
  1. Josie

    Is My New Guinea Pig Sick?

    I got my GP yesterday at a store. He is a long-haired est. 2 month old piggy. I have gone to the medical emergency site and everything else but nothing seems to be giving me answers! I even called the local vet and they couldn't tell me anything! He sneezes a couple times an hour, when I put him...
  2. Molly Isabella

    Guinea Pig Won't Eat Hard Foods?

    Hi everyone! Okay, so my piggie Kenco has not been right for a while. She seemed to be losing weight and not eating hard foods. By that I mean the foods like carrot, cucumber, pepper. Anything with a bite to it, really. She devours her greens, loves them. So, of course I took her to the exotic...
  3. U

    How Do I Know When It's Time?

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting so sorry to start this off on a sad note. I have an 8 year old guinea pig named Piggy and she's recently started having some serious health issues. I noticed last week that she suddenly lost use of her back legs and shes also having issues with one...
  4. E

    Post Operation Problems

    Our 4 year old guinea pig Mabel stopped eating last week, it took us a day or two to notice something was wrong and we took her to the vets, she needed surgery and a few days later the vet removed her ovaries which had become enlarged. We took her home and have been feeding her a sort of...
  5. G

    Weight Loss

    I just got back from a 1 week vacation and my female guinea pig Toby seems to have lost weight. I have never weighed her before but she is noticeably thinner and lighter. My next door neighbor cam over everyday and changed the water and filled the hay and pellets if needed. My other guinea pig...
  6. D

    Diarrhea And Losing Weight

    Please help us with any ideas you may have. My boyfriend and I have always had 4 guinea pigs. They are separated with 2 in one cage and 2 in the other. A year ago one of our guineas suddenly passed overnight. She had experienced bouts of diarrhea and had lost weight. We had taken her to the vet...
  7. M

    Guinea Pig Has Red-ish Genitals?

    Sorry for the gross pictures, I just wanted to be sure. My other Guinea pig (both female) had a similar problem a few months before she passed. They're both are (and was) pretty young. Probably around 6 years old. Anyways, her genitals are pretty tender and she screams whenever I touch around...
  8. F

    Guinea Pig Vomits (help, I'm Scared For Her)

    So my Guinea pig just threw up and my dad and I have been looking and it appears she has the ''gale'' (In french). She has dry spots all over her body and the other Guinea and her fight . What happenned is that I was looking at her skin outside on the grass, she was eating some, then she started...
  9. S

    Young Gp: Paralysis And Twitching, Seen Vet, Advice Please

    Hello, Our young boy GP Bob is very poorly. He was limp with his head tilted on one side so we took him straight to the vet but tbh the vet was a bit baffled. He has had a Baytril antibiotic injection and is on oral antibiotics and critical care food via syringe. His back legs appeared totally...
  10. L

    Guinea Pig Has Scurvey?

    I took my Guinea pig to the vet about a week or two ago and the vet said my Guinea pig was fine. Though my Guinea pig is balding on either side of her body, less active and is coughing,sneezing and making a strange wheezing sound when she tries to squeak(the coughing sneezing wheezing is off and...
  11. lindsayl

    Emergency - Possible Bloat

    Hi, I have not posted for a really long while but I am having a bit of an emergency! I think my pig has bloat. On one side his stomach appears to be distended slightly and when I tap it sounds hollow. The other side however is fine. He's still eating, drinking and toileting like normal.He is...
  12. SazzaG96

    Emergency Vet!

    Hi Guys, So me and the Guinea pigs have had a very stressful day. Archie was diagnosed with a URI and is now on antibiotics but today Han in the evening starting falling over, eye twitching and tilting his head to the right continuously. I was very worried as Han usually is running about...
  13. Molly Isabella

    Urgent: Advice On Sick Piggy With Bladder Sludge. (euthanasia?)

    (I'm from the United Kingdom) Hi guys. My piggie Oreo is just about 3 years of age. She's always had some health issues and has just been genuinely unlucky. A few months ago she had an operation for an abscess on the side of her stomach. That went successfully and she recovered. For the last...
  14. SazzaG96

    Running Mites

    I believe my boys has got mites as i can see bug crawling in their fur! I was wondering what has caused this, is it common and how do i treat? Can i buy something to fix it or should I go straight to vet?
  15. WinnieandBear

    Fungal? Pus? Strange White Lumpy Matter? Please Help

    Hello again guys, I have discovered yet another problem with one of my girls this morning. Bear has a strange lumpy white/green matter above her nose which doesn't wipe off and I'm suspecting some sort of fungal infection? It's in a strip down her nose and looks like lots of tiny white eggs or...
  16. WinnieandBear

    Strange Lump On Neck

    I was grooming one of my piggies this evening and while me and my mum were giggling about florries very fluffy and somewhat saggy neck, I noticed a small pea sized lump could be felt within the fold of skin. It doesn't seem attached to anything except for loose skin and is under the skin and is...
  17. BrieBB

    Guinea Pig Has "crusty" Fur

    I have a guinea pig that had "crusty" hair on her nose bridge. I ignored it because that was the only spot on her and the rest of her was nice and soft. I was petting her today while she was in her cage and I noticed that her back was now the same "crusty" texture. There probably is a better was...
  18. BrieBB

    How Often Is Too Much Sneezing?

    1 week ago I got 2 guinea pigs Skunk and Calico. Both she's and Calico is sneezing a lot lately. I looked it up and saw that it could be the timothy hay that I am using but Calico is sneezing when I hold her and when she is away from the hay. For around 10-30 minutes she is okay then she starts...
  19. V

    Help! Something On Foot

    Woke up today and noticed this on my piggies foot :( it looks bad but I have no idea what it is, does anyone know and have any tips on what to do? Thanks Pics at: Guinea pigs
  20. G

    Disoriented, Lazy And Wont Eate/drink

    I'm currently with my girlfriend and she has 3 guinea pigs. One of them suddenly got sick. We checked on them about an hour ago and they were all fine. Now one of them is disoriented (refuses to walk and falls over and cant get up again) and she wont eat or drink... She is only almoste 2 months...