cost a good bit of money. He had a mild infection, but is fine now. My...
  5. G

    Soft Stool/Poop

    Hi. I have two boars (Carmel and Patches) they get along fine. About a week ago I took them off veggies because of their white pee and soft poop. It was probably more than a week by now though. Right now they’re on a diet of hay, pellets, and fresh water. The soft poop has been going on...
  6. G

    My Guinea Pig’s Paw is Bleeding!

    Hi! I’m the owner of two guinea pigs. Patches (the older one) and Carmal (the younger one). So I came in to there cage to feed them their veggies. I then noticed Patches paw was red. At first, I thought it was just his coloring. So I fed Carmal his veggies. I also noticed that Patches didn’t eat...
  7. B

    Sneezing and slight cough. What is it?

    Hello, I recently got two new skinny pigs about a week ago Char(Charcoal) and Scotch. When I first got them I heard small sneezing noises and was highly concerned. I contacted the local pet store where I received them (private owned pet store). The pet store held onto them for a few days and...
  8. B

    Help please!

    Hi , My guineas name is Hendrix , he’s 3.5 years old and I can’t really explain how scared I am for him. Right now I am going through a bit of trouble financially. I just had enough to get his teeth & nails clipped this month, not enough for a 100$ exam like I know he needs. They didn’t give me...
  9. H

    Guinea Pig Mouth Lumps

    So I already have a vet visit scheduled for this week coming up but I’m a worried piggy mom. My guy has had a run in with his old cage mate years ago so his lip is split all the way up basically. But he has gotten chellitis(sp?) in the past so ik how to treat that so I have been doing so since...
  10. G

    UTI prevention

    Hi friends I am VERY stressed out (that's an understatement) My piggy Wilbur is being treated for a UTI, and now that he's almost done his treatment his cage mate Babe just started peeing blood today. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! I keep their cage spic and span, I change their fleece once every three...
  11. greensn

    3 boars after vet--help!

    Norman (2) and Leroy (1.5) have been living together since Winter of 2016. I introduced a rescue, Stewie (2), who is asthmatic, about a month ago, and they are doing amazing! Norman has recurring health issues linked to his middle ear infections. He has nerve damage that causes him to blink less...
  12. E

    The hot weather

    Hey, I have 3 long haired guinea pigs and they really do hate the hot weather. They are fine in the garden as long as it’s 24degrees or below. Anything more like it has been over the weekend and they become very uncomfortable. Upon coming home today my other half found a very uncomfortable pig...
  13. Jordyn Warner


    My two boys have a uti's :( I know what I need from the vets and I know that it is uti's as its been passed from one to the other. :( Does anyone know if I have to have the check up to get medicine. Or can I just get the medicine they need without the £33 added consultion fee for them to tell me...
  14. V

    Guinea pig biting at scab?

    Hi all, My guinea pig had surgery about 4 weeks ago on a tumour that the vet thought was an abscess. Once they opened up the lump on her rear, they obviously found out that it was a tumour, and so they simply closed it right back up again. We noticed that she was messing about with her scar for...
  15. Kallasia

    Metacam - pain relief

    Hi all! So, after his surgery, Errol has been on 0.3ml of metacam daily. It's helped with his recovery and given older brother Binky some respite for a few hours after Errol takes it - it makes him go all funny, stumbling around and napping loads, like he's high or tripping! I said about the...
  16. Beth Steele

    Guinea Pig Sickness

    Please help- I'm very worried. For the past week, my guinea pig (Choco) has been sneezing. Today I came downstairs and noticed she looked severely ill. She had some white discharge around her eyes, her fur was puffy, wasnt eating, and just wasn't acting like herself. I immediately brought her to...
  17. sazmatazz

    Ovarian Cysts - Draining Procedure In Older Guineas

    Hi everyone. I've been meaning to post about Mabel's cyst situation for a while in the hope that it might be helpful to others. We've now had Mabel for 4.5 years, when we got her from a rescue we were told she was 3-4 yrs, so she's around 7-8 years old. Our old lady piggy <3 In the last couple...
  18. NatalieW

    Saying Good Bye To Blodwen

    Hi, I used to be a member of this forum ages ago but forgot my details so I have set up a new account, my three guinea pigs are all around 6 years old. I've been away for a week with my dad looking after my pigs, been back about three days, and I noticed something wasn't right with Blodwen, She...
  19. Ketoprofene17

    Vets In/around Birmingham

    Hi all, New member here, writing on behalf of a 5 months old boar I got about 3 weeks ago. I'd like to take him for a general health check in January and have been looking on this forum for vet recommendations in the Birmingham area. Marie Kubiak seems to have left Black Vets based on info I...
  20. Jesse's pigs

    Mo's Ear

    Is This Squabbling Or A Sign The Bond Isn't Going To Work Out? On this thread I shared a picture of Mo's ear that had a white spot on it because I wondered if the pairs squabbling had anything to do with it.I'm happy to say both boars are still together (still the odd squabble though!) Now...