
  1. MoruMum

    Transatlantic Flight London to Tokyo - Pigs in Cargo

    Hi, I’m currently doing a lot of research as I’m in the middle of a job interview process that, if successful, will require relocating from the UK to Japan. I have two lovely, bonded guinea pigs (around 4 years old) who are very dear to us. I’m trying to decide whether it’s possible and safe...
  2. R

    Guinea Pig - Travelling with Cystic Ovaries

    First, thank you to this community for providing so much good advice that has helped me care for my guinea pigs! I have concerns about an upcoming car journey with the pigs when I suspect one of them has cystic ovaries. The trip is in a month and mandatory since I am moving for work. It will...
  3. Mh29

    Travelling with piggies

    Hi, just looking for some advice. I’m going to be travelling in the car with my 2 pigs. Both girls. The journey will be around 1 hr 30/45 mins. I was planning on getting 2 separate carriers to allow them to have enough space but if I do this will they be alright when I put them back together...
  4. Oinkpiggies

    How long can my pigs be in the cold?

    I’m from the US, it’s going to be 50 degrees Fahrenheit when i take them to the vet. I have to walk, it’s only a 5 minute walk but we also have a wind advisory so I’m worried something will happen to them :( i could take an Uber if i have to but was wondering how long until it is unsafe for them...
  5. M

    Traveling out of UK to US/Canada.

    We are thinking of going to England next year. Was curious if anyone if familiar with flying out of England to IS/Canada and brining a couple Guinea pigs home with us… in cabin. There is a particular breeder I’m in love with over there and since we may be going for a wedding anyways I thought I...
  6. A

    Help please! Transporting a 6 year old pig by cargo

    Hi! My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
  7. Z

    Boarding, fighting, separating

    Hello to everyone! I got a new Guinea Pig about two months ago, shes still young and wild. The others are 1-3 yrs old. At home in their very large cage they’ve all gotten along fine. No fighting or problems at all. I’m out of town and boarded them for a couple days so their temporary/travel...
  8. Sapphire

    Travel with Guinea Pig Help!

    Hi guys! I am going away for a while soon, and I really don’t want to leave my guinea pig because all family and friends are busy. And I want to leave her with someone that she knows and is familiar with. I have a little travel case to take her in but I have no idea what to leave her in where...
  9. theparenttoaperuvianandtexel

    guinea pigs don’t eat when i’m gone

    I'm not completely sure where i should write this but hopefully this will work. my guinea pigs don’t eat very much when i’m not the one feeding them or when i’m not home. is that normal? and if not what can i do to prevent it? they’re both nine months old and i’ve had them since they were three...
  10. S

    Moving from Us, to Uk

    Hi, I wanted to see if there was any advice anyone could give on taking my piggies with me to the UK, I’m moving there soon to be with my husband and I’m not sure the best way to go about it. I love them and don’t want to rehome them as I’ve only just started gaining their trust and they are...
  11. J

    is it okay to temporarily downsize your pigs cage?

    so i’m going out of town for 5 days this week, and i’m leaving my piggies with my grandmother for those few days. usually my pigs have 2 connected midwest cages and free roam most of the day, but my grandmother lives in a smaller apartment and most likely won’t have space for both cages. my...
  12. Jesse's pigs


    Anyone used a courier to transport their new piggies home if coming from a far away place and have any they recommend. I’ve opened my search to areas further away in my quest of finding a friend for Bellamy (obviously won’t be booking anything until lockdown clears up). Bit dubious of just...
  13. mochalily2020

    transatlantic flight

    Hi everyone, I currently live in London with my 4 year old guinea pigs and a little rescue dog. My partner has recently gotten a job opportunity to move to Montreal, Canada and this move should take place in about 4 months or so. I am very reluctant to make this move but with the current...
  14. ashleemelda

    Piggy Travel Anxiety

    Last week I made a post about how my family and I will be taking my two guinea pigs, Moira and Rose, along with us from Virginia to Illinois for the holidays, as there are no boarding facilities nearby and the people I would trust to watch them also go on vacation. It is an approximately 9 hour...
  15. ashleemelda

    Traveling with two guinea pigs for the holidays.

    Every year my family and I make the approximately 9 hour and 15 minutes (not including stops at gas stations, rest areas, and drive-thrus) car ride from Virginia to Illinois for Christmas. We are usually there for about a week. This year we will be taking my two guinea pigs, Moira and Rose...
  16. ChubbyCarrots

    3 hour car journey - any advice please?

    Hello, I’m going to be travelling for 4 hours and I’m taking my babies with me, we’ve travelled before but we’ve only been in the car 2 hours max. I have no family or friends to leave my piggies with unfortunately or I would save them the trouble. I’m just looking for any advice for car...
  17. ElizaCavies

    My experience of travelling in the car with the pigs

    Hi everyone, So I recently went to Cumbria for a week where my family have a house. Because we were going away for a week and were taking the car, it seemed like a sound idea to take my now 6 week old guinea pigs with us. By now we had had them for just a week and I was a bit nervous but was...
  18. CavyIris

    How To Transport 4 Guinea Pigs?

    Hello, I'm not sure how i am to transport my guinea pigs to our summer place, this is the first time we are going with them. I know not to transport them two in one cage, but are there any cages you know of i can divide, or something similar? its a 4 and a half hour drive, so quite long for them...
  19. ChubbyCarrots

    Car Journey

    Hi, my guinea pigs (10 months old), Buddy and Coco are both travelling for 3 hours tomorrow in a car. Does anyone have advice for that car journey, I'm really nervous. Many thanks, Hannah.
  20. Joannajars

    Tips And Tricks For Long Distance Travel?

    Hello everyone, I am a student and so live with my 3 boars in a different city to where my parents live and so over Christmas break will be going home for 3 weeks leaving me no option but to take them with me. It's a 2-3 hour drive and will have to be there and back (3 weeks apart though) I...