skin conditions

  1. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Guinea Pig Skin Conditions?

    Hi, I have two guniea pigs that are around 8 months old. Both of them have been itching occasionally so I had them checked for mites fleas and lice at the vets. They all came out negative. They had a uri when I took them (3 weeks ago) so the doctor prescribed baytril to kill that and she said...
  2. A

    Guinea Has Mange, Vet No Help :(

    Hello, my guinea Millie (5 years old) has had mange for a while now (about 2 months). She has lost quite a bit of fur now and I'm quite worried about her. Her son Harvey lives with her, but he has no signs of it. She has been treated with Xeno 450 spot on (with ivermectin) from the vets (£75!)...
  3. H

    How To Differentiate Mite Infection And Fungal Infection?

    Hi all, one of our Guinea pigs has a small lump and a small bald patch on her left ear. We also find a large bald red patch behind her left ear. Is this a sign of fungal or mite infection? Or is it something else?
  4. crnyng

    Skin Condition? Help.

    So I have had 2 year old female guinea pig for a few months and ever since I had her she has had dandruff. Exsessive amounts even. I have given her a bath for fungal, for lice, given her 3 doses on seperate occasions for mites of revolution and still time after time it comes back. The excessive...
  5. Celine298

    Skin Problems

    Hey all, I was reading through some of your post and saw that Texels are prone to fungal infections, would Abyssinians be prone as well? When I picked my little guy up from the pet shop, he had a bite mark just over his left ear. The lady in the shop said the other pigs had bullied him because...
  6. Toto18

    New Piggie- Mark On Her Back?

    Hi, On Sunday me and my boyfriend bought a pair of beautiful new guinea pig sows. We were told they were 8 weeks but I'm now starting to wonder if they really are, we weighed them for the first time today (until now we didn't want to disturb them too much) they weigh 271g and 236g. When checking...
  7. N

    Does My Piggy Have Mites?

    Hi there We have two indoor piggys, and one of them is all white. I've noticed on her a few times these little dark brown specks that look like dirt all stuck in her fur, mainly around her rear end. A few weeks ago I noticed she had very flaky skin around her rear end too. I sought advice from...