
  1. Howard&Vince

    Meet Miss Fluffy Bum And Miss Peachy Bum

    After a great recommendation from a fellow guinea pig fan I collected Miss Fluffy Bum and Miss Peachy Bum from This Little Piggie in Richmond this morning ... After giving them a thorough check they are now relaxing and getting used to the their new home! The Sheltie is Fluffy Bum and the...
  2. VeganIzzy

    Guinea Pig Stressed And Horny

    So I got two Guinea Pigs yesterday, they are sisters. I handled one today, Parsnip, and she was happy to be out of the cage, however upon Parsnip leaving, Raisin began running around and biting on the cage, so I put Parsnip back in. I am worried however as Raisin has been what seems to be...
  3. VeganIzzy

    Guinea Pig Routines?

    This was also posted in another category but I received no replies so am searching for hope in this one! I am getting two Guinea Pigs tomorrow, they're boys and both are two and a half. They're from a friend who couldn't look after them any longer. I was reading upon routines and schedules, and...
  4. WafflesCupcakes

    What Color Is This? Never Seen This Color Pig Before

    hello! I usually don't care much about knowing the exact colour of my pets but I just bought a male baby (I was told he was an aby?) guinea pig and he has red eyes, rosettes fur and grey/brown and red fur. I was wondering what his color was called. I was thinking tortie, but I have a tortie cat...
  5. Celine298

    New Girl

    I'd like everyone to meet the new baby, Lola-Jean! She's an Abby, like my other piggy Sunny. they've had a quick introduction, and it was a massive success! Sunny did a bit of rumble-strutting, a lot of grooming of her little face and seems absolutely delighted to have a new sister...
  6. Cookie&JayJay

    What Can I Feed My Guinea Pigs To Spice Up Their Boring Daily Food Routine?

    Hello, I am new to this forum, and don't quite know how it works, so sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place. I have two guinea pigs, Cookie and Jay Jay. They are both super fat and eat a lot, but everyday eat the same boring things, like cabbage, silver beet, red and yellow silver beet, stuff...
  7. K

    Scared Cavy?

    So I got this little piggy a couple weeks ago and shes still TERRIFIED. I am well aware it takes time for a new cavy to become relaxed and settle in there new home, and even longer to tame them. when i got her i left her alone for about 4 days, only talking to her softly, and only for a brief...
  8. M

    Scruffbag And Binky! Noob Here, Please Help!

    hello! I got my first 2 guinepigs 2 weeks ago from Pets T home, 2 girls, Scruffbag and Binky. I love them and want to do right by them so some experienced owner feedback would be awesome! I'll put pictures of them and their setup below. They get a handful of nuggets each day, unlimited...
  9. Brianna Nordin

    What Could This Be?

    I just got my baby girl Mina and noticed her eye was different the other. Any clue what it could be?
  10. Guineapigfeet


    I don't know if this is the right place to put this , but I love the extra green and the grass background :nod:
  11. Celine298

    My New Traumatised Baby

    Hey all! I recently bought a new guinea pig (Sunny) from a well known and respectable pet shop. I'm aware that they are social creatures and like to be kept in pairs or groups. This pet shop adopts that policy and keeps it's piggys in pairs/groups of the same gender. However, when I picked out...
  12. Keiko The Pig

    First Time Boar Bonding!

    Hi! For those of you who've seen my other posts you know I recently got my first pig, and today his friend grom the rescue came home! It's about a half hour into bonding and there's been rumbling, mounting from both parties, butt sniffing, chasing, and popcorning from both boys! Milo (Keikos new...
  13. Keiko The Pig

    Name Help!

    heres a picture of the young boar I am adopting! Poll to help me name this cutie :)
  14. Keiko The Pig

    Adoption In Process! Name Help!

    Hi everyone! I've been actively searching for a young boar to bond with my Keiko, and the ONE AND ONLY piggies rescue near me came through! They had a litter of 3 pigs recently (mom was already pregnant when they brought her in, obviously they do not breed) and there is one boy! The sisters will...
  15. Keiko The Pig

    Opinions On New Cage?

    Hi, so this is not an infamous C&C cage, but I would like thoughts on it. Right now I have one young boar (3months) in a cage that can only house one pig, I am searching for a friend for him and came upon this. It is from The Guinea Pig Store which is an online store based very close to me, I am...
  16. Keiko The Pig

    Sneezing Young Pig, Worried Owner

    This morning I awoke to hear my young Keiko sneeze a couple of times in a row:( Ive heard him sneeze the odd time here or there or make a sound while grooming that almost sounds like he's sneezing or spitting on himself, but I didn't see this time if he was cleaning or not. I of course went...
  17. Keiko The Pig

    Will Bonding Young Boars Go Horribly Wrong?

    Hi, I've had my guinea pig for just over a month now and he is quite bonded to me recently he has started calling out if I'm out of my room for an hour or two working on the computer. My parents have also noticed this behaviour and agree he needs a friend, however he is quite young and I keep...
  18. A

    New Pig Mum - Ringworm And Guinea Pairs

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and a new pig mum, i got my two sows a month ago, Ann is the younger aged 12 weeks, and Ted is 16 weeks. Recently, i noticed that Ann has a bald patch on her nose which quickly developed into a scabby looking sore. I took her to the vets on Saturday, and got her...
  19. AhoyRuie

    Help With Bonding Two Boars

    Hi so I recently got two guinea pigs, I first got Calcifer who is about 7 months old and i got Makar who is about a month old a few weeks ago, I recently introduced them and everything went well. There wasnt anything besides mounting and rumblestrutting really so I moved them into the same cage...
  20. SazzaG96

    New Owner Advice?

    Hi there! I'm a recent new owner of 2 male guinea pigs and I was hoping for some advice in general about looking after them. They are in a 2 x 3 C&C cage with a loft and I use fleece bedding that is washed every 3 days! They get fresh veggies morning and night and nuggets and hay! Is there...