
  1. D

    High protein in urine?

    I bought some of those at home urinalysis dip sticks when we had a UTI scare with one of my boys. Since then, I have periodically been testing their urine for any abnormalities. Over the past few weeks, I have realised that the result seems to come up with high protein content (but nothing...
  2. GeorgiaHarris

    Mucus in urine

    I’ve had my 2 month old skinny pig sow out for lap time and I’ve just noticed that after she urinated there was some mucus attached to her genitals. Her urine looks completely normal and there is no mucus in her urine it’s just attached to her afterwards. I wiped it off, the first bit was...
  3. annachristina_piggies

    Blood stains or not?

    Tommy had a bladder stone removed 6 weeks ago and was on antibiotics afterwards for possible infection, along with painkillers and supplements for cystitis. His pee looks like it had blood in it - at one point it definitely did since I saw him do a pee and it was red straight away as he was...
  4. C

    Incontinent Guinea Pig?

    Hello :) I have two 5 yo unspayed sows. Bella has had query UTIs in the past and it has cleared up with antibiotics. Recently I have noticed she is wet with urine under her stomach, no strong smell and no squeaking when passing urine. I took her to the vets last week, he was able to get some...
  5. Joannajars

    Blood in pee

    My 1 and a half year old Seymour has been crying while peeing for a few weeks now, and now I noticed today that he is also peeing blood, he doesn’t wee very much or drink very much lately but he is still his usual self. I hope no one thinks it’s cruel that I haven’t yet taken him to the vets but...
  6. Aubrey&Lup'sMum

    Blood in urine?!

    Taking measurements for new fleece just now and I have noticed that my girls' urine is a different colour to usual. It is way darker with a reddish tinge that I am concerned is blood. I have included pics from 3 places today, and also still had some of the puppy pads that I cleaned up last...
  7. Shaivy


    I found that my guinea pig pee is leaving this white compound , I am observing it from 4-5 days and today it's little gritty too , what could it be? Help?
  8. C

    Help My Female Guinea Has Problem But I Don’t Know What To Do.

    My guinea pig has some dark yellow brown stuff around her butt/vagina. And once I found that one part of her hair near to her vagina has is wet and orange, a little bit red
  9. HeatherW

    Strange Reddish Sticky P

    I've just gone to say goodnight to my piggies and noticed a couple of tiny blobs of reddish sticky goo stuck to the fleece. It seems to have become harder/stickier as it dries. It *could* have come from the pieces of bell pepper, but there's no food (or evidence that they've bern eating it)...
  10. MilliePigs

    Blood In Urine

    Hello everyone, I have read the forums here a lot but never made an account, until today. I have two pairs of boars, both very lovely, and today was bath day, much to their demise. Anyway, when I was bathing the second pair, Bumble was waiting in the empty bath patiently while I was cleaning...
  11. annachristina_piggies

    Blood In Guinea Pigs Urine

    Last week I noticed that my 2 year old boar has a red tint to his urine which I can only assume was blood. I've booked him a vet appointment this evening however last night I was checking him and noticed his urine was clear again. Should I still take him to the vets? I don't want to have to put...
  12. Finty

    Post Neutering Op

    Hi, my guinea pig was neutered yesterday and his behaviour is what I expect to be typical for a recovering guinea. For example, being less active etc. I have laid towels out in his cage to make sure nothing sticks to his wounds. However, I have discovered that his urine has become extremely...
  13. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Boy Bits?

    Sorry if this is a silly question! So quite often when I pick Iggy up he leaks a drop of white liquid or from his willy. Especially when being examined. With his many problems I just figured it was due to swelling or something initially. Is it a boy thing? I'm quite new to boy bits so I'm...
  14. Lunaandmaggie

    Urinating A Lot

    So my piggie Luna has been peeing everywhere, I am holding her and she urinated on me 7 times and my cousin 5 times in like 2 hours. It's really worrying. Dose anyone know what that means?
  15. G

    Normal Urine Color? (pictures Attached)

    I had my piggies out on a pee pad today while I cleaned their cage.. when I was done, I noticed one of them had peed a bright pink color. It dried the same color. Is this normal?
  16. GirlFromMars

    Blood In Urine

    Hi, I've been reading this forum for a while and have found lots of useful information (thank you!) but I've finally made an account because I'm worried about one of my boys! We adopted him and his friend (both three years old) back in February And last week we found some blood spots in the...
  17. Jesse's pigs

    Wheeking When Weeing

    So hi guys it seems for every good post I make something goes wrong! So I moved Mo into his cage yesterday and he's all excited and happy. Pooing fine and urinating fine. All night aswell (I went to sleep at 12 pm) and I'm a light sleeper with him next to my bed. The bad stuff starts the...
  18. ToastandBeans

    Beans Weeing On Toast

    So it's pen time where I sit in a pen with them so they trust me and I give them strokes but this time Beans was in a tube and Toast was going in too. Beans was shooting wee out of her onto Toast like a water gun. Is this normal and what does it mean?
  19. Jesse's pigs

    Mo's Bits And Bobs

    Hi guys it's me again with another question that if it wasn't piggy related I'd probably be locked up for asking haha. Basically I just cleaned my piggy out like usual- shook his fleece and removed hay and poos. I proceeded to give him his little stroke where he rolls over and reveals his belly...
  20. CharlotteR34

    Blood In Urine?

    Hi, just had my two pigs out, they are both males and I noticed these little marks on my fleecy blanket. When I touch it it's wet so its fresh. I've tried looking at the colour an it's a mix between pink and brown, so I don't know if it's a UTI or when they've pooped and peed at the same time...