teeth chattering

  1. Walky

    Good Teeth Chattering?

    Okay, I have a really weird question, but I didn`t find anything on the matter, so here goes Is it possible for teeth chattering to be not-bad? I ask that because I`ve noticed weird behaviours on my two piggies, Porca and Cookie. So the story goes like this: I've been training them to come when...
  2. Siikibam

    Mounting And Humping

    We were eating dinner when I heard the boys busy running around. I came to investigate (it was quite boisterous) and found Toffee chasing Fudge around, teeth chattering on and off. He was also mounting and humping him. It’s been going on for at least 10mins now. Should I just leave them to it...
  3. E

    My Dominant Sow Is Bullying The Rest

    I have three sows, two are from the same litter and one which I have just recently adopted. They have a big cage with ample running space. When the new sow was adopted I followed the instructions of bonding in order for the process to go smoothly. After the hierarchy was established I believe...
  4. M

    Two Boars Had A Fight

    I have two male guinea pigs who were getting on fine until about four weeks ago when they started loudly teeth chattering at each other. It then progressed into one of them occasionally lunging at the other, before they both ran off. Usually when they're like this it's when they're having floor...
  5. E

    Teeth Chattering

    When i put my hand in the cage my 1 pig often starts loudly chattering his teeth, i thought this was a sign of aggression? am i wrong? or can it mean other things?