
  1. shujuju

    Can Guinea Pigs Travel With Me Between Two Houses Often?

    so I used to own a guinea pig years ago and he was the sweetest little piggy, I loved him so much, but alas he lived at my moms house and I was not with him enough to take care of him and the burden was left on my mother. This lead to her giving away my piggy and I do miss him, but I have been...
  2. violetgirl


    I just brought home a 4 year old guinea pig named Violet. We had a 15 minute car ride home and she did NOT like it. When we got home I gave her some veggies and held her in my lap. She seemed fine and i put her back in the cage. I had to leave for several hours. When I came back,I had to...
  3. Danielle Smith

    Separating Guinea Pigs For Travel

    At some point, my partner and I are going to take the pigs with us on a long weekend, requiring a minimum 5 hour train journey. I know they can do it, as I travelled that far to get them -- last time they were in a carrier lined with fleece, some hideys, and hay and cucumber. It may have helped...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Separation Anxiety..

    Sorry if this isnt the right place to put this but its the only place that seemed most relavent.. Okay so what I'm about to say may sound very silly to most people, but I love my pigs very much and we have a very close bond.. I'm planning on taking my mum away for a few days to a caravan park...
  5. PRC

    Travelling Guineas

    I am soon to move from Essex to Wales. I have 8 pigs who currently live in beautifully designed sheds with tunnels to runs in the garden. One shed has 5 males, the other a neutered male and 2 females. They are very spoiled and also fairly wild. The boys are prone to fighting if in too close...
  6. Guineapigfeet

    Travel Box - Experience / Opinions?

    I'm looking at these two boxes (for two pigs) and was wondering if anyone had any experience of them / opinions? The reviews for both on Zooplus and Amazon are, naturally, mixed! Catit Design Cabrio Pet Carrier | Great deals at zooplus! Nobby Avior Pet Carrier | Free P&P on orders £29+ at...