
  1. Swissgreys

    Sweet, Sweet Ruby.

    A friend came to visit the other day, and was fascinated by the guinea pigs. She fell instantly in love with Ruby, and wanted to hold her. We said she could hold Lucy or Eddi, but not Ruby. We explained that Ruby is a bit 'special' and only likes DD1 to touch and handle her, and as far as...
  2. Swissgreys

    I Try, Really I Do.

    Even if I do say so myself, my guinea pigs have nice things. I but them lots of natural wooden items for their cages. I sew them a constant supply of lovely fleecy things. They all live in decent sized C&C cages. And I think 3 out of our 4 guinea pigs are truly happy, and appreciate a life...
  3. Swissgreys

    Guinea Pig Magazine - By Ruby

    Oh how exciting, the latest guinea pig magazine has arrived. I love this magazine. Look at that tribe - I would love to live there - so many guinea pigs to be grumpy with, and chatter my teeth at. But wait. That isn't a photo of me. What page is my picture on? What do you mean there...
  4. Swissgreys

    The 'best' Ruby Photo Ever.

    Today DD1 informed me that she had taken the 'best Ruby photo ever'. She asked if we could have it printed, and put it in a frame for her bedroom. Naturally I agreed, and had visions of an artistic photo of Ruby relaxing on her platform in the sunshine, or gazing wistfully into the camera...
  5. Swissgreys

    Ruby - Traumatising Small Children Since 2016

    Ahh, guinea pigs - the perfect pet for children (and their responsible parent of course). We have a pretty constant stream of children through our house, and most of them adore the guinea pigs. Today was no exception - the girls had friends over to play and it was all going well. Until one of...