
  1. McNallington


    Hi everyone, I just wondered whether anyone could offer me a bit of advice about my piggies? I have had my two girls for nearly three years and there has always been mounting going on but recently it's become constant. It used to be in a cyclical nature so I don't know whether or not it was...
  2. Guinea Winnie

    Fighting Females

    I have two girls that have been together since birth (sisters) but haven't stopped fighting since. There's been a lot of flying fur, but no literal bloodshed which is why I haven't separated yet. I've been told that since they're one year and three months old, they may still be maturing. I am...
  3. lovewalkedby

    New Guinea Pig(s)?

    i have had my sow, amy, for four years now and sadly she has been kept alone for two years. i have never tried resocializing her after my last sow, cookie, passed away (two years ago). the reason i haven’t tried pairing her up isn’t because she seems rude or i believe she wouldn’t do well with...
  4. Isabela

    Bullying Guinea Pig

    Hello, so I have two 5 months old guinea pigs, females. One is always bullying the other one. The other one screams and is afraid of her, but she doesn't have any marks on her. The ''more dominant one'' jumps at her and tries to scare her. Can you help me? Are they in this time of the year?
  5. Jesspiggies

    3 Sows: Tips To Help Bonding

    Hi guys, I had one sow (Berry, around 6 years old) originally and 2 days ago I took in two young sows (pumpkin, and Wednesday, both around 6 months old) So basically, when they were first out together they were wonderful, they were eating together on neutral surroundings. I had a couple of...
  6. Little Pigs

    Should I Adopt A Male Or Female For My Boar?

    I have two boars however, since adolescence they have fought and nip each other constantly - they had plenty of room in their cage! The problem started as one of my boars was already very 'snuggly' and would press himself against his cage mate and sleep on top of him! However his friend did not...
  7. Jennybug89

    They're Getting Along But...

    So I introduced my two sows yesterday and they are getting along famously from what I can tell. Apart from when it comes to food. Rosie (a little older and significantly bigger) doesn't seem to want to share. Even if I lay out quite a big pile, or two bowls. Rachel is more timid away and is put...
  8. Jennybug89

    So Today My Piggies Met!

    I decided today to introduce Rosie and Rachel. I feel it was a huge success. Aside from a bit of head nudging from Rosie when Rachel sniffed her a bit too much, and Rachel getting very vocal when Rosie was licking her bum (is that a normal thing?!) they were wheeking together like crazy. And...
  9. Sharon Cleary

    Cage Size For 5 Sows?

    What is the recommended cage size for 5 sows? I currently have 2 guinea pigs, but want to adopt 3 pigs that need to be rehomed. My pigs are housed in a wooden cage I made that measures 40" x 68" (18.8 sqft2). Will my current cage support the space required for five total sows, when I...
  10. Nathan & Codi

    Bullying The Newborns

    Hi i have just introduced my newborn's and their mother to my three other female pigs but they seem to be bullying the baby pigs chasing them and I noticed one chewing fur. The mother and another of the females are not getting on and are chasing each other around the cage. Any idea on what I can do?
  11. Pig_mum

    Help! My New Guinea Pig Is Being Bullied

    I have two guinea pigs, Primrose (1 year and 2 months old) and Jemima (approx. 6 years old). I adopted Jemima with another guinea pig, Gordon, from Woodgreen Animal Shelter 4 years ago and due to a number of health complications, Gordon died in February 2016. So in the April of 2016, we got...
  12. Eggfriend

    Poop Stuck

    i picked up my female guinea pig and noticed she has a poop pellet stuck in her vagina. She and her sister are my first guinea pigs, so I'm not very well knowledged in guinea pigs. Does this hurt her? Should I take her to a vet?
  13. AdamFrench

    Ear Biting

    I'm looking for a bit of advice please.. Our two sows were bonded a couple of months ago following the loss of both their companions. One very dominant and the other quite placid and this has been clear since they were bonded. No major issues other than ensuring the hierarchy is still settled...
  14. CavyIris

    Guinea Pig Is Trying To Escape

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs (TinTin and Milou) the are both about 5 months old. I bought a guinea pig yesterday, (Marwin). she was a friends, but my friend couldnt afford her so i took her in. and she is for now in another cage for 2 more days until i have finished building their new cage, in which...
  15. R

    Two Gladiatorial Dominants

    Hey all, Recently I acquired a third female pig (age ~7mo), and have attempted to introduce her to my older (~2yrs) bonded pair (females) three times. Marie is the dominant between the bonded pair (Rosalind is the submissive one), and Kali is the young whippersnapper. First: All three pigs in...
  16. S

    Guinea Pig Weight

    Would you say this is a healthy weight gain or should I put them on a "diet"? Wed, 22nd Feb Boar - Gizmo - 5 Months - 903g Female - Pip - 5 Months - 710g Female - Miffy - 2 Months - 371g Wed, 1st March Gizmo - 5 Months - 950g Pip - 5 months - 755g Miffy - 2 months - 391g And does anyone...
  17. Jesse's pigs


    Hey guys I just thought maybe it'd be cool to share the photos that are piggies aren't being glamorous in and look slightly goofy in because why not? I know my piggy Mo pulls many strange poses so I wondered what strange things you've captured your piggies doing. Who knows maybe we have an...
  18. E

    My Dominant Sow Is Bullying The Rest

    I have three sows, two are from the same litter and one which I have just recently adopted. They have a big cage with ample running space. When the new sow was adopted I followed the instructions of bonding in order for the process to go smoothly. After the hierarchy was established I believe...
  19. meggles1410

    New Girl! Maisie Is In Love Again!

    Hiii x I posted yesterday about how scared I was about going to get a baby for my guinea pig who lost her soul/cage mate last month! Well I got her! a beautiful Peruvian! I was up till the wee hours and woke up early with mixes emotions and butterfly's! The breeder had loada to choose from...
  20. meggles1410

    I'm So Scared And Sad... Mixed Emotions

    its been a very long time since ive posted about 4-3 years ago when i got my pig Maisie and adopted Teddy. well teddy passed over the rainbow bridge last month aged 6-7 we believe due to a massive tumor. this has left me heart broken and Maisie more so as she never left his side! her depression...