
  1. Puddles1999

    Recurring bladder issues

    Hi everyone. Penelope has been having off and on UTI’s for a while now. A month ago I took her to the vet and had her bladder expressed as I thought she may have another uti. I guess her bladder was very very inflamed & painful as she was very vocal when having it expressed. She was in a lot of...
  2. piggycuddler_44

    Blood in urine won't go away

    Hi, I noticed blood in my male guinea pig's urine a month ago, and bought him to a vet that specialises in Guinea Pigs. They put him on pain meds and antibiotics for a while (1.5 weeks), but nothing changed. Since then, they did an ultrasound, x ray,and checked his kidneys. He did have a lot of...
  3. D

    Smelly urine and wet bum

    Hello, I have recently rescued a 4.5 year old guinea pig and paired him with my existing boar who was also bereaved. I've had two boys previously but the newest boy Gingernut seems to wee a lot and sometimes has a wet bum His urine smells much worse worse than the other piggies. Just wondering...
  4. Gemma W

    Smelly urine with blood

    Hello everyone, I'm after some advice/opinions on the treatment given to my two year old female guinea pig recently for blood in her urine. A couple of weeks ago I noticed she appeared to have done one orange/pale red coloured wee. I think she did squeak a little bit as if in slight...
  5. L

    Blood in urine, emergency vets?

    Hello, my female Guinea pig has just weed this bright red urine. She hasn’t eaten anything which I think could have caused it to become this colour. She does seem in some discomfort but no squeaking or anything that I have noticed. She is eating and moving around. She has also jsut had quite a...
  6. Federica93

    Blood in urine?

    Hello, everyone, I've noticed that my guinea pig's pee, once ascended, has become this color. I will preface this by saying that the guinea pig only eats hay and some pellets (on vet's advice). The guinea pig eats and seems fine to me. Should I be worried?
  7. D

    Blood in Urine and Enlarged Nipple and Closed Vet for 2 Days!

    Hi! My 3.5 year old Piggie Ralphina had blood in her urine 2 weeks ago so I went to the emergency vet, did X-rays, no stones, they said it was UTI and gave her pain meds and antibiotics. Did that for a week, didn’t see any blood, finished the meds a few days ago, then came home from work last...
  8. G


    Hi! I’m looking for help. I have a female Guinea pig that started to do a pink pee, after that a red pee, and also she was squeaking doing pee/poop. I took her to the vet, she started taking the medication (sulfamethoxazole 0.5ml at every 12 hours and meloxicam 0.2mg, one pill and after a couple...
  9. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Blood in urine.

    Hi guys! (Sorry I only seem to come on when I need help, it’s been really difficult with losing piggies and poorly piggies I’ve been finding it hard to come on.) After losing Iggy last year I thought my bladder troubles were behind me but boy was I wrong. My beautiful Andromeda has started...
  10. C

    Red urine

    My Guinea pig has been losing weight slowly these past few weeks. The other night I noticed pink blood and was hoping it was something she ate. It continues to be red. There are no vets open today and I have I’ll try to get her in tomorrow but any advice on what I should be doing for her right...
  11. hannahs26

    Probable urine scald :-(

    Hi everyone, been a while posting here - always seems to be when something is wrong! (I am so grateful for this forum in times of need!) So I had to take my 5yr old sow Jessie to the after hours vet this eve, after she hadn't eaten for nearly 3 hours. Noticed she was in need of a good bum wash a...
  12. Puddles1999

    Blood in urine that you can’t see?

    Recently penelope went to the vet to have her teeth checked and nails trimmed. I’ve noticed she’s had quite smelly pee lately and have been giving her the Sherwood urinary support tablets that are supposed to be fantastic. She ever so kindly peed on the table for the vet 🤣 and they tested it. He...
  13. al34ex

    Pelvic Symphysis Dilated - Pain Management

    Hi everyone, One of my piggies, Charlie (about a year old) gave birth last November to 3 healthy babies (she was unknowingly pregnant when I got her last September). Since then, she has been struggling with dirty wet urine bum (with no other symptoms) and despite my best efforts to keep her...
  14. bbddf

    Possibility of Guinea Pigs With Gluten Intolerance Linked To Bladder Problems

    * Disclaimer: This is only a theory that I have come up with. It is not a diagnosis. I am not a medical professional or veterinarian. I made an effort to use reputable resources. I have provided references in relation to my ideas. This is my own research. Please know, I am not forcing the idea...
  15. Puddles1999

    Powder or sludge in guineas pee?

    Hi everybody! I was holding my baby, Minnie. Minnie peed on a towel I was holding her with and her pee smelt insanely bad and potent. Also this stuff also appeared in the area she had peed. Now I’m not sure if it was there before but I messed with it with a toothpick to see it’s...
  16. B

    Intermittent whimpering during urination/defecation

    Dear all! I am turning to you now for advice about a ~3 year old sow with an extremely mysterious case of intermittent whimpering/crying during urination/defecation. The symptoms started last summer(ish), but they subsided within a couple of weeks, with the vet (cavy-savvy) not finding anything...
  17. Rufus&Edward

    UTI/bladder stones?

    My piggy has been slowly but steadily losing weight; over the last 10 days he's lost 100g. He's a recently diagnosed dental piggy (January this year) so doesn't have much weight on him due to that, so he is now getting dangerously underweight (800g this morning). For reference he's 3.5 years old...
  18. Jasmine-sleeps

    Bladder stone?

    Hi guys, Sorry to be that annoying newbie immediately looking for advice. I found this on my pigs bed today, it looks like a weird poo with calcium deposits around it. The stone looking bit was like soft grit. I know its relatively normal for pigs to excrete excess calcium through urine, but...
  19. ashleemelda

    Questions After Vet Visit

    I've posted on here several times (so very sorry!) about having taken my girls to the vet on Monday, December 2 in large part due to the fact that the frequency of their poops had gone down significantly. They were prescribed Bactrim (SMZ-TMP) to take twice daily in case it was the start of an...
  20. ashleemelda

    Orange/Rust-Colored Urine, Result of Medication?

    My girls went to the vet on Monday, December 2 and were prescribed Bene-Bac Plus Microbial Gel (given by mouth once daily for 10 days) and Bactrim/SMZ-TMP (given by mouth twice daily for 10 days) to aid in what she believed was the start of an infection. Since then, I have noticed that their...