
  1. Ginnyandpia

    Piggy Peeing?

    Ginny Pig has started a new thing where she pees on my mom... She'll sit for a cuddle for about 15 minutes and then she'll just let loose with the pee and poop right on my mom. She has only ever peed on me once when she was on antibiotics. She usually poops when being held so that's not a...
  2. Chlawee

    Smelly Cage!

    Hi everyone, I've been using fleece for my babies cage and I recently bought some new fleece. I recently got another piggy and my cage is starting to smell a little more? I'm not sure why. I was thinking of putting puppy pads underneath to soak up any pee? Or does anyone have any better...
  3. Guineapigfeet

    Bb-8 Is Going To Need A Bath!

    I noticed BB's nice bright white patch was not so white at weighing time this weekend. I think she must have napped on pissy newspaper! I gave her a wipe down with a warm damp cloth, much to her disgust, and the mark got removed, but when she was dry she still smelt bad so she's probably going...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Powdery Pee?

    I was just cleaning the pigs cage out (I have fleece) and noticed a few dots of white/cream "paste" is the only word I can use to describe it. I used my finger to see what it was, it was a very powdery consistency so I'm thinking maybe too much calcium in their diet? I can't think how.. They...
  5. Beans&Toast

    Bath Time For Toast

    So my little Toasty needed a late night bath because she peed and poo'd all over her hair (she has long hair at her bum) and it got in quite a mess.. Needless to say she was not amused..
  6. Beans&Toast

    Fleece Isn't Working..

    Okay so I've made the change from woodshavings to fleece. Only thing is when the pigs pee, it just sits in a puddle on the fleece... :td: I'd like to use some kind of fleece but the piggies are running around and getting pee over their paws I've got a fluffy fleece with a layer of paper...
  7. FayeM

    Brown Pee..

    Hi all I have transferred to fleece in the past few days and noticed brown pee stains, I have read a bit about it and seen that when pee reacts with oxygen it can turn brown.. I've had my piggies on white fleece in the run tonight and watched for a while and the pee is coming out white/cloudy...
  8. M

    Help? Guinea Pig Can't Pee And Is In Lots Of Pain...

    My Guinea pig, lucky (ironically), is a female and she's about 4 and a half years old. She's got a sister who's much much (about .5lb) heavier than she is and my Lucky got much thinner over the past few months, you can feel her bones all over. Recently I've heard grunting and squeals (painful)...