
  1. CraigGlasgow

    Emeprid For Bloat?

    Hello all! Given how helpful you all were on my last post I was hoping for some new advice. I lost one piggy to gut stasis a fortnight ago, and my other managed to pull through. Weasley has been doing really well for the last week since he came off his meds but we had been staying with...
  2. S

    Salty - Ill (help Would Be Great)

    My guinea pig, salty is currently ill, and we strongly believe it is associated with pooing as his ass is starting to be very brown (covered in poo) as we constantly clean it (once every two days) as he also squeaks whilst pooing (squeaks at least 5 times) and then lets out a strange squeak. I...
  3. P

    Guinea Pig Pooping Less Than Normal

    Hello. My little boar Poe is having some issues with pooping. He's 9 months, and he's had some health problems due to where he came from before I adopted him. I noticed yesterday morning that he had not pooped over night. Which is not normal for the little poop machine. He did start pooping...
  4. TheCavySlave

    Soft Poo?

    I haven't had the boys very long, and I'm worried about their poo, to be honest. Most are normal, but they all seem softer than they should be, some have ridges/dents in the middle and some have a pointed end. Their behaviour is perfectly fine, eating, drinking (they drink less because their...
  5. Brandy

    Where Are The Pretty Cages?

    Ok, my fellow cavy enthusiasts! I'm really getting tired of how ugly my guinea pigs' cage is, especially when I'm trying to decorate my new apartment. Nothing says aesthetically appealing like an ugly wire cage with hay and piggie poop flying everywhere. After scouring the internet for some kind...
  6. Brittany Unrein

    Piggy Poo

    I know black to dark brown oval shaped poo is normal and I'm seeing about 90% of that. The other percent however I need help with. The problem is that I have four males and am not sure which poo is coming from which pig for the most part so I need suggestions on how to figure this out. None...
  7. PeanutandGus

    Hay On Fleece And Poop Questions!

    Hi! Sorry if these questions sound daft, my only excuse is that I'm new to this and still finding my feet! :-) First question, I started using fleece bedding yesterday and I love it! All but the hay which just seems to stick to it and is impossible to hoover/sweep up. I was wondering if...
  8. N

    Soft Poops On Baytril

    Hi my guinea pig Castiel has been on Baytril (0.15ml twice daily) and Loxicom (0.25ml daily) since monday for a uti, he hasn't been eating much, only nibbling hay and very little interest in any veggies. Before the medicine he was in a lot of pain when you touched his stomach, peeing blood and...