
  1. W

    Eye issue

    Hi, I'm wondering if maybe more experienced piggy owners could help me weigh out risks for one of my piggies. I currently share life with 3 senior piggies, however I have one called Butter Ball who has recently had eye issues. We believe he was injured by his now ex-cage mate (they're still...
  2. Xmolxlie

    Spaying a 4 year old female guinea pig with cystic ovaries.

    Hi! I have two guinea pigs that I’ve had since May 2018, I got them from a friend who couldn’t take them with her when she moved, and I know they are a little over 4 years old. My friend had Foxy, the male pig, neutered before he turned 1, and recently I took Kovu my female pig to the vets, and...
  3. mochalily2020

    Overnight neuter procedure

    Hi everyone, My male piggie is due to be neutered this coming week and the vet had recommended he spend the night at their practice. However, when I asked if there is anyone there at night she said no which made me a little anxious because this means that from 9pm-6am there will be nobody...
  4. L

    Bladder surgery cost

    I’m after some general advice please on surgery cost. My piggy Biscuit (male, 3 years) has been diagnosed with bladder stone after an ultrasound and he needs surgery. We have already spent over £300 to get him diagnosed and our vets has now quoted over £800 for surgery! We really can not afford...
  5. N

    Dental Advice after Dental Surgery

    Hi 👋🏻 My pig had dental surgery two weeks ago tomorrow but since then he hasn’t been eating or drinking. He still seems to be interested in food but just sniffs it. He hasn’t gone to his bottle at all since. I’ve been feeding him critical care in the meantime but it’s exhausting and very hard...
  6. L

    Butt/back lump removal/advice

    My guinea pig Peach (2 years old, female) recently developed a lump on her back/booty area maybe 2 weeks ago. I, of course, took her to the vet, though she seemed (and continues to seem) absolutely fine - eating, drinking, zooming, etc. The vet first attempted to drain the lump, in case...
  7. bbddf

    Boar Neuter/Castration Support!

    Hi guinea lovers, I've had some amazing help on here, some of which I haven't always had time to respond to, but is much appreciated. This is an amazing online community and I am grateful for all of the information here. I have my two boars who fell out booked in for neutering on the 25th...
  8. O

    Urgent help + advice needed! Guinea pig wheezing after surgery

    My 2 year old boy was neutered this afternoon. When we got back (about 6:30), I syringe fed him some critical care to make sure his gut was moving and then left him to recover for 2 hours. He seemed ok and was eating a bit of hay and sleeping mostly. However, when I got him out to do another...
  9. K

    Boars smell after neutering

    Hi, My two boars have recently been neutered, bless them. Health-wise, they are both doing great. They’re both eating, drinking, pooping etc. But they both stink! It’s a very pungent smell (one is worse than the other) that’s quite hard to describe. I’m not sure if it’s seepage from the...
  10. AdamFrench

    Persistent blood in urine, no stones and no pain

    Hi, We’ve got two girls 3 and 4 year old - the 4 year old has been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis almost a year ago. She is on continuous pain/inflammatory meds (metacam and tramadol) alongside nutracyst. This seemed to do the trick as her weight is consistent and she’s just a bubbly and...
  11. Flinty

    Charities to help vet costs?

    Hi all, I have a 4 year old neutered male guinea pig who very unfortunately has a bladder stone. After long discussions and thoughts we decided not to opt for the stress and uncertainty of surgery, but to medicate and keep a close eye, intervening when we need to. You'll all know how...
  12. H

    Young Female Guinea pig with abscess! I need help!

    I have two beautiful guinea pigs named Henry and Celestine (both female). Celestine, the younger female piggy, has had struggles with abscesses. She first had an abscess that was lanced and drained and healed but a new one has grown back. The abscess is on her chin/neck area and is quite large...
  13. Kallasia

    Metacam - pain relief

    Hi all! So, after his surgery, Errol has been on 0.3ml of metacam daily. It's helped with his recovery and given older brother Binky some respite for a few hours after Errol takes it - it makes him go all funny, stumbling around and napping loads, like he's high or tripping! I said about the...
  14. Kosson

    Surgery Or Not...

    I have a 4 years old guinea pig (Kosson, born in July to August 2013). In the mid-October 2017, I noticed that the colour of her pee was rather pink, and also she was crying a little when she urinated + lost her appetite a little. I took her to the nearby vet, who is not specialised to exotic...
  15. Osidian

    Orange Pee , Uti?

    Hi, My guinea pig had an orange pee today. And make some sounds while stand still (I'll guess is pain wen he is peeing). I can't get a vet today or tomorrow because is Christmas. And they are all closed. Best chance will be Tuesday the 26 in the morning! What can i do to help him, and make...
  16. Anon--

    Need Some Help

    I'm new to this site and to the situation my guinea pig is in, but anyway to start things off I need to explain everything. So about a week ago my guinea pig, Blake, had to be spayed to remove an ovarian cyst. The operation went fine and everything after that was going well, long story short...
  17. TheLottiediarys

    Can Someone Please Advice Me What My Options Are With An Abcess?

    I'm getting concerned with Anya So she's been to the vets three times in a couple of months with this Abscess now, First they just.. burst it? Cleaned it out with the curved ended syringe and gave us Painkillers and Baytril to sort it, That didn't work so I took her back and it has already...
  18. L

    Feeding Help Needed After Dental Surgery!

    Hello. I'm after some advice after my boar guinea pig had dental surgery this Tuesday. He had lost weight and stopped eating due to overgrown front teeth and molars. Plus he had cracked one of the bottom teeth. He went under a GA and pulled through the surgery. He has been syringe fed since then...
  19. D

    Possible Bladder Stones/infection?

    Last month, my gorgeous 3yr old piggie Robbie passed a huge plug of some kind out of his urethra and had to get it removed by the emergency vet. His normal vet then prescribed him a week's worth of Baytril and said we'd keep an eye on him. He seemed to be doing okay, eating fine and everything...
  20. Parnassus

    Prepping For Post-op Care

    Hi all! I've been casually documenting my preparations to take care of Blade after her spay tomorrow! It's my first time having a guinea pig in for any surgery, so I'm quite nervous. The best way I can settle my nerves is to prepare for anything! Here's Blade (chocolate satin, white pants)...